* Copyright © 2014 - 2016 The SuperNET Developers . *
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* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
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* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "iguana777.h"
struct iguana_hhutxo * iguana_hhutxofind ( struct iguana_info * coin , uint64_t uval )
struct iguana_hhutxo * hhutxo ;
HASH_FIND ( hh , coin - > utxotable , & uval , sizeof ( uval ) , hhutxo ) ;
return ( hhutxo ) ;
struct iguana_hhaccount * iguana_hhaccountfind ( struct iguana_info * coin , uint64_t pval )
struct iguana_hhaccount * hhacct ;
HASH_FIND ( hh , coin - > accountstable , & pval , sizeof ( pval ) , hhacct ) ;
return ( hhacct ) ;
int32_t iguana_utxoupdate ( struct iguana_info * coin , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , uint32_t spent_pkind , uint64_t spent_value , uint32_t spendind , uint32_t fromheight )
struct iguana_hhutxo * hhutxo , * tmputxo ; struct iguana_hhaccount * hhacct , * tmpacct ; uint64_t uval , pval ;
if ( spent_hdrsi < 0 )
printf ( " >>>>>>>>>> RESET UTXO HASH <<<<<<<<< \n " ) ;
if ( coin - > utxotable ! = 0 )
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > utxotable , hhutxo , tmputxo )
hhutxo - > u . lockedflag = 0 ;
hhutxo - > u . spentflag = 0 ;
hhutxo - > u . fromheight = 0 ;
hhutxo - > u . prevunspentind = 0 ;
if ( coin - > accountstable ! = 0 )
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > accountstable , hhacct , tmpacct )
hhacct - > a . lastunspentind = 0 ;
hhacct - > a . total = 0 ;
return ( 0 ) ;
uval = ( ( uint64_t ) spent_hdrsi < < 32 ) | spent_unspentind ;
pval = ( ( uint64_t ) spent_hdrsi < < 32 ) | spent_pkind ;
if ( ( hhutxo = iguana_hhutxofind ( coin , uval ) ) ! = 0 & & hhutxo - > u . spentflag ! = 0 )
printf ( " hhutxo.%p spentflag.%d \n " , hhutxo , hhutxo - > u . spentflag ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
hhutxo = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * hhutxo ) ) ;
hhutxo - > uval = uval ;
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR ( hh , coin - > utxotable , & hhutxo - > uval , sizeof ( hhutxo - > uval ) , hhutxo ) ;
if ( ( hhacct = iguana_hhaccountfind ( coin , pval ) ) = = 0 )
hhacct = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * hhacct ) ) ;
hhacct - > pval = pval ;
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR ( hh , coin - > accountstable , & hhacct - > pval , sizeof ( hhacct - > pval ) , hhacct ) ;
//printf("create hhutxo.%p hhacct.%p from.%d\n",hhutxo,hhacct,fromheight);
hhutxo - > u . spentflag = 1 ;
hhutxo - > u . lockedflag = 0 ;
hhutxo - > u . fromheight = fromheight ;
hhutxo - > u . prevunspentind = hhacct - > a . lastunspentind ;
hhacct - > a . lastunspentind = spent_unspentind ;
hhacct - > a . total + = spent_value ;
return ( 0 ) ;
struct iguana_utxo iguana_utxofind ( struct iguana_info * coin , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , int32_t * RTspendflagp , int32_t lockflag )
uint64_t val , uval ; struct iguana_hhutxo * hhutxo ; struct iguana_utxo utxo ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ; int32_t flag ;
* RTspendflagp = 0 ;
memset ( & utxo , 0 , sizeof ( utxo ) ) ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ spent_hdrsi ] ) = = 0 )
return ( utxo ) ;
ramchain = ( bp = = coin - > current ) ? & coin - > RTramchain : & bp - > ramchain ;
if ( ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) = = 0 )
return ( utxo ) ;
flag = ( coin - > RTheight > 0 ) ;
if ( flag ! = 0 )
portable_mutex_lock ( & coin - > RTmutex ) ;
val = ( ( uint64_t ) spent_hdrsi < < 32 ) | spent_unspentind ;
if ( spent_unspentind > 0 & & spent_unspentind < rdata - > numunspents )
if ( ramchain - > Uextras ! = 0 )
utxo = ramchain - > Uextras [ spent_unspentind ] ;
if ( lockflag ! = 0 )
if ( ( hhutxo = iguana_hhutxofind ( coin , val ) ) = = 0 )
uval = ( ( uint64_t ) spent_hdrsi < < 32 ) | spent_unspentind ;
if ( ( hhutxo = iguana_hhutxofind ( coin , uval ) ) ! = 0 & & hhutxo - > u . spentflag ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_hhutxofind warning: hhutxo.%p spentflag.%d \n " , hhutxo , hhutxo - > u . spentflag ) ;
memset ( & utxo , 0 , sizeof ( utxo ) ) ;
if ( flag ! = 0 )
portable_mutex_unlock ( & coin - > RTmutex ) ;
return ( utxo ) ;
hhutxo = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * hhutxo ) ) ;
hhutxo - > uval = uval ;
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR ( hh , coin - > utxotable , & hhutxo - > uval , sizeof ( hhutxo - > uval ) , hhutxo ) ;
if ( ramchain - > Uextras = = 0 | | utxo . spentflag = = 0 )
//printf("check hhutxo [%d] u%u %p\n",spent_hdrsi,spent_unspentind,iguana_hhutxofind(coin,((uint64_t)202<<32)|3909240));
