[Zap](https://zap.jackmallers.com) ================================== Zap is a free Lightning Network wallet focused on user experience and ease of use, with the overall goal of helping the cryptocurrency community scale Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. ## Install * **Note: requires a node version >= 7 and an npm version >= 4.** * **If you have installation or compilation issues, please see file a Github issue** First, clone the repo via git: ```bash git clone https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-desktop.git ``` And then install dependencies with yarn and npm. ```bash $ cd zap-desktop $ yarn && npm install ``` ```bash $ cd zap-desktop/app $ yarn && npm install ``` ## Current Todo List (Last updated August 15th) ## Refactor - [ ] Move Node.js proxy to [ipcRenderer](https://electron.atom.io/docs/api/ipc-renderer/) (roasbeef recommendation) - [ ] Payments modal using selector - [ ] Invoices modal using selector - [ ] General refactor (I know this TODO sucks but the code is a bit sloppy still, still need to spend time refactoring) ## Features - [ ] Configurable BTCD + LN node connection (do not assume/rely on localhost) - [ ] Error handling - [ ] List on-chain transactions - [ ] Websocket handling for transactions - [ ] Websocket handling for sendpayment - [ ] Channel notifications - [ ] Payment notifications - [ ] Transaction notifications - [ ] Generate newaddress for the wallet deposit - [ ] Litecoin UI - [ ] Settings route - [ ] describegraph UI to see current status of the Lightning Network ## Design - [ ] Error handling - [ ] On-chain transactions list - [ ] Notifications - [ ] Litecoin UI (pick out a silver main color) - [ ] describegraph UI to see current status of the Lightning Network