import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { fetchTicker } from './ticker' import { fetchBalance } from './balance' import { fetchInfo } from './info' import { requestBlockHeight } from '../api' import { showNotification } from '../notifications' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const START_SYNCING = 'START_SYNCING' export const STOP_SYNCING = 'STOP_SYNCING' export const RECEIVE_LINE = 'RECEIVE_LINE' export const GET_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 'GET_BLOCK_HEIGHT' export const RECEIVE_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_HEIGHT' export const GRPC_DISCONNECTED = 'GRPC_DISCONNECTED' export const GRPC_CONNECTED = 'GRPC_CONNECTED' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ // Receive IPC event for LND starting its syncing process export const lndSyncing = () => dispatch => dispatch({ type: START_SYNCING }) // Receive IPC event for LND stoping sync export const lndSynced = () => dispatch => { // Fetch data now that we know LND is synced dispatch(fetchTicker()) dispatch(fetchBalance()) dispatch(fetchInfo()) dispatch({ type: STOP_SYNCING }) // HTML 5 desktop notification for the new transaction const notifTitle = 'Lightning Node Synced' const notifBody = "Visa who? You're your own payment processor now!" showNotification(notifTitle, notifBody) } export const grpcDisconnected = () => dispatch => dispatch({ type: GRPC_DISCONNECTED }) export const grpcConnected = () => dispatch => dispatch({ type: GRPC_CONNECTED }) // Receive IPC event for LND streaming a line export const lndStdout = (event, line) => dispatch => { let height let trimmed if (line.includes('Caught up to height')) { trimmed = line.slice(line.indexOf('Caught up to height') + 'Caught up to height'.length).trim() height = trimmed.split(' ')[0].split(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm)[0] } if (line.includes('Catching up block hashes to height')) { trimmed = line .slice( line.indexOf('Catching up block hashes to height') + 'Catching up block hashes to height'.length ) .trim() height = trimmed.match(/[-]{0,1}[\d.]*[\d]+/g)[0] } dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_LINE, lndBlockHeight: height }) } export function getBlockHeight() { return { type: GET_BLOCK_HEIGHT } } export function receiveBlockHeight(blockHeight) { return { type: RECEIVE_BLOCK_HEIGHT, blockHeight } } // Fetch current block height export const fetchBlockHeight = () => async dispatch => { dispatch(getBlockHeight()) const blockData = await requestBlockHeight() dispatch(receiveBlockHeight(blockData.blocks[0].height)) } // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [START_SYNCING]: state => ({ ...state, syncing: true }), [STOP_SYNCING]: state => ({ ...state, syncing: false }), [RECEIVE_LINE]: (state, { lndBlockHeight }) => ({ ...state, lndBlockHeight }), [GET_BLOCK_HEIGHT]: state => ({ ...state, fetchingBlockHeight: true }), [RECEIVE_BLOCK_HEIGHT]: (state, { blockHeight }) => ({ ...state, blockHeight, fetchingBlockHeight: false }), [GRPC_DISCONNECTED]: state => ({ ...state, grpcStarted: false }), [GRPC_CONNECTED]: state => ({ ...state, grpcStarted: true }) } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { syncing: false, grpcStarted: false, fetchingBlockHeight: false, lines: [], blockHeight: 0, lndBlockHeight: 0 } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const lndSelectors = {} const blockHeightSelector = state => state.lnd.blockHeight const lndBlockHeightSelector = state => state.lnd.lndBlockHeight lndSelectors.syncPercentage = createSelector( blockHeightSelector, lndBlockHeightSelector, (blockHeight, lndBlockHeight) => { const percentage = Math.floor((lndBlockHeight / blockHeight) * 100) if (percentage === Infinity) { return '' } return percentage } ) export { lndSelectors } export default function lndReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }