import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import filter from 'lodash/filter' import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty' import { tickerSelectors } from './ticker' import { btc } from '../utils' // Initial State const initialState = { // this determines whether or not the network side bar is in search state for a peer or not isOpen: false, // this determines what form (manual or submit) the user currently has open // if this is not null the ChannelForm component will be open formType: null, searchQuery: '', manualSearchQuery: '', contactCapacity: 0, node: {}, showErrors: { manualInput: false }, manualFormOpen: false, submitChannelFormOpen: false, showCurrencyFilters: false } // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const OPEN_CONTACTS_FORM = 'OPEN_CONTACTS_FORM' export const CLOSE_CONTACTS_FORM = 'CLOSE_CONTACTS_FORM' export const OPEN_CHANNEL_FORM_FORM = 'OPEN_CHANNEL_FORM_FORM' export const CLOSE_CHANNEL_FORM_FORM = 'CLOSE_CHANNEL_FORM_FORM' export const SET_CHANNEL_FORM_TYPE = 'SET_CHANNEL_FORM_TYPE' export const OPEN_MANUAL_FORM = 'OPEN_MANUAL_FORM' export const CLOSE_MANUAL_FORM = 'CLOSE_MANUAL_FORM' export const OPEN_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM = 'OPEN_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM' export const CLOSE_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM = 'CLOSE_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM' export const SET_NODE = 'SET_NODE' export const UPDATE_CONTACT_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY = 'UPDATE_CONTACT_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY' export const UPDATE_CONTACT_CAPACITY = 'UPDATE_CONTACT_CAPACITY' export const UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_ERRORS = 'UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_ERRORS' export const UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY = 'UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY' export const SET_CONTACTS_CURRENCY_FILTERS = 'SET_CONTACTS_CURRENCY_FILTERS' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function openContactsForm() { return { type: OPEN_CONTACTS_FORM } } export function closeContactsForm() { return { type: CLOSE_CONTACTS_FORM } } export function openChannelForm() { return { type: OPEN_CONTACTS_FORM } } export function closeChannelForm() { return { type: CLOSE_CONTACTS_FORM } } export function setChannelFormType(formType) { return { type: SET_CHANNEL_FORM_TYPE, formType } } export function openManualForm() { return { type: OPEN_MANUAL_FORM } } export function closeManualForm() { return { type: CLOSE_MANUAL_FORM } } export function openSubmitChannelForm() { return { type: OPEN_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM } } export function closeSubmitChannelForm() { return { type: CLOSE_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM } } export function updateContactFormSearchQuery(searchQuery) { return { type: UPDATE_CONTACT_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY, searchQuery } } export function updateManualFormSearchQuery(manualSearchQuery) { return { type: UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY, manualSearchQuery } } export function updateContactCapacity(contactCapacity) { return { type: UPDATE_CONTACT_CAPACITY, contactCapacity } } export function setNode(node) { return { type: SET_NODE, node } } export function updateManualFormErrors(errorsObject) { return { type: UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_ERRORS, errorsObject } } export function setContactsCurrencyFilters(showCurrencyFilters) { return { type: SET_CONTACTS_CURRENCY_FILTERS, showCurrencyFilters } } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [OPEN_CONTACTS_FORM]: state => ({ ...state, isOpen: true }), [CLOSE_CONTACTS_FORM]: state => ({ ...state, isOpen: false }), [SET_CHANNEL_FORM_TYPE]: (state, { formType }) => ({ ...state, formType }), [OPEN_MANUAL_FORM]: state => ({ ...state, manualFormOpen: true }), [CLOSE_MANUAL_FORM]: state => ({ ...state, manualFormOpen: false }), [OPEN_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM]: state => ({ ...state, submitChannelFormOpen: true }), [CLOSE_SUBMIT_CHANNEL_FORM]: state => ({ ...state, submitChannelFormOpen: false }), [UPDATE_CONTACT_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY]: (state, { searchQuery }) => ({ ...state, searchQuery }), [UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY]: (state, { searchQuery }) => ({ ...state, searchQuery }), [UPDATE_CONTACT_CAPACITY]: (state, { contactCapacity }) => ({ ...state, contactCapacity }), [SET_NODE]: (state, { node }) => ({ ...state, node }), [UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_ERRORS]: (state, { errorsObject }) => ({ ...state, showErrors: Object.assign(state.showErrors, errorsObject) }), [UPDATE_MANUAL_FORM_SEARCH_QUERY]: (state, { manualSearchQuery }) => ({ ...state, manualSearchQuery }), [SET_CONTACTS_CURRENCY_FILTERS]: (state, { showCurrencyFilters }) => ({ ...state, showCurrencyFilters }) } // ------------------------------------ // Selector // ------------------------------------ const contactFormSelectors = {} const networkNodesSelector = state => const searchQuerySelector = state => state.contactsform.searchQuery const manualSearchQuerySelector = state => state.contactsform.manualSearchQuery const contactCapacitySelector = state => state.contactsform.contactCapacity const currencySelector = state => state.ticker.currency const contactable = node => node.addresses.length > 0 // comparator to sort the contacts list with contactable contacts first const contactableFirst = (a, b) => { if (contactable(a) && !contactable(b)) { return -1 } else if (!contactable(a) && contactable(b)) { return 1 } return 0 } contactFormSelectors.filteredNetworkNodes = createSelector( networkNodesSelector, searchQuerySelector, (nodes, searchQuery) => { // If there is no search query default to showing the first 20 nodes from the nodes array // (performance hit to render the entire thing by default) // if (!searchQuery.length) { return nodes.sort(contactableFirst).slice(0, 20) } // return an empty array if there is no search query if (!searchQuery.length) { return [] } // if there is an '@' in the search query we are assuming they are using the format pubkey@host // we can ignore the '@' and the host and just grab the pubkey for our search const query = searchQuery.includes('@') ? searchQuery.split('@')[0] : searchQuery // list of the nodes const list = filter(nodes, node => node.alias.includes(query) || node.pub_key.includes(query)).sort( contactableFirst ) // if we don't limit the nodes returned then we take a huge performance hit // rendering thousands of nodes potentially, so we just render 20 for the time being return list.slice(0, 20) } ) contactFormSelectors.showManualForm = createSelector( searchQuerySelector, contactFormSelectors.filteredNetworkNodes, (searchQuery, filteredNetworkNodes) => { if (!searchQuery.length) { return false } const connectableNodes = filteredNetworkNodes.filter(node => node.addresses.length > 0) if (!filteredNetworkNodes.length || !connectableNodes.length) { return true } return false } ) contactFormSelectors.manualFormIsValid = createSelector(manualSearchQuerySelector, input => { const errors = {} if (!input.length || !input.includes('@')) { errors.manualInput = 'Invalid format' } return { errors, isValid: isEmpty(errors) } }) contactFormSelectors.contactFormUsdAmount = createSelector( contactCapacitySelector, currencySelector, tickerSelectors.currentTicker, (amount, currency, ticker) => { if (!ticker || !ticker.price_usd) { return false } return btc.convert(currency, 'usd', amount, ticker.price_usd) } ) export { contactFormSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ export default function contactFormReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }