import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import LoadingBolt from 'components/LoadingBolt'
import FormContainer from './FormContainer'
import ConnectionType from './ConnectionType'
import ConnectionDetails from './ConnectionDetails'
import ConnectionConfirm from './ConnectionConfirm'
import BtcPayServer from './BtcPayServer'
import Alias from './Alias'
import Autopilot from './Autopilot'
import Login from './Login'
import Signup from './Signup'
import RecoverForm from './RecoverForm'
import NewWalletSeed from './NewWalletSeed'
import ReEnterSeed from './ReEnterSeed'
import NewWalletPassword from './NewWalletPassword'
import styles from './Onboarding.scss'
const Onboarding = ( {
onboarding : {
step ,
previousStep ,
connectionType ,
connectionString ,
connectionHost ,
connectionCert ,
connectionMacaroon ,
alias ,
autopilot ,
startingLnd ,
createWalletPassword ,
seed ,
} ,
connectionTypeProps ,
connectionDetailProps ,
connectionConfirmProps ,
changeStep ,
startLnd ,
submitNewWallet ,
recoverOldWallet ,
aliasProps ,
initWalletProps ,
autopilotProps ,
recoverFormProps ,
newWalletSeedProps ,
newWalletPasswordProps ,
} ) => {
const renderStep = ( ) => {
switch ( step ) {
case 0.1 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "How do you want to connect to the Lightning Network?"
description = "
By default Zap will spin up a node for you and handle all the nerdy stuff
in the background . However you can also setup a custom node connection and
use Zap to control a remote node if you desire ( for advanced users ) .
back = { null }
next = { ( ) => {
switch ( connectionType ) {
case 'custom' :
changeStep ( 0.2 )
case 'btcpayserver' :
changeStep ( 0.3 )
default :
changeStep ( 1 )
} }
< ConnectionType { ... connectionTypeProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 0.2 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Connection details"
description = "Enter the connection details for your Lightning node."
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 0.1 ) }
next = { ( ) => {
// dont allow the user to move on if we don't at least have a hostname.
if ( ! connectionDetailProps . connectionHostIsValid ) {
changeStep ( 0.4 )
} }
< ConnectionDetails { ... connectionDetailProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 0.3 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "BTCPay Server"
description = "Enter the connection details for your BTCPay Server node."
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 0.1 ) }
next = { ( ) => {
// dont allow the user to move on if the connection string is invalid.
if ( ! connectionDetailProps . connectionStringIsValid ) {
changeStep ( 0.4 )
} }
< BtcPayServer { ... connectionDetailProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 0.4 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Confirm connection"
description = "Confirm the connection details for your Lightning node."
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( previousStep ) }
next = { ( ) => {
startLnd ( {
type : connectionType ,
string : connectionString ,
host : connectionHost ,
cert : connectionCert ,
macaroon : connectionMacaroon
} )
} }
< ConnectionConfirm { ... connectionConfirmProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 1 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "What should we call you?"
description = "Set your nickname to help others connect with you on the Lightning Network"
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 0.1 ) }
next = { ( ) => changeStep ( 2 ) }
< Alias { ... aliasProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 2 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Autopilot"
description = "Autopilot is an automatic network manager. Instead of manually adding people to build your network to make payments, enable autopilot to automatically connect you to the Lightning Network using 60% of your balance." // eslint-disable-line max-len
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 1 ) }
next = { ( ) => startLnd ( { type : connectionType , alias , autopilot } ) }
< Autopilot { ... autopilotProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 3 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Welcome back!"
description = { ` It looks like you already have a wallet
$ { Boolean ( initWalletProps . loginProps . existingWalletDir ) &&
` (we found one at \` ${ initWalletProps . loginProps . existingWalletDir } \` ) ` } .
Please enter your wallet password to unlock it . ` }
back = { null }
next = { null }
< Login { ... initWalletProps . loginProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 4 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Welcome!"
description = "Looks like you are new here. Set a password to encrypt your wallet. This password will be needed to unlock Zap in the future" // eslint-disable-line max-len
back = { null }
next = { ( ) => {
// dont allow the user to move on if the confirmation password doesnt match the original password
// if the password is less than 8 characters or empty dont allow users to proceed
if (
newWalletPasswordProps . passwordMinCharsError ||
! newWalletPasswordProps . createWalletPassword ||
! newWalletPasswordProps . createWalletPasswordConfirmation ||
newWalletPasswordProps . showCreateWalletPasswordConfirmationError
) {
changeStep ( 5 )
} }
< NewWalletPassword { ... newWalletPasswordProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 5 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = { "Alright, let's get set up" }
description = "Would you like to create a new wallet or import an existing one?"
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 4 ) }
next = { ( ) => {
// require the user to select create wallet or import wallet
if (
! initWalletProps . signupProps . signupForm . create &&
! initWalletProps . signupProps . signupForm . import
) {
changeStep ( initWalletProps . signupProps . signupForm . create ? 6 : 5.1 )
} }
< Signup { ... initWalletProps . signupProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 5.1 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Import your seed"
description = "Recovering a wallet, nice. You don't need anyone else, you got yourself :)"
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 5 ) }
next = { ( ) => {
const recoverySeed = recoverFormProps . recoverSeedInput . map ( input => input . word )
recoverOldWallet ( createWalletPassword , recoverySeed )
} }
< RecoverForm { ... recoverFormProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 6 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Save your wallet seed"
description = "Please save these 24 words securely! This will allow you to recover your wallet in the future"
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 5 ) }
next = { ( ) => changeStep ( 7 ) }
< NewWalletSeed { ... newWalletSeedProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
case 7 :
return (
< FormContainer
title = "Retype your seed"
description = { ` Your seed is important! If you lose your seed you'll have no way to recover your wallet.
To make sure that you have properly saved your seed , please retype words $ {
reEnterSeedProps . seedIndexesArr [ 0 ]
} , $ { reEnterSeedProps . seedIndexesArr [ 1 ] } and $ { reEnterSeedProps . seedIndexesArr [ 2 ] } ` }
back = { ( ) => changeStep ( 6 ) }
next = { ( ) => {
// don't allow them to move on if they havent re-entered the seed correctly
if ( ! reEnterSeedProps . reEnterSeedChecker ) {
submitNewWallet ( createWalletPassword , seed )
} }
< ReEnterSeed { ... reEnterSeedProps } / >
< / F o r m C o n t a i n e r >
default :
return < LoadingBolt / >
if ( startingLnd ) {
return < LoadingBolt / >
if ( fetchingSeed ) {
return < LoadingBolt / >
return < div className = { styles . container } > { renderStep ( ) } < / d i v >
Onboarding . propTypes = {
onboarding : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
connectionTypeProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
connectionDetailProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
connectionConfirmProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
aliasProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
autopilotProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
initWalletProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
newWalletSeedProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
newWalletPasswordProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
recoverFormProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
reEnterSeedProps : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
changeStep : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
startLnd : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
submitNewWallet : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
recoverOldWallet : PropTypes . func . isRequired
export default Onboarding