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checking tests

ncoelho 5 years ago
  1. 435
  2. 443
  3. 1


@ -1,221 +1,224 @@
module.exports = { module.exports = {
_: { _: {
storage_is_encrypted: 'U geheue spasie is nou ge-enkripteer. ‘n Wagwoord word benodig om toegang te verkry. ', storage_is_encrypted: 'U geheue spasie is nou ge-enkripteer. ‘n Wagwoord word benodig om toegang te verkry. ',
enter_password: 'Sleutel wagwoord in', enter_password: 'Sleutel wagwoord in',
bad_password: 'Verkeerde wagwoord, probeer weer', bad_password: 'Verkeerde wagwoord, probeer weer',
never: 'nooit', never: 'nooit',
continue: 'Gaan voort', continue: 'Gaan voort',
ok: 'OK', ok: 'OK',
}, },
wallets: { wallets: {
select_wallet: 'Kies Beursie', select_wallet: 'Kies Beursie',
options: 'opsies', options: 'opsies',
createBitcoinWallet: createBitcoinWallet:
'U het nie huidiglik `n geldige Bitcoin Beursie nie. Skep of voer eers ‘n Bitcoin Beursie in, sodat ‘n Bitcoin Lightning Beursie geskep en bevonds mag word. Wil U voortgaan?', 'U het nie huidiglik `n geldige Bitcoin Beursie nie. Skep of voer eers ‘n Bitcoin Beursie in, sodat ‘n Bitcoin Lightning Beursie geskep en bevonds mag word. Wil U voortgaan?',
list: { list: {
app_name: 'BlueWallet', app_name: 'BlueWallet',
title: 'beursies', title: 'beursies',
header: 'U beursie verteenwoordig ‘n sleutelkombinasie, bestaande uit geheims (privaat sleutel) en address' + 'wat u kan gebruik om fondse te ontvang.', header:
add: 'Skep Beursie', 'U beursie verteenwoordig ‘n sleutelkombinasie, bestaande uit geheims (privaat sleutel) en address' +
create_a_wallet: 'Skep ‘n beursie', 'wat u kan gebruik om fondse te ontvang.',
create_a_wallet1: "Dit is gratis so skep", add: 'Skep Beursie',
create_a_wallet2: 'soveel as wat u benodig', create_a_wallet: 'Skep ‘n beursie',
latest_transaction: 'laaste transaksie', create_a_wallet1: 'Dit is gratis so skep',
empty_txs1: 'U transaksies is hier beskikbaar,', create_a_wallet2: 'soveel as wat u benodig',
empty_txs2: 'huidiglik geen transaksies', latest_transaction: 'laaste transaksie',
tap_here_to_buy: 'Raak hier om Bitcoin te koop', empty_txs1: 'U transaksies is hier beskikbaar,',
}, empty_txs2: 'huidiglik geen transaksies',
reorder: { tap_here_to_buy: 'Raak hier om Bitcoin te koop',
title: 'Herorganiseer Beursies', },
}, reorder: {
add: { title: 'Herorganiseer Beursies',
title: 'skep beursie', },
description: add: {
'U kan ‘n beursie invoer (in WIF - Wallet Import Format), of ‘n nuwe beursie skep. Beursies ondersteun Segwit as standaard.', title: 'skep beursie',
scan: 'Skandeer', description:
create: 'Skep', 'U kan ‘n beursie invoer (in WIF - Wallet Import Format), of ‘n nuwe beursie skep. Beursies ondersteun Segwit as standaard.',
label_new_segwit: 'Nuwe SegWit', scan: 'Skandeer',
label_new_lightning: 'Nuwe Lightning', create: 'Skep',
wallet_name: 'beursie naam', label_new_segwit: 'Nuwe SegWit',
wallet_type: 'tipe', label_new_lightning: 'Nuwe Lightning',
or: 'of', wallet_name: 'beursie naam',
import_wallet: 'Beursie Invoer', wallet_type: 'tipe',
imported: 'Ingevoer', or: 'of',
coming_soon: 'In die toekoms', import_wallet: 'Beursie Invoer',
lightning: 'Lightning', imported: 'Ingevoer',
bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', coming_soon: 'In die toekoms',
}, lightning: 'Lightning',
details: { bitcoin: 'Bitcoin',
title: 'Beursiet', },
address: 'AdresAddress', details: {
type: 'Tipe', title: 'Beursiet',
label: 'Etiket', address: 'AdresAddress',
destination: 'bestemming', type: 'Tipe',
description: 'beskrywing', label: 'Etiket',
are_you_sure: 'Is u Seker?', destination: 'bestemming',
yes_delete: 'Ja, vernietig', description: 'beskrywing',
no_cancel: 'Nee, kanseleerl', are_you_sure: 'Is u Seker?',
delete: 'Vernietig', yes_delete: 'Ja, vernietig',
save: 'Berg', no_cancel: 'Nee, kanseleerl',
