import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import { showNotification } from '../notifications' import { btc, usd } from '../utils' import { fetchBalance } from './balance' import { setFormType } from './form' import { resetPayForm } from './payform' import { showModal } from './modal' import { setError } from './error' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const GET_TRANSACTIONS = 'GET_TRANSACTIONS' export const RECEIVE_TRANSACTIONS = 'RECEIVE_TRANSACTIONS' export const SEND_TRANSACTION = 'SEND_TRANSACTION' export const TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFULL = 'TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFULL' export const TRANSACTION_FAILED = 'TRANSACTION_FAILED' export const ADD_TRANSACTION = 'ADD_TRANSACTION' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function getTransactions() { return { type: GET_TRANSACTIONS } } export function sendTransaction() { return { type: SEND_TRANSACTION } } // Send IPC event for payments export const fetchTransactions = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTransactions()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'transactions' }) } // Receive IPC event for payments export const receiveTransactions = (event, { transactions }) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_TRANSACTIONS, transactions }) export const sendCoins = ({ value, addr, currency, rate }) => (dispatch) => { const amount = currency === 'usd' ? btc.btcToSatoshis(usd.usdToBtc(value, rate)) : btc.btcToSatoshis(value) dispatch(sendTransaction()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'sendCoins', data: { amount, addr } }) } // Receive IPC event for successful payment // TODO: Add payment to state, not a total re-fetch export const transactionSuccessful = (event, { amount, addr, txid }) => (dispatch) => { // Get the new list of transactions (TODO dont do an entire new fetch) dispatch(fetchTransactions()) // Close the form modal once the payment was succesful dispatch(setFormType(null)) // Show successful payment state dispatch(showModal('SUCCESSFUL_SEND_COINS', { txid, amount, addr })) // TODO: Add successful on-chain payment to payments list once payments list supports on-chain and LN // dispatch({ type: PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL, payment: { amount, addr, txid, pending: true } }) dispatch({ type: TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFULL }) // Fetch new balance dispatch(fetchBalance()) // Reset the payment form dispatch(resetPayForm()) } export const transactionError = (event, { error }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: TRANSACTION_FAILED }) console.log('error: ', error) dispatch(setError(error)) } // Listener for when a new transaction is pushed from the subscriber export const newTransaction = (event, { transaction }) => (dispatch) => { // Fetch new balance dispatch(fetchBalance()) dispatch({ type: ADD_TRANSACTION, transaction }) // HTML 5 desktop notification for the new transaction const notifTitle = transaction.amount > 0 ? 'On-chain Transaction Received!' : 'On-chain Transaction Sent!' const notifBody = transaction.amount > 0 ? 'Lucky you, you just received a new on-chain transaction. I\'m jealous.' : 'Hate to see \'em go but love to watch \'em leave. Your on-chain transaction successfully sent.' // eslint-disable-line showNotification(notifTitle, notifBody) } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [GET_TRANSACTIONS]: state => ({ ...state, transactionLoading: true }), [SEND_TRANSACTION]: state => ({ ...state, sendingTransaction: true }), [RECEIVE_TRANSACTIONS]: (state, { transactions }) => ({ ...state, transactionLoading: false, transactions }), [TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFULL]: state => ({ ...state, sendingTransaction: false }), [TRANSACTION_FAILED]: state => ({ ...state, sendingTransaction: false }), [ADD_TRANSACTION]: (state, { transaction }) => ({ ...state, transactions: [transaction, ...state.transactions] }) } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { sendingTransaction: false, transactionLoading: false, transactions: [] } export default function transactionReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }