import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { ConnectedRouter } from 'react-router-redux'; import CounterPage from '../../app/containers/CounterPage'; import { configureStore } from '../../app/store/configureStore'; function setup(initialState) { const store = configureStore(initialState); const history = createBrowserHistory(); const app = mount( ); return { app, buttons: app.find('button'), p: app.find('.counter') }; } describe('containers', () => { describe('App', () => { it('should display initial count', () => { const { p } = setup(); expect(p.text()).toMatch(/^0$/); }); it('should display updated count after increment button click', () => { const { buttons, p } = setup();'click'); expect(p.text()).toMatch(/^1$/); }); it('should display updated count after descrement button click', () => { const { buttons, p } = setup();'click'); expect(p.text()).toMatch(/^-1$/); }); it('shouldnt change if even and if odd button clicked', () => { const { buttons, p } = setup();'click'); expect(p.text()).toMatch(/^0$/); }); it('should change if odd and if odd button clicked', () => { const { buttons, p } = setup({ counter: 1 });'click'); expect(p.text()).toMatch(/^2$/); }); }); });