import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import { fetchBalance } from './balance' import { setFormType } from './form' import { resetPayForm } from './payform' import { showModal } from './modal' import { setError } from './error' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const SET_PAYMENT = 'SET_PAYMENT' export const GET_PAYMENTS = 'GET_PAYMENTS' export const RECEIVE_PAYMENTS = 'RECEIVE_PAYMENTS' export const SEND_PAYMENT = 'SEND_PAYMENT' export const PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL = 'PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL' export const PAYMENT_FAILED = 'PAYMENT_FAILED' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function setPayment(payment) { return { type: SET_PAYMENT, payment } } export function getPayments() { return { type: GET_PAYMENTS } } export function sendPayment() { return { type: SEND_PAYMENT } } export function paymentSuccessfull(payment) { return { type: PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL, payment } } // Send IPC event for payments export const fetchPayments = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(getPayments()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'payments' }) } // Receive IPC event for payments export const receivePayments = (event, { payments }) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_PAYMENTS, payments }) export const payInvoice = paymentRequest => (dispatch) => { dispatch(sendPayment()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'sendPayment', data: { paymentRequest } }) } // Receive IPC event for successful payment // TODO: Add payment to state, not a total re-fetch export const paymentSuccessful = () => (dispatch) => { // Dispatch successful payment to stop loading screen dispatch(paymentSuccessfull()) // Close the form modal once the payment was succesful dispatch(setFormType(null)) // Show successful payment state dispatch(showModal('SUCCESSFUL_SEND_PAYMENT')) // Refetch payments (TODO: dont do a full refetch, rather append new tx to list) dispatch(fetchPayments()) // Reset the payment form dispatch(resetPayForm()) // Fetch new balance dispatch(fetchBalance()) } export const paymentFailed = (event, { error }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: PAYMENT_FAILED }) console.log('error: ', error) dispatch(setError(error)) } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [SET_PAYMENT]: (state, { payment }) => ({ ...state, payment }), [GET_PAYMENTS]: state => ({ ...state, paymentLoading: true }), [SEND_PAYMENT]: state => ({ ...state, sendingPayment: true }), [RECEIVE_PAYMENTS]: (state, { payments }) => ({ ...state, paymentLoading: false, payments }), [PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL]: state => ({ ...state, sendingPayment: false }), [PAYMENT_FAILED]: state => ({ ...state, sendingPayment: false }) } const paymentSelectors = {} const modalPaymentSelector = state => state.payment.payment paymentSelectors.paymentModalOpen = createSelector( modalPaymentSelector, payment => (!!payment) ) export { paymentSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { sendingPayment: false, paymentLoading: false, payments: [], payment: null } export default function paymentReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }