import allchannels from './allchannels' import channelbalance from './channelbalance' import channels from './channels' import connectpeer from './connectpeer' import createinvoice from './createinvoice' import disconnectpeer from './disconnectpeer' import info from './info' import invoice from './invoice' import invoices from './invoices' import openchannel from './openchannel' import payinvoice from './payinvoice' import payments from './payments' import peers from './peers' import pendingchannels from './pendingchannels' import walletbalance from './walletbalance' export default function(lnd, event, msg, data) { switch(msg) { case 'info': info(lnd) .then(info =>event.sender.send('receiveInfo', info)) .catch(error => console.log('info error: ', error)) break case 'peers': // Data looks like { peers: [] } peers(lnd) .then(peers => event.sender.send('receivePeers', peers)) .catch(error => console.log('peers error: ', error)) break case 'channels': // Data looks like [ { channels: [channel, channel, channel] }, { total_limbo_balance: 0, pending_open_channels: [], pending_closing_channels: [], pending_force_closing_channels: [] } ] Promise.all([channels, pendingchannels].map(func => func(lnd))) .then(data => event.sender.send('receiveChannels', { channels: data[0].channels, pendingChannels: data[1] })) .catch(error => console.log('channels error: ', error)) break case 'payments': // Data looks like { payments: [] } payments(lnd) .then(payments => event.sender.send('receivePayments', payments)) .catch(error => console.log('payments error: ', error)) break case 'invoices': // Data looks like { invoices: [] } invoices(lnd) .then(invoices => event.sender.send('receiveInvoices', invoices)) .catch(error => console.log('invoices error: ', error)) break case 'invoice': // Data looks like { invoices: [] } invoice(data.payreq) .then(invoice => event.sender.send('receiveInvoice', invoice)) .catch(error => console.log('invoice error: ', error)) break case 'balance': // Balance looks like [ { balance: '129477456' }, { balance: '243914' } ] Promise.all([walletbalance, channelbalance].map(func => func(lnd))) .then(balance => event.sender.send('receiveBalance', { walletBalance: balance[0].balance, channelBalance: balance[1].balance })) .catch(error => console.log('balance error: ', error)) break case 'createInvoice': // Invoice looks like { r_hash: Buffer, payment_request: '' } // { memo, value } = data createInvoice(lnd, data) .then(invoice => event.sender.send('createdInvoice', Object.assign(invoice, { memo, value, r_hash: new Buffer(invoice.r_hash,'hex').toString('hex') }))) .catch(error => console.log('createInvoice error: ', error)) break case 'sendPayment': // Payment looks like { payment_preimage: Buffer, payment_route: Object } // { paymentRequest } = data sendPayment(lnd, data) .then(payment => event.sender.send('paymentSuccessful')) .catch(error => console.log('sendPayment error: ', error)) break case 'openChannel': // Response is empty. Streaming updates on channel status and updates // { pubkey, localamt, pushamt } = data openchannel(lnd, event, data) .then(channel => { console.log('CHANNEL: ', channel) event.sender.send('channelSuccessful', { channel }) }) .catch(error => console.log('openChannel error: ', error)) break case 'connectPeer': // Returns a peer_id. Pass the pubkey, host and peer_id so we can add a new peer to the list // { pubkey, host } = data connectpeer(lnd, data) .then(({ peer_id }) => { console.log('peer_id: ', peer_id) event.sender.send('connectSuccess', { pub_key: data.pubkey, address:, peer_id }) }) .catch(error => console.log('connectPeer error: ', error)) break case 'disconnectPeer': // Empty response. Pass back pubkey on success to remove it from the peers list // { pubkey } = data disconnectpeer(lnd, data) .then(() => { console.log('pubkey: ', data.pubkey) event.sender.send('disconnectSuccess', { pubkey: data.pubkey }) }) .catch(error => console.log('disconnectPeer error: ', error)) break default: return } }