@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ |
// Cert will be located depending on your machine
// Mac OS X: /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Lnd/tls.cert
// Linux: ~/.lnd/tls.cert
// Windows: TODO find out where cert is located for windows machine
import { userInfo, platform } from 'os' |
import { homedir, platform } from 'os' |
import { dirname, join, normalize } from 'path' |
import Store from 'electron-store' |
import { app } from 'electron' |
import isDev from 'electron-is-dev' |
import untildify from 'untildify' |
// Get a path to prepend to any nodejs calls that are getting at files in the package,
// so that it works both from source and in an asar-packaged mac app.
@ -21,57 +18,75 @@ import isDev from 'electron-is-dev' |
const appPath = app.getAppPath() |
const appRootPath = appPath.indexOf('default_app.asar') < 0 ? normalize(`${appPath}/..`) : '' |
// Get an electromn store named 'connection' in which the saved connection detailes are stored.
const store = new Store({ name: 'connection' }) |
// Get the name of the current platform which we can use to determine the location of various lnd resources.
// Get the name of the current platform which we can use to determine the tlsCertPathation of various lnd resources.
const plat = platform() |
let loc |
let macaroonPath |
// Get the OS specific default lnd data dir and binary name.
let lndDataDir |
let lndBin |
let lndPath |
switch (plat) { |
case 'darwin': |
loc = 'Library/Application Support/Lnd/tls.cert' |
macaroonPath = 'Library/Application Support/Lnd/admin.macaroon' |
lndDataDir = join(homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Lnd') |
lndBin = 'lnd' |
break |
case 'linux': |
loc = '.lnd/tls.cert' |
macaroonPath = '.lnd/admin.macaroon' |
lndDataDir = join(homedir(), '.lnd') |
lndBin = 'lnd' |
break |
case 'win32': |
loc = join('Appdata', 'Local', 'Lnd', 'tls.cert') |
macaroonPath = join('Appdata', 'Local', 'Lnd', 'admin.macaroon') |
lndDataDir = join(process.env.APPDATA, 'Local', 'Lnd') |
lndBin = 'lnd.exe' |
break |
default: |
break |
} |
// Get the path to the lnd binary.
let lndPath |
if (isDev) { |
const lndBinaryDir = dirname(require.resolve('lnd-binary/package.json')) |
lndPath = join(lndBinaryDir, 'vendor', lndBin) |
lndPath = join(dirname(require.resolve('lnd-binary/package.json')), 'vendor', lndBin) |
} else { |
lndPath = join(appRootPath, 'bin', lndBin) |
} |
export default { |
lnd: () => { |
const cert = store.get('cert') |
const host = store.get('host') |
const macaroon = store.get('macaroon') |
/** |
* Get current lnd configuration. |
* |
* Cert and Macaroon will be at one of the following destinations depending on your machine: |
* Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Lnd/tls.cert |
* Linux: ~/.lnd/tls.cert |
* Windows: C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Lnd |
* |
* @return {object} current lnd configuration options. |
*/ |
const lnd = () => { |
// Get an electron store named 'connection' in which the saved connection detailes are stored.
const store = new Store({ name: 'connection' }) |
/** |
* Fetch a config option from the connection store. |
* if undefined fallback to a path relative to the lnd data dir. |
* |
* @param {string} name name of property to fetch from the store. |
* @param {string} path path relative to the lnd data dir. |
* @return {string} config param or filepath relative to the lnd data dir. |
*/ |
const getFromStoreOrDataDir = (name, file) => { |
let path = store.get(name) |
if (typeof path === 'undefined') { |
path = join(lndDataDir, file) |
} |
return untildify(path) |
} |
return { |
lndPath, |
configPath: join(appRootPath, 'resources', 'lnd.conf'), |
rpcProtoPath: join(appRootPath, 'resources', 'rpc.proto'), |
host: typeof host === 'undefined' ? 'localhost:10009' : host, |
cert: typeof cert === 'undefined' ? join(userInfo().homedir, loc) : cert, |
macaroon: typeof macaroon === 'undefined' ? join(userInfo().homedir, macaroonPath) : macaroon |
} |
host: store.get('host', 'localhost:10009'), |
cert: getFromStoreOrDataDir('cert', 'tls.cert'), |
macaroon: getFromStoreOrDataDir('macaroon', 'admin.macaroon') |
} |
} |
export default { lnd } |