import { app, ipcMain, dialog } from 'electron' import Store from 'electron-store' import StateMachine from 'javascript-state-machine' import lnd from '../lnd' import Neutrino from '../lnd/neutrino' import Lightning from '../lnd/lightning' import { mainLog } from '../utils/log' import { isLndRunning } from '../lnd/util' const grpcSslCipherSuites = connectionType => (connectionType === 'btcpayserver' ? [ // BTCPay Server serves lnd behind an nginx proxy with a trusted SSL cert from Lets Encrypt. // These certs use an RSA TLS cipher suite. 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' ] : [ // Default is ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 // // // Current LND cipher suites here: // // // We order the suites by priority, based on the recommendations provided by SSL Labs here: // 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CBC-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305' ] ).join(':') /** * @class ZapController * * The ZapController class coordinates actions between the the main nand renderer processes. */ class ZapController { /** * Create a new ZapController instance. * @param {BrowserWindow} mainWindow BrowserWindow instance to interact with. */ constructor(mainWindow) { // Variable to hold the main window instance. this.mainWindow = mainWindow // Keep a reference any neutrino process started by us. this.neutrino = null // Keep a reference to the lightning gRPC instance. this.lightning = null // Time for the splash screen to remain visible. this.splashScreenTime = 500 // Boolean indicating wether the lightning grpc is connected ot not. this.lightningGrpcConnected = false // Initialize the state machine. this._fsm() } /** * Initialize the controller. */ init() { // Load the application into the main window. if (process.env.HOT) { const port = process.env.PORT || 1212 this.mainWindow.loadURL(`http://localhost:${port}/dist/index.html`) } else { this.mainWindow.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/dist/index.html`) } // Register IPC listeners so that we can react to instructions coming from the app. this._registerIpcListeners() // Show the window as soon as the application has finished loading. this.mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { this.mainWindow.focus() // Show the splash screen and then start onboarding. setTimeout(() => this.startOnboarding(), this.splashScreenTime) }) // When the window is closed, just hide it unless we are force closing. this.mainWindow.on('close', e => { if (this.mainWindow.forceClose) { return } e.preventDefault() this.mainWindow.hide() }) } // ------------------------------------ // FSM Callbacks // ------------------------------------ onStartOnboarding() { mainLog.debug('[FSM] onStartOnboarding...') this.sendMessage('startOnboarding') } onStartLnd(options) { mainLog.debug('[FSM] onStartLnd...') return isLndRunning().then(res => { if (res) { mainLog.error('lnd already running: %s', res) dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: 'Unable to start lnd because it is already running.' }) return app.quit() }'Starting new lnd instance')' > alias:', options.alias)' > autopilot:', options.autopilot) return this.startNeutrino(options.alias, options.autopilot) }) } onConnectLnd(options) { mainLog.debug('[FSM] onConnectLnd...')'Connecting to custom lnd instance')' > host:',' > cert:', options.cert)' > macaroon:', options.macaroon) this.startLightningWallet() .then(() => this.sendMessage('finishOnboarding')) .catch(e => { const errors = {} // There was a problem connectig to the host. if (e.code === 'LND_GRPC_HOST_ERROR') { = e.message } // There was a problem accessing loading the ssl cert. if (e.code === 'LND_GRPC_CERT_ERROR') { errors.cert = e.message } // There was a problem accessing loading the macaroon file. else if (e.code === 'LND_GRPC_MACAROON_ERROR') { errors.macaroon = e.message } // Other error codes such as UNAVAILABLE most likely indicate that there is a problem with the host. else { = `Unable to connect to host: ${e.details || e.message}` } // Notify the app of errors. return this.sendMessage('startLndError', errors) }) } onTerminated() { mainLog.debug('[FSM] onTerminated...') // Unsubscribe the gRPC streams before thhe window closes. This ensures that we can properly reestablish a fresh // connection when a new window is opened. this.disconnectLightningWallet() // If Neutrino is running, kill it. if (this.neutrino) { this.neutrino.stop() } // Give the grpc connections a chance to be properly closed out. return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 200)) } onTerminate() { mainLog.debug('[FSM] onTerminate...') app.quit() } // ------------------------------------ // Helpers // ------------------------------------ /** * Send a message to the main window. * @param {string} msg message to send. * @param {[type]} data additional data to acompany the message. */ sendMessage(msg, data) { if (this.mainWindow) {'Sending message to renderer process: %o', { msg, data }) this.mainWindow.webContents.send(msg, data) } else { mainLog.warn('Unable to send message to renderer process (main window not available): %o', { msg, data }) } } /** * Start the wallet unlocker. */ startWalletUnlocker() {'Starting wallet unlocker...') try { const walletUnlockerMethods = lnd.initWalletUnlocker() // Listen for all gRPC restful methods ipcMain.on('walletUnlocker', (event, { msg, data }) => { walletUnlockerMethods(event, msg, data) }) // Notify the renderer that the wallet unlocker is active. this.sendMessage('walletUnlockerGrpcActive') } catch (error) { dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: `Unable to start lnd wallet unlocker. Please check your lnd node and try again: ${error}` }) app.quit() } } /** * Create and subscribe to the Lightning service. */ async startLightningWallet() {'Starting lightning wallet...') this.lightning = new Lightning() // Connect to the Lightning interface. await this.lightning.connect() // Subscribe the main window to receive streams. this.lightning.subscribe(this.mainWindow) // Listen for all gRPC restful methods and pass to gRPC. ipcMain.on('lnd', (event, { msg, data }) => this.lightning.lndMethods(event, msg, data)) // Let the renderer know that we are connected. this.sendMessage('lightningGrpcActive') // Update our internal state. this.lightningGrpcConnected = true } /** * Unsubscribe from the Lightning service. */ disconnectLightningWallet() { if (!this.lightningGrpcConnected) { return }'Disconnecting lightning Wallet...') // Disconnect streams. this.lightning.unsubscribe() // Update our internal state. this.lightningGrpcConnected = false } /** /** * Starts the LND node and attach event listeners. * @param {string} alias Alias to assign to the lnd node. * @param {boolean} autopilot True if autopilot should be enabled. * @return {Neutrino} Neutrino instance. */ startNeutrino(alias, autopilot) {'Starting Neutrino...') this.neutrino = new Neutrino(alias, autopilot) this.neutrino.on('error', error => { mainLog.error(`Got error from lnd process: ${error})`) dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: `lnd error: ${error}` }) }) this.neutrino.on('close', code => {`Lnd process has shut down (code ${code})`) if (['running', 'connected'].includes(this.state)) { dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: `Lnd has unexpectadly quit` }) this.terminate() } }) this.neutrino.on('wallet-unlocker-grpc-active', () => {'Wallet unlocker gRPC active') this.startWalletUnlocker() }) this.neutrino.on('lightning-grpc-active', () => {'Lightning gRPC active') this.startLightningWallet() }) this.neutrino.on('chain-sync-waiting', () => {'Neutrino sync waiting') this.sendMessage('lndSyncStatus', 'waiting') }) this.neutrino.on('chain-sync-started', () => {'Neutrino sync started') this.sendMessage('lndSyncStatus', 'in-progress') }) this.neutrino.on('chain-sync-finished', () => {'Neutrino sync finished') this.sendMessage('lndSyncStatus', 'complete') }) this.neutrino.on('got-current-block-height', height => { this.sendMessage('currentBlockHeight', Number(height)) }) this.neutrino.on('got-lnd-block-height', height => { this.sendMessage('lndBlockHeight', Number(height)) }) this.neutrino.start() } finishOnboarding(options) { // Trim any user supplied strings. const cleanOptions = Object.keys(options).reduce((previous, current) => { previous[current] = typeof options[current] === 'string' ? options[current].trim() : options[current] return previous }, {}) // Save the options. const store = new Store({ name: 'connection' }) = cleanOptions'Saved lnd config to %s: %o', store.path, // Set up SSL with the cypher suits that we need based on the connection type. process.env.GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES = process.env.GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES || grpcSslCipherSuites(options.type) // If the requested connection type is a local one then start up a new lnd instance. // // Otherwise attempt to connect to an lnd instance using user supplied connection details. cleanOptions.type === 'local' ? this.startLnd() : this.connectLnd() } /** * Add IPC event listeners... */ _registerIpcListeners() { ipcMain.on('startLnd', (event, options = {}) => this.finishOnboarding(options)) } } StateMachine.factory(ZapController, { transitions: [ { name: 'startOnboarding', from: 'none', to: 'onboarding' }, { name: 'startLnd', from: 'onboarding', to: 'running' }, { name: 'connectLnd', from: 'onboarding', to: 'connected' }, { name: 'terminate', from: '*', to: 'terminated' } ] }) export default ZapController