import tickerReducer, { SET_CURRENCY, SET_CRYPTO, GET_TICKERS, RECIEVE_TICKERS } from 'reducers/ticker' describe('reducers', () => { describe('tickerReducer', () => { it('should handle initial state', () => { expect(tickerReducer(undefined, {})).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should have SET_CURRENCY', () => { expect(SET_CURRENCY).toEqual('SET_CURRENCY') }) it('should have SET_CRYPTO', () => { expect(SET_CRYPTO).toEqual('SET_CRYPTO') }) it('should have GET_TICKER', () => { expect(GET_TICKERS).toEqual('GET_TICKERS') }) it('should have RECIEVE_TICKER', () => { expect(RECIEVE_TICKERS).toEqual('RECIEVE_TICKERS') }) it('should correctly setCurrency', () => { expect(tickerReducer(undefined, { type: SET_CURRENCY, currency: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly setCrypto', () => { expect(tickerReducer(undefined, { type: SET_CRYPTO, crypto: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly getTicker', () => { expect(tickerReducer(undefined, { type: GET_TICKERS })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly receiveTicker', () => { expect(tickerReducer(undefined, { type: RECIEVE_TICKERS, ticker: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) })