import React from 'react'
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'
import { Button } from 'components/UI'
import SystemNavPrevious from 'components/Icon/SystemNavPrevious'
import SystemNavNext from 'components/Icon/SystemNavNext'
storiesOf('Components', module).addWithChapters('Button', {
subtitle: 'Buttons for forms and anything else that the user might want to click on.',
chapters: [
sections: [
title: 'Basic',
sectionFn: () =>
title: 'With Icon',
sectionFn: () => (
title: 'Variants',
sections: [
title: 'Primary',
sectionFn: () => (
title: 'Secondary',
sectionFn: () => (
title: 'States',
sections: [
title: 'Processing',
sectionFn: () => (
title: 'Disabled',
sectionFn: () => (
title: 'Sizes',
sections: [
title: 'Medium',
sectionFn: () =>
title: 'Small',
sectionFn: () => (