if ( ( hhutxo = iguana_hhutxofind ( coin , val ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( lockflag ! = 0 )
if ( hhutxo - > u . lockedflag = = 0 )
hhutxo - > u . lockedflag = 1 ;
else printf ( " iguana_hhutxofind warning: locking already locked [%d].%u \n " , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind ) ;
} else hhutxo - > u . lockedflag = 0 ;
utxo = hhutxo - > u ;
if ( utxo . spentflag ! = 0 | | utxo . lockedflag ! = 0 )
* RTspendflagp = 1 ;
printf ( " illegal unspentind.%u vs %u hdrs.%d \n " , spent_unspentind , rdata - > numunspents , spent_hdrsi ) ;
if ( flag ! = 0 )
portable_mutex_unlock ( & coin - > RTmutex ) ;
return ( utxo ) ;
int32_t iguana_spentflag ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , int64_t * RTspendp , int32_t * spentheightp , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , int32_t height , int32_t minconf , int32_t maxconf , uint64_t amount )
uint32_t numunspents ; int32_t RTspentflag ; struct iguana_utxo utxo ; uint64_t confs , RTspend = 0 ;
struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ;
* spentheightp = - 1 ;
if ( ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) = = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
numunspents = rdata - > numunspents ;
utxo = iguana_utxofind ( coin , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , & RTspentflag , 0 ) ;
if ( RTspentflag ! = 0 )
* RTspendp = ( amount = = 0 ) ? coin - > txfee : amount ;
if ( utxo . spentflag ! = 0 & & utxo . fromheight = = 0 )
printf ( " illegal unspentind.%u vs %u hdrs.%d zero fromheight? \n " , spent_unspentind , numunspents , spent_hdrsi ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
//printf("[%d] u%u %.8f, spentheight.%d vs height.%d spentflag.%d\n",spent_hdrsi,spent_unspentind,dstr(amount),utxo.fromheight,height,utxo.spentflag);
* spentheightp = utxo . fromheight ;
if ( ( confs = coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height - utxo . fromheight ) > = minconf & & confs < maxconf & & ( height < = 0 | | utxo . fromheight < height ) )
( * RTspendp ) + = RTspend ;
if ( utxo . spentflag ! = 0 )
return ( 1 ) ;
else if ( utxo . lockedflag ! = 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
else return ( 0 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t iguana_volatileupdate ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t incremental , struct iguana_ramchain * spentchain , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , uint32_t spent_pkind , uint64_t spent_value , uint32_t spendind , uint32_t fromheight )
struct iguana_account * A2 ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ; struct iguana_utxo * utxo ;
if ( ( rdata = spentchain - > H . data ) ! = 0 )
if ( incremental = = 0 )
if ( spentchain - > Uextras = = 0 | | spentchain - > A2 = = 0 )
iguana_volatilesmap ( coin , spentchain ) ;
if ( spentchain - > Uextras ! = 0 & & ( A2 = spentchain - > A2 ) ! = 0 )
utxo = & spentchain - > Uextras [ spent_unspentind ] ;
if ( utxo - > spentflag = = 0 )
if ( 0 & & fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize > = coin - > current - > hdrsi )
printf ( " iguana_volatileupdate.%d: [%d] spent.(u%u %.8f pkind.%d) fromht.%d [%d] spendind.%d \n " , incremental , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , dstr ( spent_value ) , spent_pkind , fromheight , fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize , spendind ) ;
utxo - > prevunspentind = A2 [ spent_pkind ] . lastunspentind ;
utxo - > spentflag = 1 ;
utxo - > fromheight = fromheight ;
A2 [ spent_pkind ] . total + = spent_value ;
A2 [ spent_pkind ] . lastunspentind = spent_unspentind ;
return ( 0 ) ;
printf ( " from.%d spent_unspentind[%d] in hdrs.[%d] is spent fromht.%d %.8f \n " , fromheight , spent_unspentind , spent_hdrsi , utxo - > fromheight , dstr ( spent_value ) ) ;
} else printf ( " null ptrs.[%d] u.%u p.%u %.8f from ht.%d s.%u \n " , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , dstr ( spent_value ) , fromheight , spendind ) ;
else // do the equivalent of historical, ie mark as spent, linked list, balance
//double startmillis = OS_milliseconds(); static double totalmillis; static int32_t utxon;
if ( iguana_utxoupdate ( coin , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , spent_value , spendind , fromheight ) = = 0 )
/*totalmillis += (OS_milliseconds() - startmillis);
if ( ( + + utxon % 100000 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " ave utxo[%d] %.2f micros total %.2f seconds \n " , utxon , ( 1000. * totalmillis ) / utxon , totalmillis / 1000. ) ; */
return ( 0 ) ;
printf ( " iguana_volatileupdate.%d: [%d] spent.(u%u %.8f pkind.%d) double spend? at ht.%d [%d] spendind.%d (%p %p) \n " , incremental , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , dstr ( spent_value ) , spent_pkind , fromheight , fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize , spendind , spentchain - > Uextras , spentchain - > A2 ) ;
/*if ( coin->current != 0 && fromheight >= coin->current->bundleheight )
coin - > RTdatabad = 1 ;
printf ( " from.%d vs current.%d \n " , fromheight , coin - > current - > bundleheight ) ;
iguana_bundleremove ( coin , fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize , 0 ) ;
coin - > spendvectorsaved = 0 ;
coin - > started = 0 ;
coin - > active = 0 ; */
coin - > RTdatabad = 1 ;
if ( coin - > current ! = 0 & & spent_hdrsi ! = coin - > current - > hdrsi & & spent_hdrsi ! = fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize )
printf ( " restart iguana \n " ) ;
struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & coin - > special_mutex ) ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ spent_hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 )
iguana_bundleremove ( coin , spent_hdrsi , 0 ) ;
bp - > ramchain . H . data = 0 ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize ] ) ! = 0 )
iguana_bundleremove ( coin , fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize , 0 ) ;
bp - > ramchain . H . data = 0 ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & coin - > special_mutex ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
else if ( coin - > spendvectorsaved > 1 )
printf ( " volatileupdate skip null rdata [%d] \n " , spentchain - > height / coin - > current - > bundleheight ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
void iguana_volatilesalloc ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , int32_t copyflag )
int32_t i ; struct iguana_utxo * U2 ; struct iguana_account * A2 ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata = 0 ;
if ( ramchain ! = 0 & & ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) ! = 0 & & ( coin - > current = = 0 | | coin - > current - > bundleheight > ramchain - > height ) )
//printf("volatilesalloc.[%d] %p %p\n",ramchain->height/coin->chain->bundlesize,ramchain->debitsfileptr,ramchain->lastspendsfileptr);
if ( ramchain - > allocatedA2 = = 0 )
ramchain - > A2 = calloc ( sizeof ( * ramchain - > A2 ) , rdata - > numpkinds + 16 ) ;
ramchain - > allocatedA2 = sizeof ( * ramchain - > A2 ) * rdata - > numpkinds ;
if ( ramchain - > allocatedU2 = = 0 )
ramchain - > Uextras = calloc ( sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) , rdata - > numunspents + 16 ) ;
ramchain - > allocatedU2 = sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) * rdata - > numunspents ;
if ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr ! = 0 )
if ( copyflag ! = 0 )
A2 = ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
if ( ramchain - > debitsfilesize ! = sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * A2 ) * rdata - > numpkinds )
printf ( " A2 size mismatch %ld != %d \n " , ramchain - > debitsfilesize , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * A2 ) * rdata - > numpkinds ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rdata - > numpkinds ; i + + )
ramchain - > A2 [ i ] = A2 [ i ] ;
munmap ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr , ramchain - > debitsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > debitsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > debitsfilesize = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ! = 0 )
if ( copyflag ! = 0 )
U2 = ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
if ( ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize ! = sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * U2 ) * rdata - > numunspents )
printf ( " U2 size mismatch %ld != %d \n " , ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * U2 ) * rdata - > numunspents ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rdata - > numunspents ; i + + )
ramchain - > Uextras [ i ] = U2 [ i ] ;
munmap ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr , ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize = 0 ;
} else printf ( " illegal ramchain.%p rdata.%p \n " , ramchain , rdata ) ;
void iguana_volatilespurge ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
if ( ramchain ! = 0 )
//printf("volatilespurge.[%d] (%p %p) %p %p\n",ramchain->height/coin->chain->bundlesize,ramchain->A2,ramchain->Uextras,ramchain->debitsfileptr,ramchain->lastspendsfileptr);
if ( ramchain - > allocatedA2 ! = 0 & & ramchain - > A2 ! = 0 & & ramchain - > A2 ! = ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( bits256 ) * 2 + sizeof ( int32_t ) )
free ( ramchain - > A2 ) ;
