251 lines
6.7 KiB

import React from 'react'
import { configure, mount } from 'enzyme'
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'
import AmountInput from 'components/AmountInput'
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })
let component
let wrapped
let input
const defaultProps = {
amount: '',
currency: '',
onChange: () => {}
const mountInput = props => {
wrapped = mount(<AmountInput {...defaultProps} {...props} />)
input = wrapped.find('input')
component = wrapped.instance()
describe('AmountInput', () => {
describe('render', () => {
it('renders amount', () => {
mountInput({ amount: '0.1234' })
describe('input properties', () => {
it('passes readOnly to input', () => {
mountInput({ readOnly: true })
describe('parseNumber', () => {
const test = (from, to) => {
beforeEach(() => mountInput())
it('splits number into integer and fraction', () => {
test(null, ['', null])
test('', ['', null])
test('0', ['0', null])
test('00', ['00', null])
test('0.', ['0', ''])
test('1', ['1', null])
test('01', ['01', null])
test('1.', ['1', ''])
test('0.0', ['0', '0'])
test('0.1', ['0', '1'])
test('0.01', ['0', '01'])
test('0.10', ['0', '10'])
test('1.0', ['1', '0'])
test('01.0', ['01', '0'])
describe('bitcoin', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
let props = { ...defaultProps, currency: 'btc' }
component = mount(<AmountInput {...props} />).instance()
it('has a precision of 8', () => {
test('1.1', ['1', '1'])
test('1.12', ['1', '12'])
test('1.123', ['1', '123'])
test('1.1234', ['1', '1234'])
test('1.12345', ['1', '12345'])
test('1.123456', ['1', '123456'])
test('1.1234567', ['1', '1234567'])
test('1.12345678', ['1', '12345678'])
test('1.123456789', ['1', '12345678'])
test('1.1234567890', ['1', '12345678'])
describe('bits', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
let props = { ...defaultProps, currency: 'bits' }
component = mount(<AmountInput {...props} />).instance()
it('has a precision of 2', () => {
test('1.1', ['1', '1'])
test('1.12', ['1', '12'])
test('1.123', ['1', '12'])
test('1.1234', ['1', '12'])
describe('sats', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
let props = { ...defaultProps, currency: 'sats' }
component = mount(<AmountInput {...props} />).instance()
it('has a precision of 0', () => {
test('1.1', ['1', ''])
test('1.12', ['1', ''])
describe('formatValue', () => {
const component = mount(<AmountInput {...defaultProps} />).instance()
const test = (from, to) => {
expect(component.formatValue(from[0], from[1])).toEqual(to)
it('turns parsed number into a string', () => {
test(['0', null], '0')
test(['00', null], '00')
test(['0', ''], '0.')
test(['1', null], '1')
test(['01', null], '01')
test(['1', ''], '1.')
test(['0', '0'], '0.0')
test(['0', '1'], '0.1')
test(['0', '01'], '0.01')
test(['0', '10'], '0.10')
test(['1', '0'], '1.0')
test(['01', '0'], '01.0')
describe('handleChange', () => {
let onChangeEvent
let component
beforeEach(() => {
onChangeEvent = jest.fn()
let props = { ...defaultProps, onChangeEvent }
component = mount(<AmountInput {...props} />).instance()
it('sends value to parseNumber', () => {
jest.spyOn(component, 'parseNumber')
component.handleChange({ target: { value: '123.0' } })
it('calls formatValue with presult from parseNumber', () => {
jest.spyOn(component, 'formatValue')
component.handleChange({ target: { value: '123.0' } })
expect(component.formatValue).toHaveBeenCalledWith('123', '0')
it('calls props.onChange with formatValue result', () => {
jest.spyOn(component, 'formatValue').mockReturnValue('456')
component.handleChange({ target: { value: '123.0' } })
describe('handleBlur', () => {
let onBlurEvent
let component
beforeEach(() => {
onBlurEvent = jest.fn()
let props = { ...defaultProps, onBlurEvent }
component = mount(<AmountInput {...props} />).instance()
it('calls props.onBlurEvent with formatValue result', () => {
jest.spyOn(component, 'formatValue').mockReturnValue('456')
component.handleBlur({ target: { value: '123.0' } })
describe('handleKeyDown', () => {
let event
let preventDefault
beforeEach(() => {
wrapped = mount(<AmountInput {...defaultProps} />)
component = wrapped.instance()
preventDefault = jest.fn()
describe('dot', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
wrapped = mount(<AmountInput {...defaultProps} />)
component = wrapped.instance()
preventDefault = jest.fn()
event = {
key: '.',
target: { value: '123' },
it('allows adding dot to a number that has no dot', () => {
component.handleKeyDown({ ...event, target: { value: '123' } }) // no dot
it('does not allow multiple dots in the number', () => {
component.handleKeyDown({ ...event, target: { value: '123.' } }) // has a dot
describe('Non-supported keys', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
wrapped = mount(<AmountInput {...defaultProps} />)
component = wrapped.instance()
preventDefault = jest.fn()
event = {
key: '.',
target: { value: '123' },
it('prevents event', () => {
component.handleKeyDown({ ...event, key: 'b' })
component.handleKeyDown({ ...event, key: 'B' })
component.handleKeyDown({ ...event, key: '-' })
component.handleKeyDown({ ...event, key: '?' })