import invoiceReducer, { SEARCH_INVOICES, SET_INVOICE, GET_INVOICE, RECEIVE_INVOICE, RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE, GET_INVOICES, RECEIVE_INVOICES, SEND_INVOICE, INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL, INVOICE_FAILED } from '../../app/reducers/info' describe('reducers', () => { describe('invoiceReducer', () => { it('should handle initial state', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, {})).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should have SEARCH_INVOICES', () => { expect(SEARCH_INVOICES).toEqual('SEARCH_INVOICES') }) it('should have SET_INVOICE', () => { expect(SET_INVOICE).toEqual('SET_INVOICE') }) it('should have GET_INVOICE', () => { expect(GET_INVOICE).toEqual('GET_INVOICE') }) it('should have RECEIVE_INVOICE', () => { expect(RECEIVE_INVOICE).toEqual('RECEIVE_INVOICE') }) it('should have RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE', () => { expect(RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE).toEqual('RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE') }) it('should have GET_INVOICES', () => { expect(GET_INVOICES).toEqual('GET_INVOICES') }) it('should have RECEIVE_INVOICES', () => { expect(RECEIVE_INVOICES).toEqual('RECEIVE_INVOICES') }) it('should have SEND_INVOICE', () => { expect(SEND_INVOICE).toEqual('SEND_INVOICE') }) it('should have INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL', () => { expect(INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL).toEqual('INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL') }) it('should have INVOICE_FAILED', () => { expect(INVOICE_FAILED).toEqual('INVOICE_FAILED') }) it('should correctly searchInvoices', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: SEARCH_INVOICES, invoicesSearchText: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly setInvoice', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: SET_INVOICE, invoice: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly getInvoice', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: GET_INVOICE })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly receiveInvoice', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: RECEIVE_INVOICE, invoice: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly receiveFormInvoice', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: RECEIVE_FORM_INVOICE, formInvoice: { payreq: 'foo' } })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly getInvoices', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: GET_INVOICES })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly receiveInvoices', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: RECEIVE_INVOICES, invoices: [1, 2] })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly sendInvoice', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: SEND_INVOICE })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly invcoiceSuccessful', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: INVOICE_SUCCESSFUL, invoice: 'foo' })).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should correctly invcoiceFailed', () => { expect(invoiceReducer(undefined, { type: INVOICE_FAILED })).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) })