@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Store from 'electron-store'
import lnd from './lnd'
import Neutrino from './lnd/lib/neutrino'
import { mainLog } from './utils/log'
import { isLndRunning } from './lnd/lib/util'
const grpcSslCipherSuites = connectionType =>
( connectionType === 'btcpayserver'
@ -36,14 +37,9 @@ const grpcSslCipherSuites = connectionType =>
class ZapController {
/ * *
* Create a new ZapController instance .
* @ param { BrowserWindow } mainWindow BrowserWindow instance to interact with
* @ param { String | Promise } mode String or Promise that resolves to the desired run mode . Valid options are :
* - 'internal' : start a new lnd process .
* - 'external' : connect to an existing lnd process .
* @ param { BrowserWindow } mainWindow BrowserWindow instance to interact with .
* /
constructor ( mainWindow , mode ) {
this . mode = mode
constructor ( mainWindow ) {
// Variable to hold the main window instance.
this . mainWindow = mainWindow
@ -73,24 +69,10 @@ class ZapController {
this . mainWindow . show ( )
this . mainWindow . focus ( )
mainLog . timeEnd ( 'Time until app is visible' )
mainLog . time ( 'Time until we know the run mode' )
Promise . resolve ( this . mode )
. then ( mode => {
const timeUntilWeKnowTheRunMode = mainLog . timeEnd ( 'Time until we know the run mode' )
return setTimeout ( async ( ) => {
if ( mode === 'external' ) {
// If lnd is already running, create and subscribe to the Lightning grpc object.
await this . startLightningWallet ( )
this . sendMessage ( 'successfullyCreatedWallet' )
} else {
// Otherwise, start the onboarding process.
this . sendMessage ( 'startOnboarding' )
mainLog . timeEnd ( 'Time until onboarding has started' )
} , timeUntilWeKnowTheRunMode < this . splashScreenTime ? this . splashScreenTime : 0 )
} )
. catch ( mainLog . error )
return setTimeout ( async ( ) => {
this . sendMessage ( 'startOnboarding' )
} , this . splashScreenTime )
} )
this . mainWindow . on ( 'closed' , ( ) => {
@ -232,42 +214,51 @@ class ZapController {
// If the requested connection type is a local one then start up a new lnd instance.
if ( cleanOptions . type === 'local' ) {
mainLog . info ( 'Starting new lnd instance' )
mainLog . info ( ' > alias:' , cleanOptions . alias )
mainLog . info ( ' > autopilot:' , cleanOptions . autopilot )
this . startLnd ( cleanOptions . alias , cleanOptions . autopilot )
return isLndRunning ( ) . then ( res => {
if ( res ) {
mainLog . error ( 'lnd already running: %s' , res )
dialog . showMessageBox ( {
type : 'error' ,
message : 'Unable to start lnd because it is already running.'
} )
return app . quit ( )
mainLog . info ( 'Starting new lnd instance' )
mainLog . info ( ' > alias:' , cleanOptions . alias )
mainLog . info ( ' > autopilot:' , cleanOptions . autopilot )
return this . startLnd ( cleanOptions . alias , cleanOptions . autopilot )
} )
// Otherwise attempt to connect to an lnd instance using user supplied connection details.
else {
mainLog . info ( 'Connecting to custom lnd instance' )
mainLog . info ( ' > host:' , cleanOptions . host )
mainLog . info ( ' > cert:' , cleanOptions . cert )
mainLog . info ( ' > macaroon:' , cleanOptions . macaroon )
this . startLightningWallet ( )
. then ( ( ) => this . sendMessage ( 'successfullyCreatedWallet' ) )
. catch ( e => {
const errors = { }
// There was a problem connectig to the host.
if ( e . code === 'LND_GRPC_HOST_ERROR' ) {
errors . host = e . message
// There was a problem accessing loading the ssl cert.
if ( e . code === 'LND_GRPC_CERT_ERROR' ) {
errors . cert = e . message
// There was a problem accessing loading the macaroon file.
else if ( e . code === 'LND_GRPC_MACAROON_ERROR' ) {
errors . macaroon = e . message
// Other error codes such as UNAVAILABLE most likely indicate that there is a problem with the host.
else {
errors . host = ` Unable to connect to host: ${ e . details || e . message } `
// Notify the app of errors.
return this . sendMessage ( 'startLndError' , errors )
} )
mainLog . info ( 'Connecting to custom lnd instance' )
mainLog . info ( ' > host:' , cleanOptions . host )
mainLog . info ( ' > cert:' , cleanOptions . cert )
mainLog . info ( ' > macaroon:' , cleanOptions . macaroon )
this . startLightningWallet ( )
. then ( ( ) => this . sendMessage ( 'successfullyCreatedWallet' ) )
. catch ( e => {
const errors = { }
// There was a problem connectig to the host.
if ( e . code === 'LND_GRPC_HOST_ERROR' ) {
errors . host = e . message
// There was a problem accessing loading the ssl cert.
if ( e . code === 'LND_GRPC_CERT_ERROR' ) {
errors . cert = e . message
// There was a problem accessing loading the macaroon file.
else if ( e . code === 'LND_GRPC_MACAROON_ERROR' ) {
errors . macaroon = e . message
// Other error codes such as UNAVAILABLE most likely indicate that there is a problem with the host.
else {
errors . host = ` Unable to connect to host: ${ e . details || e . message } `
// Notify the app of errors.
return this . sendMessage ( 'startLndError' , errors )
} )
} )