if ( ramchain - > allocatedU2 ! = 0 & & ramchain - > Uextras ! = 0 & & ramchain - > Uextras ! = ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( bits256 ) * 2 + sizeof ( int32_t ) )
free ( ramchain - > Uextras ) ;
ramchain - > A2 = 0 ;
ramchain - > Uextras = 0 ;
ramchain - > allocatedA2 = ramchain - > allocatedU2 = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr ! = 0 )
munmap ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr , ramchain - > debitsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > debitsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > debitsfilesize = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ! = 0 )
munmap ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr , ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize = 0 ;
int32_t iguana_volatilesmap ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
int32_t iter , numhdrsi , err = - 1 ; char fname [ 1024 ] ; bits256 balancehash , allbundles ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ;
if ( ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) = = 0 )
if ( ramchain - > height > 0 )
printf ( " volatilesmap.[%d] no rdata \n " , ramchain - > height / coin - > chain - > bundlesize ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr ! = 0 & & ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ! = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s%s/accounts/debits.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , iter = = 0 ? " ro/ " : " " , coin - > symbol , ramchain - > height ) ;
if ( ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr = OS_mapfile ( fname , & ramchain - > debitsfilesize , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ramchain - > debitsfilesize = = sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * ramchain - > A2 ) * rdata - > numpkinds )
ramchain - > from_roA = ( iter = = 0 ) ;
numhdrsi = * ( int32_t * ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr ;
memcpy ( balancehash . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) ) , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) ;
memcpy ( allbundles . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + sizeof ( balancehash ) ) , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) ;
if ( coin - > balanceswritten = = 0 )
coin - > balanceswritten = numhdrsi ;
coin - > balancehash = balancehash ;
coin - > allbundles = allbundles ;
if ( numhdrsi > = coin - > balanceswritten - 1 & & memcmp ( balancehash . bytes , coin - > balancehash . bytes , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) = = 0 & & memcmp ( allbundles . bytes , coin - > allbundles . bytes , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) = = 0 )
ramchain - > A2 = ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s%s/accounts/lastspends.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , iter = = 0 ? " ro/ " : " " , coin - > symbol , ramchain - > height ) ;
if ( ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr = OS_mapfile ( fname , & ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize = = sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) * rdata - > numunspents )
numhdrsi = * ( int32_t * ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ;
memcpy ( balancehash . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) ) , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) ;
memcpy ( allbundles . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + sizeof ( balancehash ) ) , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) ;
if ( numhdrsi > = coin - > balanceswritten - 1 & & memcmp ( balancehash . bytes , coin - > balancehash . bytes , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) = = 0 & & memcmp ( allbundles . bytes , coin - > allbundles . bytes , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) = = 0 )
ramchain - > Uextras = ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
ramchain - > from_roU = ( iter = = 0 ) ;
//printf("volatilesmap.[%d] %p %p\n",ramchain->height/coin->chain->bundlesize,ramchain->debitsfileptr,ramchain->lastspendsfileptr);
err = 0 ;
} else printf ( " ramchain map error2 balanceswritten %d vs %d hashes %x %x \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , numhdrsi , coin - > balancehash . uints [ 0 ] , balancehash . uints [ 0 ] ) ;
} else printf ( " ramchain map error3 %s \n " , fname ) ;
printf ( " ramchain.[%d] map error balanceswritten %d vs %d hashes %x %x \n " , rdata - > height , coin - > balanceswritten , numhdrsi , coin - > balancehash . uints [ 0 ] , balancehash . uints [ 0 ] ) ;
err + + ;
OS_removefile ( fname , 0 ) ;
if ( err = = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
//printf("couldnt map [%d]\n",ramchain->height/coin->chain->bundlesize);
iguana_volatilespurge ( coin , ramchain ) ;
return ( err ) ;