mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/window.git
Luke Childs
8 years ago
2 changed files with 227 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ |
[ |
"DOMException", |
"NamedNodeMap", |
"Attr", |
"Node", |
"Element", |
"DocumentFragment", |
"HTMLDocument", |
"Document", |
"XMLDocument", |
"CharacterData", |
"Text", |
"CDATASection", |
"ProcessingInstruction", |
"Comment", |
"DocumentType", |
"DOMImplementation", |
"Event", |
"CustomEvent", |
"MessageEvent", |
"ErrorEvent", |
"HashChangeEvent", |
"FocusEvent", |
"PopStateEvent", |
"UIEvent", |
"MouseEvent", |
"KeyboardEvent", |
"TouchEvent", |
"ProgressEvent", |
"EventTarget", |
"Location", |
"History", |
"Blob", |
"File", |
"FileList", |
"DOMParser", |
"FormData", |
"HTMLElement", |
"HTMLAnchorElement", |
"HTMLAppletElement", |
"HTMLAreaElement", |
"HTMLAudioElement", |
"HTMLBaseElement", |
"HTMLBodyElement", |
"HTMLBRElement", |
"HTMLButtonElement", |
"HTMLCanvasElement", |
"HTMLDataElement", |
"HTMLDataListElement", |
"HTMLDialogElement", |
"HTMLDirectoryElement", |
"HTMLDivElement", |
"HTMLDListElement", |
"HTMLEmbedElement", |
"HTMLFieldSetElement", |
"HTMLFontElement", |
"HTMLFormElement", |
"HTMLFrameElement", |
"HTMLFrameSetElement", |
"HTMLHeadingElement", |
"HTMLHeadElement", |
"HTMLHRElement", |
"HTMLHtmlElement", |
"HTMLIFrameElement", |
"HTMLImageElement", |
"HTMLInputElement", |
"HTMLLabelElement", |
"HTMLLegendElement", |
"HTMLLIElement", |
"HTMLLinkElement", |
"HTMLMapElement", |
"HTMLMediaElement", |
"HTMLMenuElement", |
"HTMLMetaElement", |
"HTMLMeterElement", |
"HTMLModElement", |
"HTMLObjectElement", |
"HTMLOListElement", |
"HTMLOptGroupElement", |
"HTMLOptionElement", |
"HTMLOutputElement", |
"HTMLParagraphElement", |
"HTMLParamElement", |
"HTMLPreElement", |
"HTMLProgressElement", |
"HTMLQuoteElement", |
"HTMLScriptElement", |
"HTMLSelectElement", |
"HTMLSourceElement", |
"HTMLSpanElement", |
"HTMLStyleElement", |
"HTMLTableCaptionElement", |
"HTMLTableCellElement", |
"HTMLTableColElement", |
"HTMLTableDataCellElement", |
"HTMLTableElement", |
"HTMLTableHeaderCellElement", |
"HTMLTimeElement", |
"HTMLTitleElement", |
"HTMLTableRowElement", |
"HTMLTableSectionElement", |
"HTMLTemplateElement", |
"HTMLTextAreaElement", |
"HTMLTrackElement", |
"HTMLUListElement", |
"HTMLUnknownElement", |
"HTMLVideoElement", |
"StyleSheet", |
"MediaList", |
"CSSStyleSheet", |
"CSSRule", |
"CSSStyleRule", |
"CSSMediaRule", |
"CSSImportRule", |
"CSSStyleDeclaration", |
"StyleSheetList", |
"XPathException", |
"XPathExpression", |
"XPathResult", |
"XPathEvaluator", |
"HTMLCollection", |
"NodeFilter", |
"NodeIterator", |
"NodeList", |
"XMLHttpRequestEventTarget", |
"XMLHttpRequestUpload", |
"DOMTokenList", |
"URL", |
"Window", |
"_core", |
"_globalProxy", |
"__timers", |
"_top", |
"_parent", |
"_frameElement", |
"_document", |
"_sessionHistory", |
"_currentSessionHistoryEntryIndex", |
"_length", |
"_virtualConsole", |
"length", |
"window", |
"frameElement", |
"frames", |
"self", |
"parent", |
"top", |
"document", |
"location", |
"history", |
"navigator", |
"addEventListener", |
"removeEventListener", |
"dispatchEvent", |
"setTimeout", |
"setInterval", |
"clearInterval", |
"clearTimeout", |
"__stopAllTimers", |
"Image", |
"Audio", |
"postMessage", |
"atob", |
"btoa", |
"FileReader", |
"XMLHttpRequest", |
"ArrayBuffer", |
"Int8Array", |
"Uint8Array", |
"Uint8ClampedArray", |
"Int16Array", |
"Uint16Array", |
"Int32Array", |
"Uint32Array", |
"Float32Array", |
"Float64Array", |
"stop", |
"close", |
"getComputedStyle", |
"console", |
"name", |
"innerWidth", |
"innerHeight", |
"outerWidth", |
"outerHeight", |
"pageXOffset", |
"pageYOffset", |
"screenX", |
"screenY", |
"screenLeft", |
"screenTop", |
"scrollX", |
"scrollY", |
"scrollTop", |
"scrollLeft", |
"screen", |
"alert", |
"blur", |
"confirm", |
"createPopup", |
"focus", |
"moveBy", |
"moveTo", |
"open", |
"print", |
"prompt", |
"resizeBy", |
"resizeTo", |
"scroll", |
"scrollBy", |
"scrollTo", |
"toString" |
] |
@ -1,9 +1,23 @@ |
/* eslint new-cap: ["error", { "capIsNew": false }] */ |
/* eslint new-cap: ["error", { "capIsNew": false }] */ |
import test from 'ava'; |
import test from 'ava'; |
import Window from '../'; |
import Window from '../'; |
import expectedProperties from './fixtures/expectedProperties'; |
test('jsdom config is passed through', t => { |
test('jsdom config is passed through', t => { |
const userAgent = 'Custom user agent'; |
const userAgent = 'Custom user agent'; |
const window = new Window({ userAgent }); |
const window = new Window({ userAgent }); |
t.is(window.navigator.userAgent, userAgent); |
t.is(window.navigator.userAgent, userAgent); |
}); |
}); |
test('properties haven\'t changed', t => { |
// These options need to be enabled so we can iterate on all properties
const window = new Window({ |
features: { |
FetchExternalResources: false, |
ProcessExternalResources: false |
} |
}); |
const properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window); |
t.deepEqual(expectedProperties.sort(), properties.sort()); |
}); |
Reference in new issue