delete_this_wallet: 'Vernietig hierdie beursie', delete: 'Vernietig',
export_backup: 'voer uit / kopieer', save: 'Berg',
buy_bitcoin: 'Koop Bitcoin', delete_this_wallet: 'Vernietig hierdie beursie',
show_xpub: 'Wys beursie XPUB', export_backup: 'voer uit / kopieer',
}, buy_bitcoin: 'Koop Bitcoin',
export: { show_xpub: 'Wys beursie XPUB',
title: 'beursie uitvoer', },
}, export: {
xpub: { title: 'beursie uitvoer',
title: 'beursie XPUB', },
copiedToClipboard: 'Gestuur na klipbord.', xpub: {
}, title: 'beursie XPUB',
import: { copiedToClipboard: 'Gestuur na klipbord.',
title: 'Invoer', },
explanation: import: {
"Sleutel mnemonic, privaat sleutel, WIF, of enige text verwysing. BlueWallet sal die korrekte formaat kies en u beursie importeer ", title: 'Invoer',
imported: 'Invoer suksesvol', explanation:
error: 'U invoer het misluk. Maak asseblief seker u data is korrek en geldig.', 'Sleutel mnemonic, privaat sleutel, WIF, of enige text verwysing. BlueWallet sal die korrekte formaat kies en u beursie importeer ',
success: 'Suksesvol', imported: 'Invoer suksesvol',
do_import: 'Invoer', error: 'U invoer het misluk. Maak asseblief seker u data is korrek en geldig.',
scan_qr: 'of skandeer QR kode?', success: 'Suksesvol',
}, do_import: 'Invoer',
scanQrWif: { scan_qr: 'of skandeer QR kode?',
go_back: 'Gaan Terug', },
cancel: 'Kanseleer', scanQrWif: {
decoding: 'Decoding', go_back: 'Gaan Terug',
input_password: 'Input password', cancel: 'Kanseleer',
password_explain: 'Hierdie is ‘n BIP38 ge-enkripteerde privaat sleutel', decoding: 'Decoding',
bad_password: 'Wagwoord verkeerd', input_password: 'Input password',
wallet_already_exists: 'Hierdie beursie bestaan alreeds', password_explain: 'Hierdie is ‘n BIP38 ge-enkripteerde privaat sleutel',
bad_wif: 'WIF verkeerd', bad_password: 'Wagwoord verkeerd',
imported_wif: 'WIF invoer suksesvol ', wallet_already_exists: 'Hierdie beursie bestaan alreeds',
with_address: ' met adres ', bad_wif: 'WIF verkeerd',
imported_segwit: 'Segwit Invoer Suksesvol', imported_wif: 'WIF invoer suksesvol ',
imported_legacy: 'Legacy Invoer', with_address: ' met adres ',
imported_watchonly: 'Kyk Slegs invoer suksesvol', imported_segwit: 'Segwit Invoer Suksesvol',
}, imported_legacy: 'Legacy Invoer',
}, imported_watchonly: 'Kyk Slegs invoer suksesvol',
transactions: { },
list: { },
tabBarLabel: 'Transaksies', transactions: {
title: 'transaksies', list: {
description: 'Lys met inkomende en uitgaande transaksies van u beursies', tabBarLabel: 'Transaksies',
conf: 'bev.', title: 'transaksies',
}, description: 'Lys met inkomende en uitgaande transaksies van u beursies',
details: { conf: 'bev.',
title: 'Transaksie', },
from: 'Inset', details: {
to: 'Resultaat', title: 'Transaksie',
copy: 'Kopieer', from: 'Inset',
transaction_details: 'Transaksie besonderhede', to: 'Resultaat',
show_in_block_explorer: 'Wys in blok verkenner', copy: 'Kopieer',
}, transaction_details: 'Transaksie besonderhede',
}, show_in_block_explorer: 'Wys in blok verkenner',
send: { },
header: 'Stuur', },
details: { send: {
title: 'skep transaksie', header: 'Stuur',
amount_field_is_not_valid: 'Bedrag is ongeldig', details: {
fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Fooi spasie is ongeldig', title: 'skep transaksie',
address_field_is_not_valid: 'Adres is ongeldig', amount_field_is_not_valid: 'Bedrag is ongeldig',
total_exceeds_balance: 'Die bedrag is meer as die beskikbare balans.', fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Fooi spasie is ongeldig',
create_tx_error: 'Daar was ‘n probleem met die skepping van die transaksie. Bevestig asseblief die adres is geldig.', address_field_is_not_valid: 'Adres is ongeldig',
address: 'adres', total_exceeds_balance: 'Die bedrag is meer as die beskikbare balans.',
amount_placeholder: 'bedrag om te stuur (in BTC)', create_tx_error: 'Daar was ‘n probleem met die skepping van die transaksie. Bevestig asseblief die adres is geldig.',
fee_placeholder: 'plus transaksie fooi (in BTC)', address: 'adres',
note_placeholder: 'persoonlike notas', amount_placeholder: 'bedrag om te stuur (in BTC)',
cancel: 'Kanselleer', fee_placeholder: 'plus transaksie fooi (in BTC)',
scan: 'Skandeer', note_placeholder: 'persoonlike notas',
send: 'Stuur', cancel: 'Kanselleer',
create: 'Skep', scan: 'Skandeer',
remaining_balance: 'Oorblywende balans', send: 'Stuur',
}, create: 'Skep',
confirm: { remaining_balance: 'Oorblywende balans',
header: 'Bevestig', },
sendNow: 'Stuur nou', confirm: {
}, header: 'Bevestig',
success: { sendNow: 'Stuur nou',
done: 'Klaar', },
}, success: {
create: { done: 'Klaar',
details: 'Besonderhede', },
title: 'skep transaksie', create: {
error: 'Daar is ‘n probleem met die transaksie. Ongeldige adres of bedrag?', details: 'Besonderhede',
go_back: 'Gaan Terug', title: 'skep transaksie',
this_is_hex: 'Hierdie is die transaksie hex, geteken en gereed om na die netwerk uitgesaai te word.', error: 'Daar is ‘n probleem met die transaksie. Ongeldige adres of bedrag?',
to: 'Aan', go_back: 'Gaan Terug',
amount: 'Bedrag', this_is_hex: 'Hierdie is die transaksie hex, geteken en gereed om na die netwerk uitgesaai te word.',
fee: 'Fooi', to: 'Aan',
tx_size: 'TX groote', amount: 'Bedrag',
satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi per byte', fee: 'Fooi',
memo: 'Memo', tx_size: 'TX groote',
broadcast: 'Saai uit', satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi per byte',
not_enough_fee: 'Fooi te laag. Vermeerder die fooi', memo: 'Memo',
}, broadcast: 'Saai uit',
}, not_enough_fee: 'Fooi te laag. Vermeerder die fooi',
receive: { },
header: 'Ontvang', },
details: { receive: {
title: 'Deel adres met krediteur', header: 'Ontvang',
share: 'deel', details: {
copiedToClipboard: 'Gekopieer na klipbord.', title: 'Deel adres met krediteur',
label: 'Beskrywing', share: 'deel',
create: 'Skep', copiedToClipboard: 'Gekopieer na klipbord.',
setAmount: 'Bedrag ontvang', label: 'Beskrywing',
}, create: 'Skep',
}, setAmount: 'Bedrag ontvang',
buyBitcoin: { },
header: 'Koop Bitcoin', },
tap_your_address: 'Raak aan die adres om dit na die klipbord the stuur:', buyBitcoin: {
copied: 'Gekopieer na klipbord!', header: 'Koop Bitcoin',
}, tap_your_address: 'Raak aan die adres om dit na die klipbord the stuur:',
settings: { copied: 'Gekopieer na klipbord!',
header: 'instellings', },
settings: {
header: 'instellings',
plausible_deniability: 'Geloofwaardige ontkenbaarheid...', plausible_deniability: 'Geloofwaardige ontkenbaarheid...',
storage_not_encrypted: 'Berging: Nie-geenkripteer nie', storage_not_encrypted: 'Berging: Nie-geenkripteer nie',
storage_encrypted: 'Berging: Ge-enkripteer', storage_encrypted: 'Berging: Ge-enkripteer',
password: 'Wagwoord', password: 'Wagwoord',
password_explain: 'Skep die wagwoord wat u sal gebruik om u berging te de-enkripteer', password_explain: 'Skep die wagwoord wat u sal gebruik om u berging te de-enkripteer',
retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord', retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord',
passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde stem nie oor een nie', passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde stem nie oor een nie',
encrypt_storage: 'Enkripteer Berging', encrypt_storage: 'Enkripteer Berging',
lightning_settings: 'Lightning Instellings', lightning_settings: 'Lightning Instellings',
lightning_settings_explain: lightning_settings_explain:
'Om u eie LND node te konnekteer, installeer asseblief LndHub' + 'Om u eie LND node te konnekteer, installeer asseblief LndHub' +
' and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank om die standaard LndHub' + ' and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank om die standaard LndHub' +
