import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' import { setError } from './error' // ------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------ export const CONNECT_PEER = 'CONNECT_PEER' export const CONNECT_SUCCESS = 'CONNECT_SUCCESS' export const CONNECT_FAILURE = 'CONNECT_FAILURE' export const DISCONNECT_PEER = 'DISCONNECT_PEER' export const DISCONNECT_SUCCESS = 'DISCONNECT_SUCCESS' export const DISCONNECT_FAILURE = 'DISCONNECT_FAILURE' export const SET_PEER_FORM = 'SET_PEER_FORM' export const SET_PEER = 'SET_PEER' export const GET_PEERS = 'GET_PEERS' export const RECEIVE_PEERS = 'RECEIVE_PEERS' // ------------------------------------ // Actions // ------------------------------------ export function connectPeer() { return { type: CONNECT_PEER } } export function disconnectPeer() { return { type: DISCONNECT_PEER } } export function disconnectFailure() { return { type: DISCONNECT_FAILURE } } export function setPeerForm(form) { return { type: SET_PEER_FORM, form } } export function setPeer(peer) { return { type: SET_PEER, peer } } export function getPeers() { return { type: GET_PEERS } } // Send IPC event for peers export const fetchPeers = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getPeers()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'peers' }) } // Receive IPC event for peers export const receivePeers = (event, { peers }) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_PEERS, peers }) // Send IPC event for connecting to a peer export const connectRequest = ({ pubkey, host }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(connectPeer()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'connectPeer', data: { pubkey, host } }) } // Send IPC receive for successfully connecting to a peer export const connectSuccess = (event, peer) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: CONNECT_SUCCESS, peer }) // Send IPC receive for unsuccessfully connecting to a peer export const connectFailure = (event, { error }) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: CONNECT_FAILURE }) dispatch(setError(error)) } // Send IPC send for disconnecting from a peer export const disconnectRequest = ({ pubkey }) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(disconnectPeer()) ipcRenderer.send('lnd', { msg: 'disconnectPeer', data: { pubkey } }) } // Send IPC receive for successfully disconnecting from a peer export const disconnectSuccess = (event, { pubkey }) => dispatch => dispatch({ type: DISCONNECT_SUCCESS, pubkey }) // ------------------------------------ // Action Handlers // ------------------------------------ const ACTION_HANDLERS = { [DISCONNECT_PEER]: state => ({ ...state, disconnecting: true }), [DISCONNECT_SUCCESS]: (state, { pubkey }) => ( { ...state, disconnecting: false, peer: null, peers: state.peers.filter(peer => peer.pub_key !== pubkey) } ), [DISCONNECT_FAILURE]: state => ({ ...state, disconnecting: false }), [CONNECT_PEER]: state => ({ ...state, connecting: true }), [CONNECT_SUCCESS]: (state, { peer }) => ( { ...state, connecting: false, peerForm: { pubkey: '', host: '', isOpen: false }, peers: [...state.peers, peer] } ), [CONNECT_FAILURE]: state => ({ ...state, connecting: false }), [SET_PEER_FORM]: (state, { form }) => ({ ...state, peerForm: Object.assign({}, state.peerForm, form) }), [SET_PEER]: (state, { peer }) => ({ ...state, peer }), [GET_PEERS]: state => ({ ...state, peersLoading: true }), [RECEIVE_PEERS]: (state, { peers }) => ({ ...state, peersLoading: false, peers }) } const peersSelectors = {} const peerSelector = state => state.peers.peer peersSelectors.peerModalOpen = createSelector( peerSelector, peer => (!!peer) ) export { peersSelectors } // ------------------------------------ // Reducer // ------------------------------------ const initialState = { peersLoading: false, peers: [], peer: null, peerForm: { isOpen: false, pubkey: '', host: '' }, connecting: false, disconnecting: false } export default function peersReducer(state = initialState, action) { const handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action.type] return handler ? handler(state, action) : state }