// @flow import { join } from 'path' import { app } from 'electron' import Store from 'electron-store' import pick from 'lodash.pick' import createDebug from 'debug' import untildify from 'untildify' import tildify from 'tildify' import { appRootPath, binaryPath } from './util' const debug = createDebug('zap:lnd-config') // Supported connection types. const types = { local: 'Local', custom: 'Custom', btcpayserver: 'BTCPay Server' } // Supported currencies. const currencties = { bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', litecoin: 'Litecoin' } // Supported networks. const networks = { mainnet: 'Mainnet', testnet: 'Testnet' } // Type definition for for local connection settings. type LndConfigSettingsLocalType = {| alias?: string, autopilot?: boolean |} // Type definition for for custom connection settings. type LndConfigSettingsCustomType = {| host: string, cert: string, macaroon: string |} // Type definition for for BTCPay Server connection settings. type LndConfigSettingsBtcPayServerType = {| string: string, host: string, macaroon: string |} // Type definition for for BTCPay Server connection settings. type LndConfigSettingsType = {| type: $Keys, currency: $Keys, network: $Keys, wallet: string |} // Type definition for LndConfig constructor options. type LndConfigOptions = {| ...LndConfigSettingsType, settings?: | LndConfigSettingsLocalType | LndConfigSettingsCustomType | LndConfigSettingsBtcPayServerType |} const _host = new WeakMap() const _cert = new WeakMap() const _macaroon = new WeakMap() const _string = new WeakMap() /** * Utility methods to clean and prepare data. */ const safeTrim = (val: ?T): ?T => (typeof val === 'string' ? val.trim() : val) const safeTildify = (val: ?T): ?T => (typeof val === 'string' ? tildify(val) : val) const safeUntildify = (val: ?T): ?T => (typeof val === 'string' ? untildify(val) : val) /** * LndConfig class */ class LndConfig { static DEFAULT_CONFIG = { type: 'local', currency: 'bitcoin', network: 'testnet', wallet: 'wallet-1' } static SETTINGS_PROPS = { local: ['alias', 'autopilot'], custom: ['host', 'cert', 'macaroon'], btcpayserver: ['host', 'macaroon', 'string'] } static store = new Store({ name: 'connection' }) // Type descriptor properties. type: string currency: string network: string wallet: string // User configurable settings. host: ?string cert: ?string macaroon: ?string string: ?string alias: ?string autopilot: ?boolean // Read only data properties. +key: string +binaryPath: string +dataDir: string +configPath: string +rpcProtoPath: string /** * Lnd configuration class. * * @param {LndConfigOptions} [options] Lnd config options. * @param {string} options.type config type (Local|custom|btcpayserver) * @param {string} options.currency config currency (bitcoin|litecoin) * @param {string} options.network config network (mainnet|testnet) * @param {string} options.wallet config wallet name (eg wallet-1) * @param {Object} [options.settings] config settings used to initialise the config with. */ constructor(options?: LndConfigOptions) { debug('Constructor called with options: %o', options) // Define properties that we support with custom getters and setters as needed. // flow currently doesn't support defineProperties properly (https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/285) const { defineProperties } = Object defineProperties(this, { key: { get() { return `${this.type}.${this.currency}.${this.network}.${this.wallet}` } }, binaryPath: { enumerable: true, get() { return binaryPath() } }, dataDir: { enumerable: true, get() { return join(app.getPath('userData'), 'lnd', this.currency, this.network, this.wallet) } }, configPath: { enumerable: true, get() { return join(appRootPath(), 'resources', 'lnd.conf') } }, rpcProtoPath: { enumerable: true, get() { return join(appRootPath(), 'resources', 'rpc.proto') } }, // Getters / Setters for host property. // - Trim value before saving. host: { enumerable: true, get() { return _host.get(this) }, set(value: string) { _host.set(this, safeTrim(value)) } }, // Getters / Setters for cert property. // - Untildify value on retrieval. // - Trim value before saving. cert: { enumerable: true, get() { return safeUntildify(_cert.get(this)) }, set(value: string) { _cert.set(this, safeTrim(value)) } }, // Getters / Setters for macaroon property. // - Untildify value on retrieval. // - Trim value before saving. macaroon: { enumerable: true, get() { return safeUntildify(_macaroon.get(this)) }, set(value: string) { _macaroon.set(this, safeTrim(value)) } }, // Getters / Setters for string property. // - Trim value before saving. string: { enumerable: true, get() { return _string.get(this) }, set(value: string) { _string.set(this, safeTrim(value)) } } }) // If options were provided, use them to initialise the instance. if (options) { this.type = options.type this.currency = options.currency this.network = options.network this.wallet = options.wallet // If settings were provided then clean them up and assign them to the instance for easy access. if (options.settings) { debug('Setting settings as: %o', options.settings) Object.assign(this, options.settings) } } // If no options were provided load the details of the current active or default wallet. else { const settings = new Store({ name: 'settings' }) const activeConnection: ?LndConfigSettingsType = settings.get('activeConnection') debug('Determined active connection as: %o', activeConnection) if (activeConnection && Object.keys(activeConnection).length > 0) { debug('Assigning connection details from activeConnection as: %o', activeConnection) Object.assign(this, activeConnection) } // If the connection settings were not found for the configured active connection, load the default values. debug('Fetching connection config for %s', this.key) if (!this.key || (this.key && !LndConfig.store.has(this.key))) { debug('Active connection config not found. Setting config as: %o', LndConfig.DEFAULT_CONFIG) Object.assign(this, LndConfig.DEFAULT_CONFIG) } } // For local configs host/cert/macaroon are auto-generated. if (this.type === 'local') { const defaultLocalOptions = { host: 'localhost:10009', cert: join(this.dataDir, 'tls.cert'), macaroon: join(this.dataDir, 'admin.macaroon') } debug('Connection type is local. Assigning settings as: %o', defaultLocalOptions) Object.assign(this, defaultLocalOptions) } } /** * Load settings for this configuration from the store. * @return {LndConfig} Updated LndConfig object. */ load() { const settings = pick(LndConfig.store.get(this.key, {}), LndConfig.SETTINGS_PROPS[this.type]) debug('Loaded settings for %s config as: %o', this.key, settings) return Object.assign(this, settings) } /** * Save settings for this configuration to the store. * @return {LndConfig} Updated LndConfig object. */ save() { const settings = pick(this, LndConfig.SETTINGS_PROPS[this.type]) // Tildify cert and macaroon values before storing for better portability. if (settings.cert) { settings.cert = safeTildify(settings.cert) } if (settings.macaroon) { settings.macaroon = safeTildify(settings.macaroon) } debug('Saving settings for %s config as: %o', this.key, settings) LndConfig.store.set(this.key, settings) return this } } export default LndConfig