import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import { setError } from './error' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const SET_CHANNEL_FORM = 'SET_CHANNEL_FORM' export const SET_CHANNEL = 'SET_CHANNEL' export const GET_CHANNELS = 'GET_CHANNELS' export const RECEIVE_CHANNELS = 'RECEIVE_CHANNELS' export const OPENING_CHANNEL = 'OPENING_CHANNEL' export const OPENING_SUCCESSFUL = 'OPENING_SUCCESSFUL' export const OPENING_FAILURE = 'OPENING_FAILURE' export const CLOSING_CHANNEL = 'CLOSING_CHANNEL' export const CLOSING_SUCCESSFUL = 'CLOSING_SUCCESSFUL' export const CLOSING_FAILURE = 'CLOSING_FAILURE' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function setChannelForm(form) { return { type: SET_CHANNEL_FORM, form } } export function setChannel(channel) { return { type: SET_CHANNEL, channel } } export function getChannels() { return { type: GET_CHANNELS } } export function openingChannel() { return { type: OPENING_CHANNEL } } export function closingChannel() { return { type: CLOSING_CHANNEL } } export function openingSuccessful() { return { type: OPENING_SUCCESSFUL } } export function openingFailure() { return { type: OPENING_FAILURE } } // Send IPC event for peers export const fetchChannels = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getChannels()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'channels' }) } // Receive IPC event for channels export const receiveChannels = (event, { channels, pendingChannels }) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_CHANNELS, channels, pendingChannels }) // Send IPC event for opening a channel export const openChannel = ({ pubkey, localamt, pushamt }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(openingChannel()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'openChannel', data: { pubkey, localamt, pushamt } }) } // TODO: Decide how to handle streamed updates for channels // Receive IPC event for openChannel export const channelSuccessful = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for updated channel export const pushchannelupdated = () => (dispatch) => { console.log('channelUpdatedData: ', channelUpdatedData) dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for channel end export const pushchannelend = (event, channelEndData) => (dispatch) => { console.log('channelEndData: ', channelEndData) dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for channel error export const pushchannelerror = (event, { error }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(openingFailure()) dispatch(setError(error)) } // Receive IPC event for channel status export const pushchannelstatus = (event, channelStatusData) => (dispatch) => { console.log('channel Status data: ', channelStatusData) dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Send IPC event for opening a channel export const closeChannel = ({ channel_point }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(closingChannel()) const channelPoint = channel_point.split(':') ipcRenderer.send( 'lnd', { msg: 'closeChannel', data: { channel_point: { funding_txid: channelPoint[0], output_index: channelPoint[1] }, force: true } } ) } // TODO: Decide how to handle streamed updates for closing channels // Receive IPC event for closeChannel export const closeChannelSuccessful = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for updated closing channel export const pushclosechannelupdated = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for closing channel end export const pushclosechannelend = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for closing channel error export const pushclosechannelerror = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for closing channel status export const pushclosechannelstatus = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [SET_CHANNEL_FORM]: (state, { form }) => ( { ...state, channelForm: Object.assign({}, state.channelForm, form) } ), [SET_CHANNEL]: (state, { channel }) => ({ ...state, channel }), [GET_CHANNELS]: state => ({ ...state, channelsLoading: true }), [RECEIVE_CHANNELS]: (state, { channels, pendingChannels }) => ( { ...state, channelsLoading: false, channels, pendingChannels } ), [OPENING_CHANNEL]: state => ({ ...state, openingChannel: true }), [OPENING_FAILURE]: state => ({ ...state, openingChannel: false }), [CLOSING_CHANNEL]: state => ({ ...state, closingChannel: true }) } const channelsSelectors = {} const channelSelector = state => const channelsSelector = state => state.channels.channels const pendingOpenChannelsSelector = state => state.channels.pendingChannels.pending_open_channels const pendingClosedChannelsSelector = state => state.channels.pendingChannels.pending_closing_channels const pendingForceClosedChannelsSelector = state => state.channels.pendingChannels.pending_force_closing_channels channelsSelectors.channelModalOpen = createSelector( channelSelector, channel => (!!channel) ) channelsSelectors.allChannels = createSelector( channelsSelector, pendingOpenChannelsSelector, pendingClosedChannelsSelector, pendingForceClosedChannelsSelector, (channels, pendingOpenChannels, pendingClosedChannels, pendingForcedClosedChannels) => ( [...channels, ...pendingOpenChannels, ...pendingClosedChannels, ...pendingForcedClosedChannels] ) ) export { channelsSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { channelsLoading: false, channels: [], pendingChannels: { total_limbo_balance: '', pending_open_channels: [], pending_closing_channels: [], pending_force_closing_channels: [] }, channel: null, channelForm: { isOpen: false, node_key: '', local_amt: '', push_amt: '' }, openingChannel: false, closingChannel: false } export default function channelsReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }