Jack Mallers
feat(fiat): convert to bci api
feat(fiat): wire up setFiatTicker
fix(fiat): enable fixed height w scrolling
feat(fiat): add active style
7 years ago
Tom Kirkpatrick
refactor: move helper code to lib directory
7 years ago
Tom Kirkpatrick
fix: fetch block height from remote sources
Fetch the current block height from multiple block explorers early on in
the sync process. This ensures that we get the correct block height in
the case where our BTCd node is still mid way through syncing. Do this
in the main process rather than in the render process.
7 years ago
Tom Kirkpatrick
feat(api): redundant block explorer api backends
Call out to 3 different block explorers to get the current block height
and use the result from whichever responds quickest.
Fix #463
7 years ago
Tom Kirkpatrick
fix(cors): proxy requests to remote sites
When running in dev mode, proxy requests to remote sits in order to
mitigate CORS issues.
7 years ago
Ben Woosley
fix: Don't catch api/index errors
If we catch these errors and resolve to the error itself, then `await` for that
function resolves to the error value rather than throw. Because no api currently
handles the associated errors, it is better to be noisy about these errors, by
throwing rather than returning the error object.
7 years ago
Ben Woosley
style(line length): Drop prettier line length from 120 to 100
Subjectively, this increases general readability, while the higher max-length
limit allows for longer strings and comments, etc.
7 years ago
Tom Kirkpatrick
style(lint): lint and format all code
7 years ago
Tom Kirkpatrick
fix(security): content security policy
Set up an initial Content-Security-Policy that limits resources
loading capabilities to those locations that we expect to load from.
Note: This currently includes three following remote URLs:
- https://api.coinmarketcap.com
- http://zap.jackmallers.com
- https://testnet-api.smartbit.com.au ;
- https://fonts.googleapis.com
- https://s3.amazonaws.com
- https://fonts.gstatic.com
7 years ago
Jack Mallers
feature(suggestedNodes): style the component and render the nodes
7 years ago
Jack Mallers
fix(logs): remove console.logs
7 years ago
Jack Mallers
fix(lint): fix linting errors
7 years ago
Jack Mallers
feature(%): lnd syncing shows progress %
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
fix(currentTicker): fix tests and lint errors
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
feature(ticker): replace hard coded ticker with currentTicker
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
fix(lnd-ipc): fix linting errors
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
fix(lint): start fixing linting error
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
feature(channels): combine all channels with selector and display different types (active, pending open, pending closed)
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
feature(balance + currency): dynamic balance in Nav plus add currency in reducer
8 years ago
Jack Mallers
feature(activity reducer): add activity reducer and api calls
8 years ago