import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import db from 'store/db' import { showNotification } from 'lib/utils/notifications' import { btc } from 'lib/utils' import { fetchBalance } from './balance' import { setError } from './error' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const SEARCH_INVOICES = 'SEARCH_INVOICES' export const SET_INVOICE = 'SET_INVOICE' export const GET_INVOICE = 'GET_INVOICE' export const RECEIVE_INVOICE = 'RECEIVE_INVOICE' export const RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE = 'RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE' export const GET_INVOICES = 'GET_INVOICES' export const RECEIVE_INVOICES = 'RECEIVE_INVOICES' export const SEND_INVOICE = 'SEND_INVOICE' export const INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL = 'INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL' export const INVOICE_FAILED = 'INVOICE_FAILED' export const UPDATE_INVOICE = 'UPDATE_INVOICE' // ------------------------------------ // Helpers // ------------------------------------ // Decorate invoice object with custom/computed properties. const decorateInvoice = invoice => { invoice.finalAmount = invoice.amt_paid_sat ? invoice.amt_paid_sat : invoice.value return invoice } // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function searchInvoices(invoicesSearchText) { return { type: SEARCH_INVOICES, invoicesSearchText } } export function setInvoice(invoice) { return { type: SET_INVOICE, invoice } } export function getInvoice() { return { type: GET_INVOICE } } export function receiveInvoice(invoice) { return { type: RECEIVE_INVOICE, invoice } } export function getInvoices() { return { type: GET_INVOICES } } export function sendInvoice() { return { type: SEND_INVOICE } } // Send IPC event for a specific invoice export const fetchInvoice = payreq => dispatch => { dispatch(getInvoice()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'invoice', data: { payreq } }) } // Send IPC event for invoices export const fetchInvoices = () => dispatch => { dispatch(getInvoices()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'invoices' }) } // Receive IPC event for invoices export const receiveInvoices = (event, { invoices }) => dispatch => { invoices.forEach(decorateInvoice) dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_INVOICES, invoices }) } // Send IPC event for creating an invoice export const createInvoice = (amount, currency, memo) => async dispatch => { // backend needs value in satoshis no matter what currency we are using const value = btc.convert(currency, 'sats', amount) dispatch(sendInvoice()) // Grab the activeWallet type from our local store. If the active connection type is local (light clients using // neutrino) we will have to flag private as true when creating this invoice. All light cliets open private channels // (both manual and autopilot ones). In order for these clients to receive money through these channels the invoices // need to come with routing hints for private channels const activeWallet = await db.settings.get({ key: 'activeWallet' }) const wallet = db.wallets.get({ id: activeWallet.value }) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'createInvoice', data: { value, memo, private: wallet.type === 'local' } }) } // Receive IPC event for newly created invoice export const createdInvoice = (event, invoice) => dispatch => { decorateInvoice(invoice) // Add new invoice to invoices list dispatch({ type: INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL, invoice }) // Set current invoice to newly created invoice. dispatch(setInvoice(invoice.payment_request)) } export const invoiceFailed = (event, { error }) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: INVOICE_FAILED }) dispatch(setError(error)) } // Listen for invoice updates pushed from backend from subscribeToInvoices export const invoiceUpdate = (event, { invoice }) => dispatch => { decorateInvoice(invoice) dispatch({ type: UPDATE_INVOICE, invoice }) // Fetch new balance dispatch(fetchBalance()) if (invoice.settled) { // HTML 5 desktop notification for the invoice update const notifTitle = "You've been Zapped" const notifBody = 'Congrats, someone just paid an invoice of yours' showNotification(notifTitle, notifBody) } } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [SEARCH_INVOICES]: (state, { invoicesSearchText }) => ({ ...state, invoicesSearchText }), [SET_INVOICE]: (state, { invoice }) => ({ ...state, invoice }), [GET_INVOICE]: state => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: true }), [RECEIVE_INVOICE]: (state, { invoice }) => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: false, invoice }), [RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE]: state => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: false }), [GET_INVOICES]: state => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: true }), [RECEIVE_INVOICES]: (state, { invoices }) => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: false, invoices }), [SEND_INVOICE]: state => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: true }), [INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL]: (state, { invoice }) => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: false, invoices: [...state.invoices, invoice] }), [INVOICE_FAILED]: state => ({ ...state, invoiceLoading: false, data: null }), [UPDATE_INVOICE]: (state, action) => { let isNew = true const updatedInvoices = => { if (invoice.r_hash.toString('hex') === action.invoice.r_hash.toString('hex')) { isNew = false return { ...invoice, ...action.invoice } } return invoice }) if (isNew) { updatedInvoices.push(action.invoice) } return { ...state, invoices: updatedInvoices } } } const invoiceSelectors = {} const invoiceSelector = state => state.invoice.invoice const invoicesSelector = state => state.invoice.invoices const invoicesSearchTextSelector = state => state.invoice.invoicesSearchText invoiceSelectors.invoiceModalOpen = createSelector(invoiceSelector, invoice => !!invoice) invoiceSelectors.invoices = createSelector( invoicesSelector, invoicesSearchTextSelector, (invoices, invoicesSearchText) => invoices.filter(invoice => invoice.memo && invoice.memo.includes(invoicesSearchText)) ) export { invoiceSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { invoiceLoading: false, invoices: [], invoice: null, invoicesSearchText: '', data: {}, formInvoice: { payreq: '', r_hash: '', amount: '0' } } export default function invoiceReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }