import { shell } from 'electron' import React, { Component } from 'react' import { MdSearch } from 'react-icons/lib/md' import styles from './Help.scss' class Help extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { videos: [ { id: '8kZq6eec49A', title: 'Syncing and Depositing - Zap Lightning Network Wallet Tutorial (Video 1)' }, { id: 'xSiTH63fOQM', title: 'Adding a contact - Zap Lightning Network Wallet Tutorial (Video 2)' }, { id: 'c0SLmywYDHU', title: 'Making a Lightning Network payment - Zap Lightning Network Wallet Tutorial (Video 3)' }, { id: 'Xrx2TiiF90Q', title: 'Receive Lightning Network payment - Zap Lightning Network Wallet Tutorial (Video 4)' }, { id: 'YfxukBHnwUM', title: 'Network Map - Zap Lightning Network Wallet Tutorial (Video 5)' }, { id: 'NORklrrYzOg', title: 'Using an explorer to add Zap contacts - Zap Lightning Network Wallet Tutorial (Video 6)' } ], searchQuery: '' } } render() { const { videos, searchQuery } = this.state const filteredVideos = videos.filter(video => video.title.includes(searchQuery)) return (

Video tutorials

this.setState({ searchQuery: })} className={`${styles.text} ${styles.input}`} placeholder='Search the video library...' type='text' id='helpSearch' />