@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ To setup `lnd` for Zap, you have two options:
### Light Client
`lnd` has a light client called `neutrino` which allows you to run `lnd` without requiring a full node. This is the default configuration for the Zap wallet. To use the light client you can either use the [Lightning Labs Binary](#lightning-labs-binary) or [Compile lnd](#compile-lnd).
`lnd` allows you to configure your node to use the new light client `neutrino` (BIP 157 & BIP 158) which allows you to run `lnd` without requiring a full node.
This is the default configuration for the Zap wallet. To use the light client you can either use the [Lightning Labs Binary](#lightning-labs-binary) or [Compile lnd](#compile-lnd).
(Even after a recent refactor the code is still a bit sloppy, in a bit of a segwit rush, apologize in advance for any "wtf is this?")
## Overview
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## Pull Requests
The `master` branch will be used for all pull requests for the time being. This may change as the repo and contributors grow.