import { app, ipcMain, dialog } from 'electron' import Store from 'electron-store' import lnd from './lnd' import Neutrino from './lnd/lib/neutrino' import { mainLog } from './utils/log' /** * @class ZapController * * The ZapController class coordinates actions between the the main nand renderer processes. */ class ZapController { /** * Create a new ZapController instance. * @param {BrowserWindow} mainWindow BrowserWindow instance to interact with * @param {String|Promise} mode String or Promise that resolves to the desired run mode. Valid options are: * - 'internal': start a new lnd process. * - 'external': connect to an existing lnd process. */ constructor(mainWindow, mode) { this.mode = mode // Variable to hold the main window instance. this.mainWindow = mainWindow // Keep a reference any neutrino process started by us. this.neutrino = null // Time for the splash screen to remain visible. this.splashScreenTime = 500 } /** * Initialize the application. */ init() { if (process.env.HOT) { const port = process.env.PORT || 1212 this.mainWindow.loadURL(`http://localhost:${port}/dist/index.html`) } else { this.mainWindow.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/dist/index.html`) } // Register IPC listeners so that we can react to instructions coming from the app. this._registerIpcListeners() // Show the window as soon as the application has finished loading. this.mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', async () => { this.mainWindow.focus() mainLog.timeEnd('Time until app is visible') mainLog.time('Time until we know the run mode') Promise.resolve(this.mode) .then(mode => { const timeUntilWeKnowTheRunMode = mainLog.timeEnd('Time until we know the run mode') return setTimeout(() => { if (mode === 'external') { // If lnd is already running, create and subscribe to the Lightning grpc object. this.startGrpc() this.sendMessage('successfullyCreatedWallet') } else { // Otherwise, start the onboarding process. this.sendMessage('startOnboarding') mainLog.timeEnd('Time until onboarding has started') } }, timeUntilWeKnowTheRunMode < this.splashScreenTime ? this.splashScreenTime : 0) }) .catch(mainLog.error) }) this.mainWindow.on('closed', () => { this.mainWindow = null // shut down zap when a user closes the window app.quit() }) } /** * Send a message to the main window. * @param {string} msg message to send. * @param {[type]} data additional data to acompany the message. */ sendMessage(msg, data) {'Sending message to renderer process: %o', { msg, data }) this.mainWindow.webContents.send(msg, data) } /** * Create and subscribe to the Lightning grpc object. */ startGrpc() {'Starting gRPC...') try { const { lndSubscribe, lndMethods } = lnd.initLnd() // Subscribe to bi-directional streams lndSubscribe(this.mainWindow) // Listen for all gRPC restful methods ipcMain.on('lnd', (event, { msg, data }) => { lndMethods(event, msg, data) }) this.sendMessage('grpcConnected') } catch (error) { dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: `Unable to connect to lnd. Please check your lnd node and try again: ${error}` }) app.quit() } } /** * Create and subscribe to the WalletUnlocker grpc object. */ startWalletUnlocker() {'Starting wallet unlocker...') try { const walletUnlockerMethods = lnd.initWalletUnlocker() // Listen for all gRPC restful methods ipcMain.on('walletUnlocker', (event, { msg, data }) => { walletUnlockerMethods(event, msg, data) }) this.sendMessage('walletUnlockerStarted') } catch (error) { dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: `Unable to start lnd wallet unlocker. Please check your lnd node and try again: ${error}` }) app.quit() } } /** * Starts the LND node and attach event listeners. * @param {string} alias Alias to assign to the lnd node. * @param {boolean} autopilot True if autopilot should be enabled. * @return {Neutrino} Neutrino instance. */ startLnd(alias, autopilot) { this.neutrino = new Neutrino(alias, autopilot) this.neutrino.on('error', error => { mainLog.error(`Got error from lnd process: ${error})`) dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: `lnd error: ${error}` }) }) this.neutrino.on('close', code => {`Lnd process has shut down (code ${code})`) app.quit() }) this.neutrino.on('grpc-proxy-started', () => {'gRPC proxy started') this.startWalletUnlocker() }) this.neutrino.on('wallet-opened', () => {'Wallet opened') this.startGrpc() this.sendMessage('lndSyncing') }) this.neutrino.on('fully-synced', () => {'Neutrino fully synced') this.sendMessage('lndSynced') }) this.neutrino.on('got-block-height', line => { this.sendMessage('lndStdout', line) }) this.neutrino.start() } /** * Add IPC event listeners... */ _registerIpcListeners() { ipcMain.on('startLnd', (event, options = {}) => { const store = new Store({ name: 'connection' }) = { type: options.connectionType, host: options.connectionHost, cert: options.connectionCert, macaroon: options.connectionMacaroon, alias: options.alias, autopilot: options.autopilot }'Saved lnd config to:', store.path) if (options.connectionType === 'local') {'Starting new lnd instance') mainLog.debug(' > alias:', options.alias) mainLog.debug(' > autopilot:', options.autopilot) this.startLnd(options.alias, options.autopilot) } else {'Connecting to custom lnd instance') mainLog.debug(' > connectionHost:', options.connectionHost) mainLog.debug(' > connectionCert:', options.connectionCert) mainLog.debug(' > connectionMacaroon:', options.connectionMacaroon) this.startGrpc() this.sendMessage('successfullyCreatedWallet') } }) } } export default ZapController