'( te gebruik', '( te gebruik',
save: 'stoor', save: 'stoor',
about: 'info', about: 'info',
language: 'Taal', language: 'Taal',
currency: 'Geldeenheid', currency: 'Geldeenheid',
}, },
plausibledeniability: { plausibledeniability: {
title: 'Geloofwaardige Ontkenbaarheid', title: 'Geloofwaardige Ontkenbaarheid',
help: 'Onder sekere omstandighede mag u dalk geforseer word om u ' + help:
'wagwoord te deel teen u wil. Om u te beskerm kan Bluewallet ‘n ' + 'Onder sekere omstandighede mag u dalk geforseer word om u ' +
'tweede “fantasie” beursie skep wat as skerm kan dien. Indien u ' + 'wagwoord te deel teen u wil. Om u te beskerm kan Bluewallet ‘n ' +
'hierdie wagwoord deel sal die 3de party nie toegang tot u hoof fondse kry nie.', 'tweede “fantasie” beursie skep wat as skerm kan dien. Indien u ' +
help2: 'Fantasie berging is heeltemal funksioneel', 'hierdie wagwoord deel sal die 3de party nie toegang tot u hoof fondse kry nie.',
create_fake_storage: 'Skep fantasie berging wagwoord', help2: 'Fantasie berging is heeltemal funksioneel',
go_back: 'Gaan terug', create_fake_storage: 'Skep fantasie berging wagwoord',
create_password: 'Skep ‘n wagwoord', go_back: 'Gaan terug',
create_password_explanation: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging', create_password: 'Skep ‘n wagwoord',
password_should_not_match: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging.', create_password_explanation: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging',
retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord', password_should_not_match: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging.',
passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde vergelyk nie, probeer weer', retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord',
success: 'Sukses', passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde vergelyk nie, probeer weer',
}, success: 'Sukses',
lnd: { },
title: 'bestuur fondse', lnd: {
choose_source_wallet: 'Kies ‘n bron beursie', title: 'bestuur fondse',
refill_lnd_balance: 'Herlaai Lightning beursie', choose_source_wallet: 'Kies ‘n bron beursie',
refill: 'Herlaai', refill_lnd_balance: 'Herlaai Lightning beursie',
withdraw: 'Ontrek', refill: 'Herlaai',
expired: 'Verval', withdraw: 'Ontrek',
placeholder: 'Faktuur', expired: 'Verval',
sameWalletAsInvoiceError: 'U kan nie ‘n faktuur betaal met die selfde beursie waarmee die faktuur geksep is nie.', placeholder: 'Faktuur',
}, sameWalletAsInvoiceError: 'U kan nie ‘n faktuur betaal met die selfde beursie waarmee die faktuur geksep is nie.',
pleasebackup: { },
pleasebackup: {
title: 'Your wallet is created...', title: 'Your wallet is created...',
text: text:
"Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device. You can use Electrum wallet on desktop ( to restore the same wallet.", "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device. You can use Electrum wallet on desktop ( to restore the same wallet.",
@ -230,4 +233,4 @@
additional_info: 'Additional Information', additional_info: 'Additional Information',
open_direct_channel: 'Open direct channel with this node:', open_direct_channel: 'Open direct channel with this node:',
}, },
}; };


@ -1,222 +1,227 @@
module.exports = { module.exports = {
_: { _: {
storage_is_encrypted: 'Ukugcinwa kwakho kubhaliwe. Inombolo yokuvula iyadingeka ukuba ichithwe', storage_is_encrypted: 'Ukugcinwa kwakho kubhaliwe. Inombolo yokuvula iyadingeka ukuba ichithwe',
enter_password: 'Faka inombolo yokuvula', enter_password: 'Faka inombolo yokuvula',
bad_password: 'Iphasiwedi engalunganga, zama kwakhona', bad_password: 'Iphasiwedi engalunganga, zama kwakhona',
never: 'Ungalingi', never: 'Ungalingi',
continue: 'Qhubeka', continue: 'Qhubeka',
ok: 'OK', ok: 'OK',
}, },
wallets: { wallets: {
