import dns from 'dns' import fs from 'fs' import axios from 'axios' import { promisify } from 'util' import { basename, dirname, join, normalize } from 'path' import { platform } from 'os' import { app } from 'electron' import isDev from 'electron-is-dev' import grpc from 'grpc' import isIP from 'validator/lib/isIP' import isPort from 'validator/lib/isPort' import get from 'lodash.get' import { mainLog } from '../utils/log' const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile) const dnsLookup = promisify(dns.lookup) // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ /** * Get a path to prepend to any nodejs calls that are getting at files in the package, * so that it works both from source and in an asar-packaged mac app. * See * * windows from source: "C:\myapp\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\default_app.asar" * mac from source: "/Users/me/dev/myapp/node_modules/electron/dist/" * mac from a package: "/" * * If we are run from outside of a packaged app, our working directory is the right place to be. * And no, we can't just set our working directory to somewhere inside the asar. The OS can't handle that. * @return {String} Path to the lnd binary. */ export const appRootPath = () => { return app.getAppPath().indexOf('default_app.asar') < 0 ? normalize(`${app.getAppPath()}/..`) : '' } /** * Get the OS specific lnd binary name. * @return {String} 'lnd' on mac or linux, 'lnd.exe' on windows. */ export const binaryName = platform() === 'win32' ? 'lnd.exe' : 'lnd' /** * Get the OS specific path to the lnd binary. * @return {String} Path to the lnd binary. */ export const binaryPath = () => { return isDev ? join(dirname(require.resolve('lnd-binary/package.json')), 'vendor', binaryName) : join(appRootPath(), 'bin', binaryName) } // ------------------------------------ // Helpers // ------------------------------------ /** * Helper function to get the current block height. * @return {Number} The current block height. */ export const fetchBlockHeight = () => { const sources = [ { baseUrl: ``, path: 'blocks[0].height' }, { baseUrl: ``, path: 'data.height' }, { baseUrl: ``, path: 'height' } ] const fetchData = (baseUrl, path) => {`Fetching current block height from ${baseUrl}`) return axios({ method: 'get', timeout: 5000, url: baseUrl }) .then(response => { const height = Number(get(, path))`Fetched block height as ${height} from: ${baseUrl}`) return height }) .catch(err => { mainLog.warn(`Unable to fetch block height from ${baseUrl}: ${err.message}`) }) } return Promise.race( => fetchData(source.baseUrl, source.path))) } /** * Helper function to return an absolute deadline given a relative timeout in seconds. * @param {number} timeoutSecs The number of seconds to wait before timing out * @return {Date} A date timeoutSecs in the future */ export const getDeadline = timeoutSecs => { var deadline = new Date() deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + timeoutSecs) return deadline.getTime() } /** * Helper function to check a hostname in the format hostname:port is valid for passing to node-grpc. * @param {string} host A hostname + optional port in the format [hostname]:[port?] * @returns {Promise} */ export const validateHost = async host => { var splits = host.split(':') const lndHost = splits[0] const lndPort = splits[1] // If the hostname starts with a number, ensure that it is a valid IP address. if (lndHost.match(/^\d/) && !isIP(lndHost)) { const error = new Error(`${lndHost} is not a valid IP address or hostname`) error.code = 'LND_GRPC_HOST_ERROR' return Promise.reject(error) } // If the host includes a port, ensure that it is a valid. if (lndPort && !isPort(lndPort)) { const error = new Error(`${lndPort} is not a valid port`) error.code = 'LND_GRPC_HOST_ERROR' return Promise.reject(error) } // Do a DNS lookup to ensure that the host is reachable. return dnsLookup(lndHost) .then(() => true) .catch(e => { const error = new Error(`${lndHost} is not accessible: ${e.message}`) error.code = 'LND_GRPC_HOST_ERROR' return Promise.reject(error) }) } /** * Validates and creates the ssl channel credentials from the specified file path * @param {String} certPath * @returns {grpc.ChanelCredentials} */ export const createSslCreds = async certPath => { let lndCert if (certPath) { lndCert = await fsReadFile(certPath).catch(e => { const error = new Error(`SSL cert path could not be accessed: ${e.message}`) error.code = 'LND_GRPC_CERT_ERROR' throw error }) } return grpc.credentials.createSsl(lndCert) } /** * Validates and creates the macaroon authorization credentials from the specified file path * @param {String} macaroonPath * @returns {grpc.CallCredentials} */ export const createMacaroonCreds = async macaroonPath => { const metadata = new grpc.Metadata() if (macaroonPath) { // If it's not a filepath, then assume it is a hex encoded string. if (macaroonPath === basename(macaroonPath)) { metadata.add('macaroon', macaroonPath) } else { const macaroon = await fsReadFile(macaroonPath).catch(e => { const error = new Error(`Macaroon path could not be accessed: ${e.message}`) error.code = 'LND_GRPC_MACAROON_ERROR' throw error }) metadata.add('macaroon', macaroon.toString('hex')) } } return grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator((params, callback) => callback(null, metadata) ) } /** * Wait for a file to exist. * @param {String} filepath */ export const waitForFile = (filepath, timeout = 1000) => { let timeoutId let intervalId // Promise A rejects after the timeout has passed. let promiseA = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { mainLog.debug('deadline (%sms) exceeded before file (%s) was found', timeout, filepath) clearInterval(intervalId) clearTimeout(timeoutId) reject(new Error(`Unable to find file: ${filepath}`)) }, timeout) }) // Promise B resolves when the file has been found. let promiseB = new Promise(resolve => { let intervalId = setInterval(() => { mainLog.debug('waiting for file: %s', filepath) if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) { return } mainLog.debug('found file: %s', filepath) clearInterval(intervalId) clearTimeout(timeoutId) resolve() }, 200) }) // Let's race our promises. return Promise.race([promiseA, promiseB]) }