import test from 'ava'; import jsdom from 'jsdom'; import whenDomReady from '../'; test.cb('callback fires with global document', t => { t.plan(1); whenDomReady(() => { t.pass(); t.end(); }); }); test('Promise resolves with global document', async t => { t.plan(1); await whenDomReady().then(() => t.pass()); }); test.cb('callback fires with local document', t => { t.plan(1); const config = { html: '', onload: window => whenDomReady(() => { t.pass(); t.end(); }, window.document) }; jsdom.env(config); }); test.cb('Promise resolves with local document', t => { t.plan(1); const config = { html: '', onload: window => whenDomReady(window.document).then(() => { t.pass(); t.end(); }) }; jsdom.env(config); }); test.cb('callback fires if we run after DOMContentLoaded', t => { t.plan(1); const config = { html: '', created: (err, window) => whenDomReady(() => { t.pass(); t.end(); }, window.document) }; jsdom.env(config); }); test.cb('Promise resolves if we run after DOMContentLoaded', t => { t.plan(1); const config = { html: '', created: (err, window) => whenDomReady(window.document).then(() => { t.pass(); t.end(); }) }; jsdom.env(config); }); test('Promise chain helper passes value through', async t => { t.plan(1); await Promise .resolve('foo') .then(whenDomReady.resume()) .then(val =>, 'foo')); });