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Petr Balashov a14c41f77e update 8 years ago
assets Revert "komodo binaries updated for osx" 8 years ago
buildscripts 32-bit removed from notes and comments 8 years ago
gui sync only forks(wip) 8 years ago
private updated kmdcli.js to get komod-cli path according to os it is executed on 8 years ago
routes update 8 years ago
windeps Windows iguana changed to 32bit and DLL Fix batch file included 8 years ago
.gitignore added .electron cache to gitignore 8 years ago
.gitmodules EasyDEX-GUI submodule added 8 years ago
LICENSE license file update, GameCredits info update, latest iguana osx binary 8 years ago Update 8 years ago git submodule command change in parameters 8 years ago
index.html Updated files 8 years ago
main.js update 8 years ago
package.json package file updated with new version of modules 8 years ago
version version number updated in files manually 8 years ago
version_build version update to 2e 8 years ago

Agama Desktop App

Desktop App for SuperNET DAPPs

For Developers

You must have node.js and npm installed on your machine.

Clone Agama Desktop App with EasyDEX-GUI submodule

git clone --recursive
cd gui/EasyDEX-GUI/
git checkout master
git pull
cd ../../

Install Agama App

cd iguana
npm install

Then start Agama App

npm start

For end users

The instructions to make production build of Agama App will be updated soon.

To build the production ready app, install electron-packager and electron-prebuilt packages from npm

npm install electron-packager -g
npm install electron-prebuilt -g

Build the Wallet-App

Refer to the original electron-packager repository for more detailed information.


Change directory to iguana and execute the following command to build the Linux app

cd iguana
electron-packager . --platform=linux --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/128x128.png --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/win64 --ignore=assets/bin/osx --overwrite

change architecture build parameter to --arch=x32 for 32 bit build


Change directory to iguana and execute the following command to build the OSX app

cd iguana
electron-packager . --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.icns --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/win64 --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

Change directory to iguana and execute the following command to build the Windows app

dir iguana
electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.ico --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/osx --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

# If generating 32bit desktop package
electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=ia32 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.ico --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/osx --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

# To build both x64 and x86 desktop package
electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=all --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.ico --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/osx --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

change architecture build parameter to --arch=x64 for 64 bit build

Troubleshooting Instructions

Windows DLL issues

On Windows it's noticed iguana.exe complains about VCRUNTIME140D.DLL and ucrtbased.dll file.

Please see windeps directory and README file for instructions to install the required DLL files on Windows, and then try again running Agama App.