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# zsh-nvm [![Build Status](](
8 years ago
> Zsh plugin for installing, updating and loading `nvm`
[`nvm`]( is an awesome tool but it can be kind of a pain to install and keep up to date. This zsh plugin allows you to quickly setup `nvm` once, save it in your dotfiles, then never worry about it again.
8 years ago
The plugin will install the latest stable release of `nvm` if you don't already have it, and then automatically `source` it for you. You can upgrade `nvm` to the latest version whenever you want without losing your installed `node` versions by running `nvm upgrade`.
8 years ago
Although this is written as a zsh plugin, it also works with bash if you follow the [manual installation instructions](#manually).
8 years ago
## Usage
Once the plugin's installed `nvm` will be available. You'll probably want to load this as one of your first plugins so `node`/`npm` is available for any other plugins that may require them.
8 years ago
`zsh-nvm` also wraps `nvm` in some additional functionality.
### Upgrade
If you want to upgrade to the latest release of `nvm`:
8 years ago
% nvm upgrade
Installed version is v0.31.0
8 years ago
Checking latest version of nvm...
Updating to v0.31.3...
Previous HEAD position was 2176894... v0.31.0
HEAD is now at 56417f8... v0.31.3
### Revert
If an upgrade breaks something don't worry, reverting back to the previously installed version is simple:
% nvm revert
Installed version is v0.31.3
Reverting to v0.31.0...
Previous HEAD position was 56417f8... v0.31.3
HEAD is now at 2176894... v0.31.0
8 years ago
### Install
You can install the latest Node.js nightlies or release candidates with `nvm install nightly|rc`. Aliases will automatically be created so you can easily `nvm use nightly|rc` in the future:
% nvm install rc
Downloading and installing node v8.0.0-rc.1...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Computing checksum with shasum -a 256
Checksums matched!
Now using node v8.0.0-rc.1 (npm v5.0.0-beta.56)
rc -> v8.0.0-rc.1
Clearing mirror cache...
> **Note:** This is a bit of a hack and leaving rc|nightly versions installed may break nvm when it eventually supports them itself. It's recommended that you don't leave the these versions of Node.js installed. Install them, test/play with them and then uninstall them when you're done.
## Options
### Custom Directory
You can specify a custom directory to use with `nvm` by exporting the `NVM_DIR` environment variable. It must be set before `zsh-nvm` is loaded.
For example, if you are using antigen, you would put the following in your `.zshrc`:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.custom-nvm-dir"
antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm
Note: If `nvm` doesn't exist in this directory it'll be automatically installed when you start a session.
### Nvm Completion
`nvm` comes with a default bash_completion profile. If you want to enable it, you can do it by exporting the `NVM_COMPLETION` environment variable and setting it to `true`. It must be set before `zsh-nvm` is loaded.
For example, if you are using antigen, you would put the following in your `.zshrc`:
# Export nvm completion settings for zsh-nvm plugin
export NVM_COMPLETION=true
antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm
### Lazy Loading
If you find `nvm` adds too much lag to your shell startup you can enable lazy loading by exporting the `NVM_LAZY_LOAD` environment variable and setting it to `true`. It must be set before `zsh-nvm` is loaded.
Lazy loading is around 70x faster (874ms down to 12ms for me), however the first time you run `nvm`, `npm`, `node` or a global module you'll get a slight delay while `nvm` loads first. You'll only get this delay once per session.
For example, if you are using antigen, you would put the following in your `.zshrc`:
export NVM_LAZY_LOAD=true
antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm
Performance comparison:
% time (source "$NVM_DIR/")
( source "$NVM_DIR/"; ) 0.58s user 0.37s system 109% cpu 0.874 total
% time (_zsh_nvm_lazy_load)
( _zsh_nvm_lazy_load; ) 0.01s user 0.01s system 168% cpu 0.012 total
### Don't autoload node
By default when `nvm` is loaded it'll automatically run `nvm use default` and load your default `node` version along with `npm` and any global modules. You can disable this behaviour by exporting the `NVM_NO_USE` environment variable and setting it to `true`. It must be set before `zsh-nvm` is loaded.
If you enable this option you will then need to manually run `nvm use <version>` before you can use `node`.
For example, if you are using antigen, you would put the following in your `.zshrc`:
export NVM_NO_USE=true
antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm
### Auto use
If you have lots of projects with an `.nvmrc` file you may find the auto use option helpful. If it's enabled, when you `cd` into a directory with an `.nvmrc` file, `zsh-nvm` will automatically load or install the required node version in `.nvmrc`. You can enable it by exporting the `NVM_AUTO_USE` environment variable and setting it to `true`. It must be set before `zsh-nvm` is loaded.
If you enable this option and don't have `nvm` loaded in the current session (`NVM_LAZY_LOAD` or `NVM_NO_USE`) it won't work until you've loaded `nvm`.
For example, if you are using antigen, you would put the following in your `.zshrc`:
export NVM_AUTO_USE=true
antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm
8 years ago
## Installation
### Using [Antigen](
Bundle `zsh-nvm` in your `.zshrc`
antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm
### Using [zplug](
Load `zsh-nvm` as a plugin in your `.zshrc`
zplug "lukechilds/zsh-nvm"
### Using [zgen](
Include the load command in your `.zshrc`
zgen load lukechilds/zsh-nvm
### As an [Oh My ZSH!]( custom plugin
Clone `zsh-nvm` into your custom plugins repo
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-nvm
Then load as a plugin in your `.zshrc`
Keep in mind that plugins need to be added before `` is sourced.
8 years ago
### Manually
Clone this repository somewhere (`~/.zsh-nvm` for example)
8 years ago
git clone ~/.zsh-nvm
8 years ago
Then source it in your `.zshrc` (or `.bashrc`)
8 years ago
source ~/.zsh-nvm/zsh-nvm.plugin.zsh
8 years ago
## Tests
To run the tests you'll need to install [Urchin]( You'll also need to run the tests in an environment that doesn't already have `node` or `nvm` loaded.
You can remove `nvm` from the existing session with:
nvm deactivate && nvm unload
Run the tests with:
urchin -s zsh tests
## Related
- [`zsh-better-npm-completion`]( - Better completion for `npm`
8 years ago
## License
MIT © Luke Childs