select_wallet: 'Khetha ingxowa', select_wallet: 'Khetha ingxowa',
options: 'Ukhetho', options: 'Ukhetho',
createBitcoinWallet: createBitcoinWallet:
'Okwangoku awunayo ingxowa yebitcoin. Ukuze kuxhaswe ingxowa ekhawulezayo, Ingxowa yeBitcoin kufuneka idalwe okanye ikhutshelwe. Ungathanda ukuqhubeka ?', 'Okwangoku awunayo ingxowa yebitcoin. Ukuze kuxhaswe ingxowa ekhawulezayo, Ingxowa yeBitcoin kufuneka idalwe okanye ikhutshelwe. Ungathanda ukuqhubeka ?',
list: { list: {
app_name: 'BlueWallet', app_name: 'BlueWallet',
title: 'Ingxowa', title: 'Ingxowa',
header: 'Ingxowa imele ukuba nemfihlelo yokuyivula nekheli kwaye unokuyisebenzisa ukwamkela imali.', header: 'Ingxowa imele ukuba nemfihlelo yokuyivula nekheli kwaye unokuyisebenzisa ukwamkela imali.',
add: 'Yongeza Ingxowa', add: 'Yongeza Ingxowa',
create_a_wallet: 'Yenza ingxowa', create_a_wallet: 'Yenza ingxowa',
create_a_wallet1: "Ayihlawulelwa kwaye ungayenza", create_a_wallet1: 'Ayihlawulelwa kwaye ungayenza',
create_a_wallet2: 'Ungenza zibeninzi indlela zokuhlawula', create_a_wallet2: 'Ungenza zibeninzi indlela zokuhlawula',
latest_transaction: 'Utshintsho olutsha', latest_transaction: 'Utshintsho olutsha',
empty_txs1: 'Intengiso yakho iya kubonakala apha,', empty_txs1: 'Intengiso yakho iya kubonakala apha,',
empty_txs2: 'akuho nanye okwangoku', empty_txs2: 'akuho nanye okwangoku',
tap_here_to_buy: 'Cofa apha ukuthenga ibitcoin', tap_here_to_buy: 'Cofa apha ukuthenga ibitcoin',
}, },
reorder: { reorder: {
title: 'Yenza kwakhona ingxowa', title: 'Yenza kwakhona ingxowa',
}, },
add: { add: {
title: 'yongeza ingxowa', title: 'yongeza ingxowa',
description: description:
'Unokukhangela ingxowa yephepha yokugcinwa kwephepha ( kwi-WIF – indlela lokungenisa ingxowa), okanye wenze ingxowa entsha. Ingxowa yeSegwit exhaswa yi-default.', 'Unokukhangela ingxowa yephepha yokugcinwa kwephepha ( kwi-WIF – indlela lokungenisa ingxowa), okanye wenze ingxowa entsha. Ingxowa yeSegwit exhaswa yi-default.',
scan: 'Ukuqondisa', scan: 'Ukuqondisa',
create: 'Yakha', create: 'Yakha',
label_new_segwit: 'SegWit entsha', label_new_segwit: 'SegWit entsha',
label_new_lightning: 'Umbane omtsha', label_new_lightning: 'Umbane omtsha',
wallet_name: 'igama lengxowa', wallet_name: 'igama lengxowa',
wallet_type: 'uhlobo', wallet_type: 'uhlobo',
or: 'okanye', or: 'okanye',
import_wallet: 'Ukungenisa ingxowa', import_wallet: 'Ukungenisa ingxowa',
imported: 'ngeniswa', imported: 'ngeniswa',
coming_soon: 'Kuza ngokukhawuleza', coming_soon: 'Kuza ngokukhawuleza',
lightning: 'Umbane', lightning: 'Umbane',
bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', bitcoin: 'Bitcoin',
}, },
details: { details: {
title: 'Ingxowa', title: 'Ingxowa',
address: 'Ikheli', address: 'Ikheli',
type: 'Uhlobo', type: 'Uhlobo',
label: 'Igama', label: 'Igama',
destination: 'ukuya kuyo', destination: 'ukuya kuyo',
description: 'ukuya kuyo', description: 'ukuya kuyo',
are_you_sure: 'Ingaba uqinisekile?', are_you_sure: 'Ingaba uqinisekile?',
yes_delete: 'Ewe, yisuse', yes_delete: 'Ewe, yisuse',
no_cancel: 'Hayi, rhoxisa', no_cancel: 'Hayi, rhoxisa',
delete: 'Cima', delete: 'Cima',
save: 'Gcina', save: 'Gcina',
delete_this_wallet: 'Cima le ngxowa', delete_this_wallet: 'Cima le ngxowa',
export_backup: 'Ukuthumela ngaphandle / yokugcina', export_backup: 'Ukuthumela ngaphandle / yokugcina',
buy_bitcoin: 'Thenga ibitcoin', buy_bitcoin: 'Thenga ibitcoin',
show_xpub: 'Bonise ingxowa XPUB', show_xpub: 'Bonise ingxowa XPUB',
}, },
export: { export: {
title: 'ukuthunyelwa kweebhanki ', title: 'ukuthunyelwa kweebhanki ',
}, },
xpub: { xpub: {
title: 'ingxowa XPUB', title: 'ingxowa XPUB',
copiedToClipboard: 'Ikopishwe kwi-clipboard', copiedToClipboard: 'Ikopishwe kwi-clipboard',
}, },
import: { import: {
title: 'ukungenisa', title: 'ukungenisa',
explanation: explanation:
