// @flow import { join, normalize } from 'path' import Store from 'electron-store' import LndConfig from 'lib/lnd/config' jest.mock('electron-store') jest.mock('lib/lnd/util', () => { return { ...jest.requireActual('lib/lnd/util'), binaryName: 'binaryName', binaryPath: () => 'binaryPath' } }) describe('LndConfig', function() { const checkForStaticProperties = () => { it('should have "binaryPath" set to the value returned by lib/lnd/util', () => { expect(this.lndConfig.binaryPath).toEqual('binaryPath') }) it('should have "configPath" set to "resources/lnd.conf" relative to app root from lib/lnd/util"', () => { expect(this.lndConfig.configPath).toEqual(normalize('/tmp/resources/lnd.conf')) }) it('should have "rpcProtoPath" set to "resources/rcp.proto" relative to app root from lib/lnd/util"', () => { expect(this.lndConfig.rpcProtoPath).toEqual(normalize('/tmp/resources/rpc.proto')) }) } const checkForConfigProperties = type => { it(`should have the "type" property set to the ${type} value`, () => { expect(this.lndConfig.type).toEqual(this.type) }) it(`should have the "currency" property set to the ${type} value`, () => { expect(this.lndConfig.currency).toEqual(this.currency) }) it(`should have the "network" property set to the ${type}`, () => { expect(this.lndConfig.network).toEqual(this.network) }) it(`should have the "wallet" property set to the ${type}`, () => { expect(this.lndConfig.wallet).toEqual(this.wallet) }) it(`should have the "dataDir" set to a path derived from the config, under the app userData dir`, () => { const baseDir = '/tmp/zap-test/userData/lnd/' const expectedDataDir = join(baseDir, this.currency, this.network, this.wallet) expect(this.lndConfig.dataDir).toEqual(expectedDataDir) }) } const checkForLoadedProperties = () => { it(`should have the "host" property set to the default value`, () => { expect(this.lndConfig.host).toEqual(this.host) }) it('should have the "cert" property set to a path relative to the datadir', () => { expect(this.lndConfig.cert).toEqual(this.cert) }) it('should have the "macaroon" property set to a path relative to the datadir', () => { expect(this.lndConfig.macaroon).toEqual(this.macaroon) }) } const checkForSaveBehaviour = expectedData => { it('should save the config to a file', () => { expect(Store.prototype.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${this.type}.${this.currency}.${this.network}.${this.wallet}`, expectedData ) }) } describe('"local" type', () => { describe('New config with default options', () => { beforeAll(() => { this.type = 'local' this.currency = 'bitcoin' this.network = 'testnet' this.wallet = 'wallet-1' this.lndConfig = new LndConfig() this.host = 'localhost:10009' this.cert = join(this.lndConfig.dataDir, 'tls.cert') this.macaroon = join(this.lndConfig.dataDir, 'admin.macaroon') }) describe('static properties', () => { checkForStaticProperties() }) describe('config properties', () => { checkForConfigProperties('default') }) describe('.load()', () => { beforeAll(() => this.lndConfig.load()) checkForLoadedProperties() }) describe('.save() - no settings', () => { beforeAll(() => this.lndConfig.save()) checkForSaveBehaviour({}) }) describe('.save() - with settings', () => { beforeAll(() => { this.lndConfig.alias = 'some-alias1' this.lndConfig.autopilot = true this.lndConfig.save() }) checkForSaveBehaviour({ alias: 'some-alias1', autopilot: true }) }) }) describe('New config with provided options', () => { beforeAll(() => { this.type = 'local' this.currency = 'litecoin' this.network = 'mainnet' this.wallet = 'wallet-2' this.lndConfig = new LndConfig({ type: this.type, currency: this.currency, network: this.network, wallet: this.wallet }) this.host = 'localhost:10009' this.cert = join(this.lndConfig.dataDir, 'tls.cert') this.macaroon = join(this.lndConfig.dataDir, 'admin.macaroon') }) describe('static properties', () => { checkForStaticProperties() }) describe('config properties', () => { checkForConfigProperties('provided') }) describe('.load()', () => { beforeAll(() => this.lndConfig.load()) checkForLoadedProperties() }) describe('.save() - no settings', () => { beforeAll(() => this.lndConfig.save()) checkForSaveBehaviour({}) }) describe('.save() - with settings', () => { beforeAll(() => { this.lndConfig.alias = 'some-alias2' this.lndConfig.autopilot = true this.lndConfig.save() }) checkForSaveBehaviour({ alias: 'some-alias2', autopilot: true }) }) }) describe('New config with provided options and initial configuration', () => { beforeAll(() => { this.type = 'custom' this.currency = 'bitcoin' this.network = 'testnet' this.wallet = 'wallet-1' this.host = 'some-host' this.cert = 'some-cert' this.macaroon = 'some-macaroon' this.lndConfig = new LndConfig({ type: this.type, currency: this.currency, network: this.network, wallet: this.wallet, settings: { host: this.host, cert: this.cert, macaroon: this.macaroon } }) }) describe('static properties', () => { checkForStaticProperties() }) describe('config properties', () => { checkForConfigProperties('provided') }) describe('.save()', () => { beforeAll(() => this.lndConfig.save()) checkForSaveBehaviour({ host: 'some-host', cert: 'some-cert', macaroon: 'some-macaroon' }) }) }) }) })