import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import LoadingBolt from 'components/LoadingBolt'
import FormContainer from './FormContainer'
import Alias from './Alias'
import Autopilot from './Autopilot'
import styles from './Onboarding.scss'
const Onboarding = ( {
onboarding : {
step ,
alias ,
} ,
changeStep ,
submit ,
aliasProps ,
} ) => {
const renderStep = ( ) => {
switch ( step ) {
case 1 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = { '1. What should we call you?' }
description = { 'Set your nickname to help others connect with you on the Lightning Network' }
back = { null }
next = { ( ) => changeStep ( 2 ) }
< Alias { ... aliasProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 2 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = { '2. Autopilot' }
description = { 'Autopilot is an automatic network manager. Instead of manually adding people to build your network to make payments, enable autopilot to automatically connect you to the Lightning Network using 60% of your balance.' }
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 1 ) }
next = { ( ) => submit ( alias , autopilot ) }
< Autopilot { ... autopilotProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
default :
return < LoadingBolt / >
return (
< div className = { styles . container } >
{ renderStep ( ) }
< / d i v >
Onboarding . propTypes = {
onboarding : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
aliasProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
submit : PropTypes . func . isRequired
export default Onboarding