"Bhale apha imnemonic yakho, ngundoqo, WIF , okanye nantoni na onayo. BlueWallet uya kwenza konke okusemandleni ukuqiqa ifomathi efanelekileyo kwaye ingenise ingxowa yakho", 'Bhale apha imnemonic yakho, ngundoqo, WIF , okanye nantoni na onayo. BlueWallet uya kwenza konke okusemandleni ukuqiqa ifomathi efanelekileyo kwaye ingenise ingxowa yakho',
imported: 'Ngenisiwe', imported: 'Ngenisiwe',
error: 'Ayiphumelelanga ukungenisa. Nceda, uqiniseka ukuba idata ehlinzekiweyo iyasebenza.', error: 'Ayiphumelelanga ukungenisa. Nceda, uqiniseka ukuba idata ehlinzekiweyo iyasebenza.',
success: 'Iphumelele', success: 'Iphumelele',
do_import: 'Ngeniswe', do_import: 'Ngeniswe',
scan_qr: 'okanye ukukhangela iQR code?', scan_qr: 'okanye ukukhangela iQR code?',
}, },
scanQrWif: { scanQrWif: {
go_back: 'Buya Umva', go_back: 'Buya Umva',
cancel: 'Rhoxisa', cancel: 'Rhoxisa',
decoding: 'Ukumisela', decoding: 'Ukumisela',
input_password: 'Igama lokungena', input_password: 'Igama lokungena',
password_explain: 'Yi le BIP38 ikhifidi yangasese itsixe', password_explain: 'Yi le BIP38 ikhifidi yangasese itsixe',
bad_password: 'Inombolo yokuvula eli ngalunganga ', bad_password: 'Inombolo yokuvula eli ngalunganga ',
wallet_already_exists: 'Ikhredithi enjalo sele ikhona', wallet_already_exists: 'Ikhredithi enjalo sele ikhona',
bad_wif: 'Ezimbi WIF', bad_wif: 'Ezimbi WIF',
imported_wif: 'Ngeniswa WIF ', imported_wif: 'Ngeniswa WIF ',
with_address: ' Nge dilesi ', with_address: ' Nge dilesi ',
imported_segwit: 'Ngeniswa SegWit', imported_segwit: 'Ngeniswa SegWit',
imported_legacy: 'Ngeniswa ilifa', imported_legacy: 'Ngeniswa ilifa',
imported_watchonly: 'Ngeniswa bukele-kuphela', imported_watchonly: 'Ngeniswa bukele-kuphela',
}, },
}, },
transactions: { transactions: {
list: { list: {
tabBarLabel: 'Ngeniswa', tabBarLabel: 'Ngeniswa',
title: 'ngeniswa', title: 'ngeniswa',
description: 'Uluhlu lokungena okanye ukuphuma kweekhredithi zakho', description: 'Uluhlu lokungena okanye ukuphuma kweekhredithi zakho',
conf: 'conf', conf: 'conf',
}, },
details: { details: {
title: 'Ngeniswa', title: 'Ngeniswa',
from: 'Negalelo', from: 'Negalelo',
to: 'Mveliso', to: 'Mveliso',
copy: 'Ikopi', copy: 'Ikopi',
transaction_details: 'Iinkcukacha zentengiselwano', transaction_details: 'Iinkcukacha zentengiselwano',
show_in_block_explorer: 'Bonisa ibhloko umhloi', show_in_block_explorer: 'Bonisa ibhloko umhloi',
}, },
}, },
send: { send: {
header: 'Thumela', header: 'Thumela',
details: { details: {
title: 'ukudala ukuthenga', title: 'ukudala ukuthenga',
amount_field_is_not_valid: 'intsimi yexabiso ayivumelekanga', amount_field_is_not_valid: 'intsimi yexabiso ayivumelekanga',
fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yentlawulo ayivumelekanga ', fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yentlawulo ayivumelekanga ',
address_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yeedilesi ayivumelekanga', address_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yeedilesi ayivumelekanga',
total_exceeds_balance: 'Imali yokuthumela idlula imali ekhoyo.', total_exceeds_balance: 'Imali yokuthumela idlula imali ekhoyo.',
create_tx_error: 'Kukho impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Nceda, qinisekisa ukuba idilesi iyasebenza.', create_tx_error: 'Kukho impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Nceda, qinisekisa ukuba idilesi iyasebenza.',
address: 'idilesi', address: 'idilesi',
amount_placeholder: 'inani lokuthumela (nge BTC)', amount_placeholder: 'inani lokuthumela (nge BTC)',
fee_placeholder: 'kunye nentlawulo yokuthengiswa (nge BTC)', fee_placeholder: 'kunye nentlawulo yokuthengiswa (nge BTC)',
note_placeholder: 'inqaku kumntu', note_placeholder: 'inqaku kumntu',
cancel: 'Rhoxisa', cancel: 'Rhoxisa',
scan: 'Ukutshekisha', scan: 'Ukutshekisha',
send: 'Thumela', send: 'Thumela',
create: 'Yenza', create: 'Yenza',
