You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
1.9 KiB

import React from 'react'
import { configure, shallow } from 'enzyme'
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'
import Form from '../../app/components/Form'
import Pay from '../../app/components/Form/Pay'
import Request from '../../app/components/Form/Request'
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })
const payFormProps = {
payform: {
amount: 0,
payInput: '',
invoice: {},
showErrors: {}
currency: {},
crypto: {},
nodes: [],
ticker: {},
isOnchain: false,
isLn: true,
currentAmount: 0,
usdAmount: 0,
inputCaption: '',
showPayLoadingScreen: true,
payFormIsValid: {},
currentCurrencyFilters: [],
currencyName: '',
setPayAmount: () => {},
setPayInput: () => {},
setCurrencyFilters: () => {},
fetchInvoice: () => {},
setCurrency: () => {},
onPayAmountBlur: () => {},
onPayInputBlur: () => {},
onPaySubmit: () => {}
const requestFormProps = {
requestform: {},
ticker: {},
currentCurrencyFilters: [],
showCurrencyFilters: true,
currencyName: '',
requestUsdAmount: '',
setRequestAmount: () => {},
setRequestMemo: () => {},
setCurrency: () => {},
setRequestCurrencyFilters: () => {},
onRequestSubmit: () => {}
const defaultProps = {
formType: '',
formProps: {},
closeForm: () => {}
describe('Form', () => {
describe('should show pay form when formType is PAY_FORM', () => {
const props = { ...defaultProps, formType: 'PAY_FORM', formProps: payFormProps }
const el = shallow(<Form {...props} />)
it('should contain Pay', () => {
describe('should show request form when formType is REQUEST_FORM', () => {
const props = { ...defaultProps, formType: 'REQUEST_FORM', formProps: requestFormProps }
const el = shallow(<Form {...props} />)
it('should contain Request', () => {