Update all webpack packages to the latest v4.x compatible versions and
update supporting configs. This delivers noticeable performance
improvements to the DX.
The v5.2.0 includes (amongst other things) a fix for incorrectly reported
exit codes of child processes, which can prevent build build failures from
correctly halting a build, resulting in incomplete or invalid builds.
See https://github.com/kentcdodds/cross-env/issues/150#issuecomment-387737183
grpc was being compiled twice when builds run on travis. This was causing
builds to take several minutes longer than they should. installation of
the dependencies listed in app/package.json happens automatically when
`electron-builder install-app-deps` runs as part of the postinstall step.
Update webpack and related packages to the latest 3.x versions. This
prevents errors from node-gyp when attempting to build fsevents (OSX),
which is an indirect dependency of webpack-dev-server (via chokidir)
See https://github.com/strongloop/fsevents/releases/tag/v1.1.0
The v20.15.1 release of electron-builder has been unpublished since its
original release and subsequently a newer v20.15.3 version has been
released. v20.15.3 resolves several critical issues found in v20.15.1,
one of which was causing `electron-builder install-app-deps` to hang
indefinitely when run without `DEBUG=electron-builder` being set
Update grpc to v1.12.3 in order to fix issues build issues due to the fact
that 1.12.1 doesn't contain node-pre-gyp as a bundled dependency.
See https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/issues/365
Enable electron-builder debugging on travis to ensure that output is
produced whilst long running electron (re)build steps are running. This
can prevent build timeouts.
The latest version of electron-builder lets us use file macros in the file
patterns such as `$platform`, which is useful for us to be able to
include platform specific files in the build as DRY as possible.
Move rpc.proto into the resources directory along with all of the other
external resources.
Fix up the resource paths to reference external resources correctly
depending on wether the app is being run locally or from a release.