PTYX11 682d25f5e4
7 years ago
PTYX Notary Proposal.pdf ptyx 7 years ago Update 7 years ago

A Little About Myself and Thoughts

Most people know me from the Slack or Bitcointalk channels as @ptx. When I found Komodo it took me about 2 months to begin to understand what I was beholding. As time passed my passion for the project grew and I volunteered for technical support whenever possible. The core team had a position available for support agent in the early days of the project and that's how my story starts with Komodo.

Previously I worked as a marketing specialist and day trader. Additionally I have management experience. I'm not a developer but it's one of my personal goals is to learn the basics by next year. I dabbled with cryptocurrency nearly 4 years ago and became acquantied with the cli of various daemons. Back then I was interesting in "hacking" and dedicated a year to learning how to operate Linux. Looking back I think that's one of the most useful things I have done.

In the past year I was involved in the testing of BarterDEX core. According to JL777, the early testers are among the first 50 people in the world to have successfully completed atomic swaps. I am experienced with all aspects of the platform including agama, barterdex, parallel chains, spv, jumblr, komodod, and notary node operations.

As the Komodo ecosystem grows, notary nodes will become important entities that will play a critical role in the governance of the platform. In order to take this to the next level I have decided to create a legal structure to declare notary node mining.

This means that PTYX Nodes will be registered as a legal entity. This gives me the ability to use notary funds to pay for events, create contracts, hire personnel, and assist the platform when a legal structure is needed to perform a task. Additionally this will raise the bar and formalization of notary nodes candidates and give us the foundation for future governance that will bridge the traditional system and the Komodo-sphere.I envision our future elections as a massive event where multiple entities backed by the users participate to decide the path the platform takes for the next year.


  • Sponsor at least 1 dapp for Komodo Platform

  • Use funds to promote 2 community workshops and 1 hackathon

  • Represent Komodo in conferences

  • Participate as an active member of the community

  • Act as an ambassador to promote the integration of more projects into the platform

  • Dedicate a percentage of funds to community bounties for testing, documentation,and development

VOTE addresses

AR: R9yoUwwV9ioVXNPP1xottGowhdBMSSqCza


SH: RXXZ6AbQ8CazerJRG2LdjDipxGqh7fU7zE

NA: RGgHtNEAwr9czWQeypyDkmVK58ie7BpAUC

ZAddress: zcBdES1qDShPJnB2uvFNd3RDQttrc1ERWag2MkgwxtM2P1RB7jc2W6mykgmhVuLSdMwMPwvesBhBtEWunsFwDPLNFxg3AJv


  • Self Compiled Notary Nodes
  • Industrial Servers
  • Active member of the community
  • Sponsor of the Komodo Workshop 2018
  • Sponsor of the Komodo Meetup 2018
  • Reward Airdrop - 20% of the KMD generated from Notary mining will be airdropped for each respective region to voters who participated


  • All votes are recorded on the blockchain. All addresses that vote for PTYX Nodes will therefore be entitled to 20% of the

mining rewards. You will receive your airdrop to the address you used to vote.

  • Your rewards will depend on the number of voters and the size of your vote.

  • Mining rewards will be distributed every 4 months.

  • The first milestone is to create the legal entity to legitimize mining income. This will be completed soon after elections.

  • The second step is to setup a parallel chain to represent your 20% share of the mining reward. This will be completed and implemented by 2019. Ideally the issuance of the tokens will be done through a legal structure in a crypto jurisdiction like Singapore.

  • I will provide a report every 4 months on the amount of KMD mined per region to provide transparency.


  • Annual Komodo Meetup (Amsterdam)
  • Money2020 Europe (Copenhagen)
  • Banking Meets Blockchain (Zurich)
  • Blockshow Asia (Singapore)
  • StationF (France)
  • IoT Solutions World Congress (Barcelona)
  • Anarchapulco (Mexico)


NA/Canada, Montreal & EU/France HARDWARE Xeon D-1541 Server

SH/Australia HARDWARE Xeon D-1541 Server

Syndey HARDWARE Xeon D-1541 Server

Asia/Singapore HARDWARE Xeon D-1541 Server

Instructions to Vote

Instructions: Each user will receive VOTE tokens prior to the

election. When the VOTE tokens are distributed, you can vote by

sending the coins to the candidate’s respective address. Each Zone

has an address and below are my addresses divided by zones. If

you wish to vote for me, send your specified amount of VOTE

tokens to the correct zone address.

Example: If you live in Canada and you wish to vote for me, you can

send your Vote to my NA Address.

Example 2: You live in Canada but also like a candidate for Europe.

You can send 25% Vote tokens to my NA Address and the

remaining VOTE to the EU candidate’s address.

Video tutorial:


  • I am a Komodo team member
  • I am helping ChainMakers organize and develop itself. If possible I will involve myself more in order to see it succeed.