import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl' /* eslint-disable max-len */ export default defineMessages({ amount: 'Amount', button_text: 'Request', copy_button_text: 'Copy invoice', address_notification_title: 'Address copied', copied_notification_description: 'Payment address has been copied to your clipboard', ln_invoice: 'Lightning Invoice', total: 'Total', memo: 'Memo', memo_placeholder: 'For example "Dinner last night"', not_paid: 'not paid', paid: 'paid', qrcode: 'QR-Code', status: 'Request Status', title: 'Request', subtitle: 'through the Lightning Network', description: 'You can request Bitcoin (BTC) through the Lightning Network. Just enter the Amount you want to request in the field below. Zap will generate a QR-Code and a Lightning invoice after.' })