import React from 'react' import renderer from 'react-test-renderer' import { configure, shallow } from 'enzyme' import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16' import Success from 'components/Icon/Success' import Warning from 'components/Icon/Warning' import Error from 'components/Icon/Error' import { Notification, Spinner } from 'components/UI' configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }) describe('component.UI.Notification', () => { it('should render correctly', () => { const tree = renderer.create(<Notification />).toJSON() expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() }) describe('variant = success', () => { it('should render with the success icon', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Notification variant="success" />) expect(wrapper.find(Success)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) describe('variant = warning', () => { it('should render with the warning icon', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Notification variant="warning" />) expect(wrapper.find(Warning)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) describe('variant = error', () => { it('should render with the error icon', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Notification variant="error" />) expect(wrapper.find(Error)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) describe('processing', () => { it('should render with the spinner', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Notification processing />) expect(wrapper.find(Spinner)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) })