import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import Store from 'electron-store' import get from 'lodash.get' const store = new Store({ name: 'connection' }) // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const SET_CONNECTION_TYPE = 'SET_CONNECTION_TYPE' export const SET_CONNECTION_STRING = 'SET_CONNECTION_STRING' export const SET_CONNECTION_HOST = 'SET_CONNECTION_HOST' export const SET_CONNECTION_CERT = 'SET_CONNECTION_CERT' export const SET_CONNECTION_MACAROON = 'SET_CONNECTION_MACAROON' export const UPDATE_ALIAS = 'UPDATE_ALIAS' export const UPDATE_PASSWORD = 'UPDATE_PASSWORD' export const UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD = 'UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD' export const UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION = 'UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION' export const UPDATE_RE_ENTER_SEED_INPUT = 'UPDATE_RE_ENTER_SEED_INPUT' export const UPDATE_RECOVER_SEED_INPUT = 'UPDATE_RECOVER_SEED_INPUT' export const CHANGE_STEP = 'CHANGE_STEP' export const SET_AUTOPILOT = 'SET_AUTOPILOT' export const FETCH_SEED = 'FETCH_SEED' export const SET_SEED = 'SET_SEED' export const SET_HAS_SEED = 'SET_HAS_SEED' export const SET_RE_ENTER_SEED_INDEXES = 'SET_RE_ENTER_SEED_INDEXES' export const ONBOARDING_STARTED = 'ONBOARDING_STARTED' export const ONBOARDING_FINISHED = 'ONBOARDING_FINISHED' export const STARTING_LND = 'STARTING_LND' export const LND_STARTED = 'LND_STARTED' export const SET_START_LND_ERROR = 'SET_START_LND_ERROR' export const LOADING_EXISTING_WALLET = 'LOADING_EXISTING_WALLET' export const CREATING_NEW_WALLET = 'CREATING_NEW_WALLET' export const UNLOCKING_WALLET = 'UNLOCKING_WALLET' export const WALLET_UNLOCKED = 'WALLET_UNLOCKED' export const SET_UNLOCK_WALLET_ERROR = 'SET_UNLOCK_WALLET_ERROR' export const SET_SIGNUP_CREATE = 'SET_SIGNUP_CREATE' export const SET_SIGNUP_IMPORT = 'SET_SIGNUP_IMPORT' // ------------------------------------ // Helpers // ------------------------------------ function prettyPrint(json) { try { return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(json), undefined, 4) } catch (e) { return json } } // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export const setConnectionType = connectionType => (dispatch, getState) => { const previousType = connectionTypeSelector(getState()) // When changing the connection type clear out existing config. if (previousType !== connectionType) { dispatch(setConnectionString('')) dispatch(setConnectionHost('')) dispatch(setConnectionCert('')) dispatch(setConnectionMacaroon('')) dispatch(setStartLndError({})) } dispatch({ type: SET_CONNECTION_TYPE, connectionType }) } export const setConnectionString = connectionString => (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch({ type: SET_CONNECTION_STRING, connectionString: prettyPrint(connectionString) }) const { host, port, macaroon } = onboardingSelectors.connectionStringParamsSelector(getState()) dispatch(setConnectionHost([host, port].join(':'))) dispatch(setConnectionMacaroon(macaroon)) dispatch(setConnectionCert('')) } export function setConnectionHost(connectionHost) { return { type: SET_CONNECTION_HOST, connectionHost } } export function setConnectionCert(connectionCert) { return { type: SET_CONNECTION_CERT, connectionCert } } export function setConnectionMacaroon(connectionMacaroon) { return { type: SET_CONNECTION_MACAROON, connectionMacaroon } } export function updateAlias(alias) { return { type: UPDATE_ALIAS, alias } } export function updatePassword(password) { return { type: UPDATE_PASSWORD, password } } export function updateCreateWalletPassword(createWalletPassword) { return { type: UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD, createWalletPassword } } export function updateCreateWalletPasswordConfirmation(createWalletPasswordConfirmation) { return { type: UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION, createWalletPasswordConfirmation } } export function updateReEnterSeedInput(inputSeedObj) { return { type: UPDATE_RE_ENTER_SEED_INPUT, inputSeedObj } } export function updateRecoverSeedInput(inputSeedObj) { return { type: UPDATE_RECOVER_SEED_INPUT, inputSeedObj } } export function setAutopilot(autopilot) { return { type: SET_AUTOPILOT, autopilot } } export function setSignupCreate() { return { type: SET_SIGNUP_CREATE } } export function setSignupImport() { return { type: SET_SIGNUP_IMPORT } } export function changeStep(step) { return { type: CHANGE_STEP, step } } export function setStartLndError(errors) { return { type: SET_START_LND_ERROR, errors } } export function startLnd(options) { // once the user submits the data needed to start LND we will alert the app that it should start LND ipcRenderer.send('startLnd', options) return { type: STARTING_LND } } export