pbca26 a9d11d7725 pbca26 proposal 7 years ago
README.md pbca26 proposal 7 years ago


pbca26, notary node candidate

Graphical presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lUvRkGiv2NN9rDSjXgszNXakjpol1z3c/view


  • Passionate team member since 2016
  • One of the core developers
  • 8 years of IT experience, 4 years as a full-stack JavaScript developer
  • Blockchain enthusiast

What I do

  • Develop, maintain and constantly improve Agama wallet both desktop and mobile applications, and atomicexplorer.com


  • Bring awareness to Komodo ecosystem by engaging with various crypto communities, integrating new coins into Agama wallet and BarterDEX.
  • Create informational resources to popularize BarterDEX e.g. Coin Market Cap

Earnings Distribution - up to 400 KMD in bounties monthly

  • Mined funds are going to be used to promote growth of Komodo platform.
  • Up to 400 KMD monthly is going to be offered as dev bounties. This initiative will ensure and stimulate continuous technical improvements by community members.

Notary Zone

North America

Public vote address


Private vote address


Thank you for your support and trust!