import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import filter from 'lodash/filter' import { btc } from 'utils' import { showNotification } from 'notifications' import { setError } from './error' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const SET_CHANNEL_FORM = 'SET_CHANNEL_FORM' export const SET_CHANNEL = 'SET_CHANNEL' export const GET_CHANNELS = 'GET_CHANNELS' export const RECEIVE_CHANNELS = 'RECEIVE_CHANNELS' export const OPENING_CHANNEL = 'OPENING_CHANNEL' export const OPENING_SUCCESSFUL = 'OPENING_SUCCESSFUL' export const OPENING_FAILURE = 'OPENING_FAILURE' export const CLOSING_CHANNEL = 'CLOSING_CHANNEL' export const CLOSING_SUCCESSFUL = 'CLOSING_SUCCESSFUL' export const CLOSING_FAILURE = 'CLOSING_FAILURE' export const UPDATE_SEARCH_QUERY = 'UPDATE_SEARCH_QUERY' export const SET_VIEW_TYPE = 'SET_VIEW_TYPE' export const TOGGLE_CHANNEL_PULLDOWN = 'TOGGLE_CHANNEL_PULLDOWN' export const CHANGE_CHANNEL_FILTER = 'CHANGE_CHANNEL_FILTER' export const ADD_LOADING_PUBKEY = 'ADD_LOADING_PUBKEY' export const REMOVE_LOADING_PUBKEY = 'REMOVE_LOADING_PUBKEY' export const ADD_ClOSING_CHAN_ID = 'ADD_ClOSING_CHAN_ID' export const REMOVE_ClOSING_CHAN_ID = 'REMOVE_ClOSING_CHAN_ID' export const OPEN_CONTACT_MODAL = 'OPEN_CONTACT_MODAL' export const CLOSE_CONTACT_MODAL = 'CLOSE_CONTACT_MODAL' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function setChannelForm(form) { return { type: SET_CHANNEL_FORM, form } } export function setChannel(channel) { return { type: SET_CHANNEL, channel } } export function getChannels() { return { type: GET_CHANNELS } } export function openingChannel() { return { type: OPENING_CHANNEL } } export function closingChannel() { return { type: CLOSING_CHANNEL } } export function openingSuccessful() { return { type: OPENING_SUCCESSFUL } } export function openingFailure() { return { type: OPENING_FAILURE } } export function updateChannelSearchQuery(searchQuery) { return { type: UPDATE_SEARCH_QUERY, searchQuery } } export function setViewType(viewType) { return { type: SET_VIEW_TYPE, viewType } } export function addLoadingPubkey(pubkey) { return { type: ADD_LOADING_PUBKEY, pubkey } } export function removeLoadingPubkey(pubkey) { return { type: REMOVE_LOADING_PUBKEY, pubkey } } export function addClosingChanId(chanId) { return { type: ADD_ClOSING_CHAN_ID, chanId } } export function removeClosingChanId(chanId) { return { type: REMOVE_ClOSING_CHAN_ID, chanId } } export function openContactModal(channel) { return { type: OPEN_CONTACT_MODAL, channel } } export function closeContactModal() { return { type: CLOSE_CONTACT_MODAL } } // Send IPC event for peers export const fetchChannels = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getChannels()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'channels' }) } // Receive IPC event for channels export const receiveChannels = (event, { channels, pendingChannels }) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_CHANNELS, channels, pendingChannels }) // Send IPC event for opening a channel export const openChannel = ({ pubkey, host, local_amt }) => (dispatch) => { const localamt = btc.btcToSatoshis(local_amt) dispatch(openingChannel()) dispatch(addLoadingPubkey(pubkey)) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'connectAndOpen', data: { pubkey, host, localamt } }) } // TODO: Decide how to handle streamed updates for channels // Receive IPC event for openChannel export const channelSuccessful = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for updated channel export const pushchannelupdated = (event, { pubkey }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) dispatch(removeLoadingPubkey(pubkey)) } // Receive IPC event for channel end export const pushchannelend = event => (dispatch) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for channel error export const pushchannelerror = (event, { pubkey, error }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(openingFailure()) dispatch(setError(error)) dispatch(removeLoadingPubkey(pubkey)) } // Receive IPC event for channel status export const pushchannelstatus = (event, data) => (dispatch) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Send IPC event for opening a channel export const closeChannel = ({ channel_point, chan_id, force }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(closingChannel()) dispatch(addClosingChanId(chan_id)) const [funding_txid, output_index] = channel_point.split(':') ipcRenderer.send( 'lnd', { msg: 'closeChannel', data: { channel_point: { funding_txid, output_index }, force, chan_id } } ) } // TODO: Decide how to handle streamed updates for closing channels // Receive IPC event for closeChannel export const closeChannelSuccessful = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for updated closing channel export const pushclosechannelupdated = (event, { chan_id }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) dispatch(removeClosingChanId(chan_id)) dispatch(closeContactModal()) } // Receive IPC event for closing channel end export const pushclosechannelend = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // Receive IPC event for closing channel error export const pushclosechannelerror = (event, { error, chan_id }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(setError(error)) dispatch(removeClosingChanId(chan_id)) } // Receive IPC event for closing channel status export const pushclosechannelstatus = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(fetchChannels()) } // IPC event for channel graph data export const channelGraphData = (event, data) => (dispatch, getState) => { const { info } = getState() const { channelGraphData: { channel_updates } } = data // if there are any new channel updates if (channel_updates.length) { // The network has updated, so fetch a new result // TODO: can't do this now because of the SVG performance issues, after we fix this we can uncomment the line below // dispatch(fetchDescribeNetwork()) // loop through the channel updates for (let i = 0; i < channel_updates.length; i += 1) { const channel_update = channel_updates[i] const { advertising_node, connecting_node } = channel_update // if our node is involved in this update we wanna show a notification if ( === advertising_node || === connecting_node) { // this channel has to do with the user, lets fetch a new channel list for them // TODO: full fetch is probably not necessary dispatch(fetchChannels()) // Construct the notification const otherParty = === advertising_node ? connecting_node : advertising_node const notifBody = `No new friends, just new channels. Your channel with ${otherParty}` const notifTitle = 'New channel detected' // HTML 5 notification for channel updates involving our node showNotification(notifTitle, notifBody) } } } } // IPC event for channel graph status export const channelGraphStatus = () => () => {} export function toggleFilterPulldown() { return { type: TOGGLE_CHANNEL_PULLDOWN } } export function changeFilter(channelFilter) { return { type: CHANGE_CHANNEL_FILTER, channelFilter } } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [SET_CHANNEL_FORM]: (state, { form }) => ( { ...state, channelForm: Object.assign({}, state.channelForm, form) } ), [SET_CHANNEL]: (state, { channel }) => ({ ...state, channel }), [GET_CHANNELS]: state => ({ ...state, channelsLoading: true }), [RECEIVE_CHANNELS]: (state, { channels, pendingChannels }) => ( { ...state, channelsLoading: false, channels, pendingChannels } ), [OPENING_CHANNEL]: state => ({ ...state, openingChannel: true }), [OPENING_FAILURE]: state => ({ ...state, openingChannel: false }), [CLOSING_CHANNEL]: state => ({ ...state, closingChannel: true }), [UPDATE_SEARCH_QUERY]: (state, { searchQuery }) => ({ ...state, searchQuery }), [SET_VIEW_TYPE]: (state, { viewType }) => ({ ...state, viewType }), [TOGGLE_CHANNEL_PULLDOWN]: state => ({ ...state, filterPulldown: !state.filterPulldown }), [CHANGE_CHANNEL_FILTER]: (state, { channelFilter }) => ( { ...state, filterPulldown: false, filter: channelFilter } ), [ADD_LOADING_PUBKEY]: (state, { pubkey }) => ({ ...state, loadingChannelPubkeys: [pubkey, ...state.loadingChannelPubkeys] }), [REMOVE_LOADING_PUBKEY]: (state, { pubkey }) => ( { ...state, loadingChannelPubkeys: state.loadingChannelPubkeys.filter(loadingPubkey => loadingPubkey !== pubkey) } ), [ADD_ClOSING_CHAN_ID]: (state, { chanId }) => ({ ...state, closingChannelIds: [chanId, ...state.closingChannelIds] }), [REMOVE_ClOSING_CHAN_ID]: (state, { chanId }) => ( { ...state, closingChannelIds: state.closingChannelIds.filter(closingChanId => closingChanId !== chanId) } ), [OPEN_CONTACT_MODAL]: (state, { channel }) => ({ ...state, contactModal: { isOpen: true, channel } }), [CLOSE_CONTACT_MODAL]: state => ({ ...state, contactModal: { isOpen: false, channel: null } }) } const channelsSelectors = {} const channelSelector = state => const channelsSelector = state => state.channels.channels const pendingOpenChannelsSelector = state => state.channels.pendingChannels.pending_open_channels const pendingClosedChannelsSelector = state => state.channels.pendingChannels.pending_closing_channels const pendingForceClosedChannelsSelector = state => state.channels.pendingChannels.pending_force_closing_channels const channelSearchQuerySelector = state => state.channels.searchQuery const filtersSelector = state => state.channels.filters const filterSelector = state => state.channels.filter const nodesSelector = state => channelsSelectors.channelModalOpen = createSelector( channelSelector, channel => (!!channel) ) channelsSelectors.activeChannels = createSelector( channelsSelector, openChannels => openChannels.filter(channel => ) channelsSelectors.activeChannelPubkeys = createSelector( channelsSelector, openChannels => openChannels.filter(channel => => c.remote_pubkey) ) channelsSelectors.nonActiveChannels = createSelector( channelsSelector, openChannels => openChannels.filter(channel => ! ) channelsSelectors.nonActiveChannelPubkeys = createSelector( channelsSelector, openChannels => openChannels.filter(channel => ! => c.remote_pubkey) ) channelsSelectors.pendingOpenChannels = createSelector( pendingOpenChannelsSelector, pendingOpenChannels => pendingOpenChannels ) channelsSelectors.pendingOpenChannelPubkeys = createSelector( pendingOpenChannelsSelector, pendingOpenChannels => => ) channelsSelectors.closingPendingChannels = createSelector( pendingClosedChannelsSelector, pendingForceClosedChannelsSelector, (pendingClosedChannels, pendingForcedClosedChannels) => [...pendingClosedChannels, ...pendingForcedClosedChannels] ) channelsSelectors.activeChanIds = createSelector( channelsSelector, channels => => channel.chan_id) ) channelsSelectors.nonActiveFilters = createSelector( filtersSelector, filterSelector, (filters, channelFilter) => filters.filter(f => f.key !== channelFilter.key) ) channelsSelectors.channelNodes = createSelector( channelsSelector, nodesSelector, (channels, nodes) => { const chanPubkeys = => channel.remote_pubkey) return filter(nodes, node => chanPubkeys.includes(node.pub_key)) } ) const allChannels = createSelector( channelsSelectors.activeChannels, channelsSelectors.nonActiveChannels, pendingOpenChannelsSelector, pendingClosedChannelsSelector, pendingForceClosedChannelsSelector, channelSearchQuerySelector, (activeChannels, nonActiveChannels, pendingOpenChannels, pendingClosedChannels, pendingForcedClosedChannels, searchQuery) => { const filterChannel = channel => channel.remote_pubkey.includes(searchQuery) || channel.channel_point.includes(searchQuery) const filteredActiveChannels = activeChannels.filter(filterChannel) const filteredNonActiveChannels = nonActiveChannels.filter(filterChannel) const filterPendingChannel = channel => || const filteredPendingOpenChannels = pendingOpenChannels.filter(filterPendingChannel) const filteredPendingClosedChannels = pendingClosedChannels.filter(filterPendingChannel) const filteredPendingForcedClosedChannels = pendingForcedClosedChannels.filter(filterPendingChannel) return [ ...filteredActiveChannels, ...filteredPendingOpenChannels, ...filteredPendingClosedChannels, ...filteredPendingForcedClosedChannels, ...filteredNonActiveChannels ] } ) export const currentChannels = createSelector( allChannels, channelsSelectors.activeChannels, channelsSelectors.nonActiveChannels, channelsSelector, pendingOpenChannelsSelector, channelsSelectors.closingPendingChannels, filterSelector, channelSearchQuerySelector, (allChannelsArr, activeChannelsArr, nonActiveChannelsArr, openChannels, pendingOpenChannels, pendingClosedChannels, channelFilter, searchQuery) => { // Helper function to deliver correct channel array based on filter const filteredArray = (filterKey) => { switch (filterKey) { case 'ALL_CHANNELS': return allChannelsArr case 'ACTIVE_CHANNELS': return activeChannelsArr case 'NON_ACTIVE_CHANNELS': return nonActiveChannelsArr case 'OPEN_CHANNELS': return openChannels case 'OPEN_PENDING_CHANNELS': return pendingOpenChannels case 'CLOSING_PENDING_CHANNELS': return pendingClosedChannels default: return [] } } const channelArray = filteredArray(channelFilter.key) return channelArray.filter(channel => (, 'channel') ? || : channel.remote_pubkey.includes(searchQuery) || channel.channel_point.includes(searchQuery))) } ) export { channelsSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { channelsLoading: false, channels: [], pendingChannels: { total_limbo_balance: '', pending_open_channels: [], pending_closing_channels: [], pending_force_closing_channels: [] }, channel: null, channelForm: { isOpen: false, node_key: '', local_amt: '', push_amt: '' }, openingChannel: false, closingChannel: false, searchQuery: '', viewType: 0, filterPulldown: false, filter: { key: 'ALL_CHANNELS', name: 'All' }, filters: [ { key: 'ALL_CHANNELS', name: 'All' }, { key: 'ACTIVE_CHANNELS', name: 'Online' }, { key: 'NON_ACTIVE_CHANNELS', name: 'Offline' }, { key: 'OPEN_PENDING_CHANNELS', name: 'Pending' }, { key: 'CLOSING_PENDING_CHANNELS', name: 'Closing' } ], loadingChannelPubkeys: [], closingChannelIds: [], contactModal: { isOpen: false, channel: null } } export default function channelsReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }