import split2 from 'split2' import { spawn } from 'child_process' import EventEmitter from 'events' import config from '../config' import { mainLog, lndLog, lndLogGetLevel } from '../../utils/log' class Neutrino extends EventEmitter { constructor(alias, autopilot) { super() this.alias = alias this.autopilot = autopilot this.process = null } start() { if (this.process) { throw new Error('Neutrino process with PID ${} already exists.') } const lndConfig = config.lnd()'Starting lnd in neutrino mode') mainLog.debug(' > lndPath', lndConfig.lndPath) mainLog.debug(' > rpcProtoPath:', lndConfig.rpcProtoPath) mainLog.debug(' > host:', mainLog.debug(' > cert:', lndConfig.cert) mainLog.debug(' > macaroon:', lndConfig.macaroon) const neutrinoArgs = [ `--configfile=${lndConfig.configPath}`, `${this.autopilot ? '' : ''}`, `${this.alias ? `--alias=${this.alias}` : ''}` ] this.process = spawn(lndConfig.lndPath, neutrinoArgs) .on('error', error => this.emit('error', error)) .on('close', code => { this.emit('close', code) this.process = null }) // Listen for when neutrino prints odata to stderr. this.process.stderr.pipe(split2()).on('data', line => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { lndLog[lndLogGetLevel(line)](line) } }) // Listen for when neutrino prints data to stdout. this.process.stdout.pipe(split2()).on('data', line => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { lndLog[lndLogGetLevel(line)](line) } // gRPC started. if (line.includes('gRPC proxy started') && line.includes('password')) { this.emit('grpc-proxy-started') } // Wallet opened. if (line.includes('gRPC proxy started') && !line.includes('password')) { this.emit('wallet-opened') } // LND syncing has started. if (line.includes('Waiting for chain backend to finish sync')) { this.emit('chain-sync-started') } // LND syncing has completed. if (line.includes('Chain backend is fully synced')) { this.emit('chain-sync-finished') } // Pass current block height progress to front end for loading state UX if (line.includes('Rescanned through block')) { const height = line.match(/Rescanned through block.+\(height (\d*)/)[1] this.emit('got-block-height', height) } else if (line.includes('Caught up to height')) { const height = line.match(/Caught up to height (\d*)/)[1] this.emit('got-block-height', height) } else if (line.includes('in the last')) { const height = line.match(/Processed \d* blocks? in the last.+\(height (\d*)/)[1] this.emit('got-block-height', height) } }) return this.process } stop() { if (this.process) { this.process.kill() this.process = null } } } export default Neutrino