function setReEnterSeedIndexes() { // we only want the user to have to verify 3 random indexes from the seed they were just given const INDEX_AMOUNT = 3 const seedIndexesArr = [] while (seedIndexesArr.length < INDEX_AMOUNT) { // add 1 because we dont want this to be 0 index based const ranNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 24) + 1 if (seedIndexesArr.indexOf(ranNum) > -1) { continue } seedIndexesArr[seedIndexesArr.length] = ranNum } return { type: SET_RE_ENTER_SEED_INDEXES, seedIndexesArr } } export const submitNewWallet = ( wallet_password, cipher_seed_mnemonic, aezeed_passphrase ) => dispatch => { // once the user submits the data needed to start LND we will alert the app that it should start LND ipcRenderer.send('walletUnlocker', { msg: 'initWallet', data: { wallet_password, cipher_seed_mnemonic, aezeed_passphrase } }) dispatch({ type: CREATING_NEW_WALLET }) } export const startOnboarding = () => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ONBOARDING_STARTED }) } // Listener for errors connecting to LND gRPC export const startLndError = (event, errors) => (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(setStartLndError(errors)) const connectionType = connectionTypeSelector(getState()) switch (connectionType) { case 'custom': dispatch({ type: CHANGE_STEP, step: 0.2 }) break case 'btcpayserver': dispatch({ type: CHANGE_STEP, step: 0.3 }) break } } // Listener from after the LND walletUnlocker has started export const walletUnlockerStarted = () => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: LND_STARTED }) ipcRenderer.send('walletUnlocker', { msg: 'genSeed' }) } export const createWallet = () => dispatch => { ipcRenderer.send('walletUnlocker', { msg: 'genSeed' }) dispatch({ type: CHANGE_STEP, step: 4 }) } export const successfullyCreatedWallet = () => dispatch => dispatch({ type: ONBOARDING_FINISHED }) // Listener for when LND creates and sends us a generated seed export const receiveSeed = (event, { cipher_seed_mnemonic }) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: CHANGE_STEP, step: 4 }) // there was no seed and we just generated a new one, send user to the login component dispatch({ type: SET_SEED, seed: cipher_seed_mnemonic }) } // Listener for when LND throws an error on seed creation export const receiveSeedError = (event, error) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: SET_HAS_SEED, hasSeed: true }) // there is already a seed, send user to the login component dispatch({ type: CHANGE_STEP, step: 3 }) dispatch({ type: LOADING_EXISTING_WALLET, existingWalletDir: get(error, 'context.lndDataDir') }) } // Unlock an existing wallet with a wallet password export const unlockWallet = wallet_password => dispatch => { ipcRenderer.send('walletUnlocker', { msg: 'unlockWallet', data: { wallet_password } }) dispatch({ type: UNLOCKING_WALLET }) } export const walletUnlocked = () => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: WALLET_UNLOCKED }) dispatch({ type: ONBOARDING_FINISHED }) } export const unlockWalletError = () => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: SET_UNLOCK_WALLET_ERROR }) } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [SET_CONNECTION_TYPE]: (state, { connectionType }) => ({ ...state, connectionType }), [SET_CONNECTION_STRING]: (state, { connectionString }) => ({ ...state, connectionString }), [SET_CONNECTION_HOST]: (state, { connectionHost }) => ({ ...state, connectionHost }), [SET_CONNECTION_CERT]: (state, { connectionCert }) => ({ ...state, connectionCert }), [SET_CONNECTION_MACAROON]: (state, { connectionMacaroon }) => ({ ...state, connectionMacaroon }), [UPDATE_ALIAS]: (state, { alias }) => ({ ...state, alias }), [UPDATE_PASSWORD]: (state, { password }) => ({ ...state, password }), [UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD]: (state, { createWalletPassword }) => ({ ...state, createWalletPassword }), [UPDATE_CREATE_WALLET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION]: (state, { createWalletPasswordConfirmation }) => ({ ...state, createWalletPasswordConfirmation }), [UPDATE_RE_ENTER_SEED_INPUT]: (state, { inputSeedObj }) => ({ ...state, reEnterSeedInput: { ...state.reEnterSeedInput, [inputSeedObj.index]: inputSeedObj.word } }), [UPDATE_RECOVER_SEED_INPUT]: (state, { inputSeedObj }) => ({ ...state, recoverSeedInput: Object.assign([], state.recoverSeedInput, { [inputSeedObj.index]: inputSeedObj }) }), [SET_AUTOPILOT]: (state, { autopilot }) => ({ ...state, autopilot }), [SET_HAS_SEED]: (state, { hasSeed }) => ({ ...state, hasSeed }), [SET_SEED]: (state, { seed }) => ({ ...state, seed, fetchingSeed: false }), [SET_RE_ENTER_SEED_INDEXES]: (state, { seedIndexesArr }) => ({ ...state, seedIndexesArr }), [CHANGE_STEP]: (state, { step }) => ({ ...state, step, previousStep: state.step }), [ONBOARDING_STARTED]: state => ({ ...state, onboarded: false }), [ONBOARDING_FINISHED]: state => ({ ...state, onboarded: true }), [STARTING_LND]: state => ({ ...state, startingLnd: true }), [LND_STARTED]: state => ({ ...state, startingLnd: false }), [SET_START_LND_ERROR]: (state, { errors }) => ({ ...state, startingLnd: false, startLndHostError:, startLndCertError: errors.cert, startLndMacaroonError: errors.macaroon }), [LOADING_EXISTING_WALLET]: (state, { existingWalletDir }) => ({ ...state, existingWalletDir }), [CREATING_NEW_WALLET]: state => ({ ...state, creatingNewWallet: true }), [UNLOCKING_WALLET]: state => ({ ...state, unlockingWallet: true }), [WALLET_UNLOCKED]: state => ({ ...state, unlockingWallet: false, unlockWalletError: { isError: false, message: '' } }), [SET_UNLOCK_WALLET_ERROR]: state => ({ ...state, unlockingWallet: false, unlockWalletError: { isError: true, message: 'Incorrect password' } }), [SET_SIGNUP_CREATE]: state => ({ ...state, signupForm: { create: true, import: false } }), [SET_SIGNUP_IMPORT]: state => ({ ...state, signupForm: { create: false, import: true } }) } // ------------------------------------ // Selector // ------------------------------------ const onboardingSelectors = {} const passwordSelector = state => state.onboarding.password const createWalletPasswordSelector = state => state.onboarding.createWalletPassword const createWalletPasswordConfirmationSelector = state => state.onboarding.createWalletPasswordConfirmation const seedSelector = state => state.onboarding.seed const seedIndexesArrSelector = state => state.onboarding.seedIndexesArr const reEnterSeedInputSelector = state => state.onboarding.reEnterSeedInput const connectionStringSelector = state => state.onboarding.connectionString const connectionTypeSelector = state => state.onboarding.connectionType const connectionHostSelector = state => state.onboarding.connectionHost onboardingSelectors.passwordIsValid = createSelector( passwordSelector, password => password.length >= 8 ) onboardingSelectors.passwordMinCharsError = createSelector( createWalletPasswordSelector, createWalletPasswordConfirmationSelector, (pass1, pass2) => pass1 === pass2 && pass1.length < 8 && pass1.length > 0 ) onboardingSelectors.showCreateWalletPasswordConfirmationError = createSelector( createWalletPasswordSelector, createWalletPasswordConfirmationSelector, (pass1, pass2) => pass1 !== pass2 && pass2.length > 0 ) onboardingSelectors.reEnterSeedChecker = createSelector( seedSelector, seedIndexesArrSelector, reEnterSeedInputSelector, (seed, seedIndexArr, reEnterSeedInput) => Object.keys(reEnterSeedInput).length >= seedIndexArr.length && seedIndexArr.every( index => reEnterSeedInput[index] && reEnterSeedInput[index] === seed[index - 1] ) ) onboardingSelectors.connectionHostIsValid = createSelector( connectionHostSelector, connectionHost => { return connectionHost.length > 0 } ) onboardingSelectors.connectionStringParamsSelector = createSelector( connectionStringSelector, connectionString => { let config = {} try { config = JSON.parse(connectionString) } catch (e) { return {} } const configurations = get(config, 'configurations', []) return configurations.find(c => c.type === 'grpc' && c.cryptoCode === 'BTC') || {} } ) onboardingSelectors.connectionStringIsValid = createSelector( onboardingSelectors.connectionStringParamsSelector, connectionStringParams => { const { host, port, macaroon } = connectionStringParams return Boolean(host && port && macaroon) } ) export { onboardingSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { onboarded: false, step: 0.1, connectionType: store.get('type', 'local'), connectionString: store.get('string', ''), connectionHost: store.get('host', ''), connectionCert: store.get('cert', ''), connectionMacaroon: store.get('macaroon', ''), alias: store.get('alias', ''), password: '', startingLnd: false, startLndHostError: '', startLndCertError: '', startLndMacaroonError: '', fetchingSeed: false, hasSeed: false, seed: [], // wallet password. password used to encrypt the wallet and is required to unlock the daemon after set createWalletPassword: '', createWalletPasswordConfirmation: '', creatingNewWallet: false, existingWalletDir: null, unlockingWallet: false, unlockWalletError: { isError: false, message: '' }, seedIndexesArr: [], // object of inputs for when the user re-enters their seed // { // index: word, // index: word, // index: word // } reEnterSeedInput: {}, recoverSeedInput: [], // step where the user decides whether they want a newly created seed or to import an existing one signupForm: { create: true, import: false }, autopilot: store.get('autopilot', true) } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ export default function onboardingReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }