import React from 'react' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import { TiPlus } from 'react-icons/lib/ti' import Peers from '../../app/components/Peers' import PeerModal from '../../app/components/Peers/PeerModal' import PeerForm from '../../app/components/Peers/PeerForm' import Peer from '../../app/components/Peers/Peer' const defaultProps = { peersLoading: false, peers: [], setPeer: () => {}, peerModalOpen: false, peerForm: {}, setPeerForm: () => {}, connect: () => {}, isOpen: false, resetPeer: () => {}, disconnect: () => {}, form: {}, setForm: () => {}, fetchPeers: () => {} } const peer = { address: '', bytes_recv: '63322', bytes_sent: '68714', inbound: true, peer_id: 3, ping_time: '261996', pub_key: '0293cb97aac77eacjc5377d761640f1b51ebba350902801e1aa62853fa7bc3a1f30', sat_recv: '0', sat_sent: '0' } describe('component.Peers', () => { describe('default components', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps } const el = shallow() it('should contain Modal and Form', () => { expect(el.find(PeerModal)).toHaveLength(1) expect(el.find(PeerForm)).toHaveLength(1) }) it('should have Peers header, and plus button', () => { expect(el.contains('Peers')).toBe(true) expect(el.find(TiPlus)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) describe('peers are loading', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, peersLoading: true } const el = shallow() it('should display loading msg', () => { expect(el.contains('Loading...')).toBe(true) }) }) describe('peers are loaded', () => { describe('no peers', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps } const el = shallow() it('should show no peers', () => { expect(el.find(Peer)).toHaveLength(0) }) }) describe('peer connected', () => { const props = { ...defaultProps, peers: [peer] } const el = shallow() it('should show peer information', () => { expect(el.find(Peer)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) }) })