remaining_balance: 'Ibhalansi eseleyo', remaining_balance: 'Ibhalansi eseleyo',
}, },
confirm: { confirm: {
header: 'Qiniseka', header: 'Qiniseka',
sendNow: 'Thumela ngoku', sendNow: 'Thumela ngoku',
}, },
success: { success: {
done: 'Kwenzekile', done: 'Kwenzekile',
}, },
create: { create: {
details: 'Iinkcukacha', details: 'Iinkcukacha',
title: 'ukudala ukuthenga', title: 'ukudala ukuthenga',
error: 'Impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Idilesi engavumelekanga okanye imali yokuthumela?', error: 'Impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Idilesi engavumelekanga okanye imali yokuthumela?',
go_back: 'Buya umva', go_back: 'Buya umva',
this_is_hex: 'Le yi ntengo hex, ityikityiwe ilungele ukukhutshelwa kumnatha.', this_is_hex: 'Le yi ntengo hex, ityikityiwe ilungele ukukhutshelwa kumnatha.',
to: 'Iya ku', to: 'Iya ku',
amount: 'Isixa', amount: 'Isixa',
fee: 'Ntlawulo', fee: 'Ntlawulo',
tx_size: 'TX ubungakanani', tx_size: 'TX ubungakanani',
satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi nge-byte', satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi nge-byte',
memo: 'Memo', memo: 'Memo',
broadcast: 'Sasazwa', broadcast: 'Sasazwa',
not_enough_fee: 'Akukho mali e neleyo. UKwandisa intlawulo ', not_enough_fee: 'Akukho mali e neleyo. UKwandisa intlawulo ',
}, },
}, },
receive: { receive: {
header: 'Fumana', header: 'Fumana',
details: { details: {
title: 'Wabelane ngale dilesi nomhlawuli', title: 'Wabelane ngale dilesi nomhlawuli',
share: 'yabelana', share: 'yabelana',
copiedToClipboard: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard', copiedToClipboard: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard',
label: 'Inkcazo', label: 'Inkcazo',
create: 'Yenza', create: 'Yenza',
setAmount: 'Fumana ngexabiso', setAmount: 'Fumana ngexabiso',
}, },
}, },
buyBitcoin: { buyBitcoin: {
header: 'Thenga Ibitcoin', header: 'Thenga Ibitcoin',
tap_your_address: 'Thepha idilesi yakho ukuyikopisha kwi-clipboard:', tap_your_address: 'Thepha idilesi yakho ukuyikopisha kwi-clipboard:',
copied: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard!', copied: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard!',
}, },
settings: { settings: {
header: 'Izicwangciso', header: 'Izicwangciso',
plausible_deniability: 'Ukuphika...', plausible_deniability: 'Ukuphika...',
storage_not_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: hayi ngekhodi', storage_not_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: hayi ngekhodi',
storage_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: ngekhodi', storage_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: ngekhodi',
password: 'Inombolo yokuvula', password: 'Inombolo yokuvula',
password_explain: 'Ukudala iinombolo yokuvula oyisebenzisayo ukucima ukugcina', password_explain: 'Ukudala iinombolo yokuvula oyisebenzisayo ukucima ukugcina',
retype_password: 'Phina inombolo yokuvula', retype_password: 'Phina inombolo yokuvula',
passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula azifani', passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula azifani',
encrypt_storage: 'Kubhala u kubhala', encrypt_storage: 'Kubhala u kubhala',
lightning_settings: 'Izixhobo zokukhanyisa', lightning_settings: 'Izixhobo zokukhanyisa',
lightning_settings_explain: lightning_settings_explain:
'Ukuxhuma kwi-node yakho ye-LND nceda ufake iLndHub' + ' kwaye ufake iURL apha izicwangciso. Shiya kungenanto yokusebenzisa iLndHub (', 'Ukuxhuma kwi-node yakho ye-LND nceda ufake iLndHub' +
save: 'ndoloza', ' kwaye ufake iURL apha izicwangciso. Shiya kungenanto yokusebenzisa iLndHub (',
about: 'Malunga', save: 'ndoloza',
language: 'Ulwimi', about: 'Malunga',
currency: 'Lwemali', language: 'Ulwimi',
}, currency: 'Lwemali',
plausibledeniability: { },
title: 'Ukuphika', plausibledeniability: {
