import ZapController from 'lib/zap/controller' import LndConfig from 'lib/lnd/config' jest.mock('lib/lnd/lightning') const Lightning = require('lib/lnd/lightning') describe('ZapController', function() { describe('Constructor', () => { beforeAll(() => { this.controller = new ZapController() }) describe('initial values', () => { it('should set the "lndConfig" property to a new LndConfig instance', () => { expect(this.controller.lndConfig).toBeInstanceOf(LndConfig) }) it('should set the "splashScreenTime" property to 500', () => { expect(this.controller.splashScreenTime).toEqual(500) }) it('should set the "mainWindow" property to undefined', () => { expect(this.controller.mainWindow).toBeUndefined() }) }) }) describe('.startLightningWallet', () => { describe('successful connection', () => { beforeEach(() => { Lightning.mockImplementation(() => ({ subscribe: jest.fn(), connect: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue() })) this.controller = new ZapController() }) it('should resolve with undefined', async () => { await expect(this.controller.startLightningWallet()).resolves.toBeUndefined() expect(this.controller.lightning.subscribe).toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('unsuccessful connection', () => { beforeEach(() => { Lightning.mockImplementation(() => ({ subscribe: jest.fn(), connect: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('Async error')) })) this.controller = new ZapController() }) it('should reject an error', async () => { await expect(this.controller.startLightningWallet()).rejects.toThrow('Async error') expect(this.controller.lightning.subscribe).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) }) })