help: title: 'Ukuphika',
'Phantsi kweemeko unokunyaneliswa ukuba uchaze a ' + help:
'inombolo yokuvula. BlueWallet ukugcina imali yakho ikhuselekile, unokudala enye ' + 'Phantsi kweemeko unokunyaneliswa ukuba uchaze a ' +
'ukugcinwa kwekhowudi, ngegama eligqithisiweyo. Phantsi kwefuthe, ' + 'inombolo yokuvula. BlueWallet ukugcina imali yakho ikhuselekile, unokudala enye ' +
'unako ukutyhila le phasiwedi kumntu wesithatu. Ukuba ungenayo ' + 'ukugcinwa kwekhowudi, ngegama eligqithisiweyo. Phantsi kwefuthe, ' +
"BlueWallet, iya kuvula ukugcinwa kwetyala ‘entsha’. Oku kuya kubonakala " + 'unako ukutyhila le phasiwedi kumntu wesithatu. Ukuba ungenayo ' +
'Umlenze kumntu wesithathu kodwa uza kugcina ngasese ukugcinwa kwakho ' +'ngemali ekhuselekile..', 'BlueWallet, iya kuvula ukugcinwa kwetyala ‘entsha’. Oku kuya kubonakala ' +
help2: 'Igumbi lokugcina elitsha liza kusebenza ngokupheleleyo, kwaye unako ukugcina okunye ‘ + ‘lxabiso elincinci apho likhangeleka ngakumbi.', 'Umlenze kumntu wesithathu kodwa uza kugcina ngasese ukugcinwa kwakho ' +
create_fake_storage: 'Ukudala igumbi lokugcina elifihlakeleyo', 'ngemali ekhuselekile..',
go_back: 'Buya Umva', help2:
create_password: 'Yenza inombolo yokuvula', 'Igumbi lokugcina elitsha liza kusebenza ngokupheleleyo, kwaye unako ukugcina okunye ‘ + ‘lxabiso elincinci apho likhangeleka ngakumbi.',
create_password_explanation: 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo', create_fake_storage: 'Ukudala igumbi lokugcina elifihlakeleyo',
password_should_not_match: 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo', go_back: 'Buya Umva',
retype_password: 'Phinda inombolo yokuvula', create_password: 'Yenza inombolo yokuvula',
passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula ayihambelani, zama kwakhona', create_password_explanation:
success: 'Iphumelele', 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo',
}, password_should_not_match:
lnd: { 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo',
title: 'lawula imali', retype_password: 'Phinda inombolo yokuvula',
choose_source_wallet: 'Ukhethe ingxowa yomthombo', passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula ayihambelani, zama kwakhona',
refill_lnd_balance: 'Gcwalisa ingxowa yakho yemali', success: 'Iphumelele',
refill: 'Gcwalisa', },
withdraw: 'Khupha imali', lnd: {
expired: 'Iphelewe lixesha', title: 'lawula imali',
placeholder: 'Invoyisi', choose_source_wallet: 'Ukhethe ingxowa yomthombo',
sameWalletAsInvoiceError: ': Awukwazi ukuhlawula i-invoyisi kunye ngengxowa oyisebenzisile ukudala leyo invoyisi.', refill_lnd_balance: 'Gcwalisa ingxowa yakho yemali',
}, refill: 'Gcwalisa',
pleasebackup: { withdraw: 'Khupha imali',
expired: 'Iphelewe lixesha',
placeholder: 'Invoyisi',
sameWalletAsInvoiceError: ': Awukwazi ukuhlawula i-invoyisi kunye ngengxowa oyisebenzisile ukudala leyo invoyisi.',
pleasebackup: {
title: 'Your wallet is created...', title: 'Your wallet is created...',
text: text:
"Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device. You can use Electrum wallet on desktop ( to restore the same wallet.", "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device. You can use Electrum wallet on desktop ( to restore the same wallet.",
@ -231,4 +236,4 @@
additional_info: 'Additional Information', additional_info: 'Additional Information',
open_direct_channel: 'Open direct channel with this node:', open_direct_channel: 'Open direct channel with this node:',
}, },
}; };


@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ strings = new Localization({
sv_se: require('./sv_SE.js'), sv_se: require('./sv_SE.js'),
nb_no: require('./nb_NO.js'), nb_no: require('./nb_NO.js'),
tr_tr: require('./tr_TR.js'), tr_tr: require('./tr_TR.js'),
zar_afr: require('./zar_AFR.js'),
zar_xho: require('./zar_XHO.js'), zar_xho: require('./zar_XHO.js'),
}); });
