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9 years ago
8 years ago
* Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. *
9 years ago
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* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
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* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
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#include "../iguana/iguana777.h"
many changes blockexplorer tab: needs to allow to input height, blockhash or txid. also please display images/BTC_blocks.jpg below the text as a w800 x h400 bitmap, which is active using the mouse api for coin management, below the active coins have a form that arbitrary json can be input with an add button to the right that will call "addcoin" API. this way I can test adding new coins dynamically. dont worry if it doesnt work, just as long as it submits the json to the C code. I am pretty sure I need to do some debugging of this peers management is not working for me at all. maybe it is due to bad internet. On initialization you need to read in the confs/BTCD_peers.txt from the native filesystem and save it into the chrome app filesystem. same thing for confs/BTCD_hdrs.txt. But this is only to be done if there isnt already such a file inside chrome. if there is, only do it upon a button invoked by the user. the reason is that the pexe is updating this file with the latest. Maybe it is nice to have an "extract" button that will copy out from the chrome storage into the native filesystem. There is also the manifest issue about localstorage vs chrome.localstorage. not sure what is needed to be done, but certainly a priority to get it so everything works as a chrome app. I know before it was making ramchain files inside the chrome filesystem, so it is probably things the GUI is doing. maybe in the settings tab, which has obsolete stuff that can be removed. anyway, the issue about files existing in the native filesystem -> chrome and optionally extracting them is an issue for the confs files and .html template files used to autogenerate the port7778, maybe other files are affected. i think we need a way to have a list of hardcoded files that are just copied into chrome on startup if they dont exist already (or if possible copy over if the native version is bigger?) and buttons to extract them for debug tab: THREE_STRINGS(SuperNET,encryptjson,passphrase,permanentfile,anything); TWO_STRINGS(SuperNET,decryptjson,passphrase,permanentfile); at the top of page a way to put in passphrase and optional permanentfile along with arbitrary json. The standard form template has no easy way to describe to pass in everything as it is oriented to specific fields. but the encryptjson API saves all the fields, so the arbitrary json from the form needs to be combined at the same level as the "agent", "method", etc. I know, not the best, but internally it makes it easier. so {"agent":"SuperNET","method":"encryptjson","passphrase":"<passphrase>"," permanentfile":"<filename>","fromform":"valuefromform","fromform2":"valu efromform2", of form at top level} then this will save it into a file with crazy number (it is a hash like txid) but given the same passphrase and filename, it will regenerate this hash so you dont actually have to store it, but it helps during debugging. for the filename, we must warn quite strongly to the user that if the file is ever lost or even changed in any way that the data will not be recoverable. also best to not allow the user to specify a file that does not exist. I think at this point chrome app version gets a bit tricky. we could simply push the native file into the chrome storage, but then an attacker who gets access to the computer could just get a list of these files and it really wont be much protection. So that means if a filename is specified, it needs to be copied into the chrome space, then immediately deleted... ok, this seems like not a good approach. let us make it so that the permanentfile option is not available from the chrome app, but only if the native version is running. that way we sidestep the issue of the pexe not having access to the specified file. Speaking of native vs pexe, on the startup page we should have a radio button that allows the user to select which the GUI will talk to. It should default based on a self test to the more likely value, but it is possible that the user wants to use the native version, even if the pexe is running. another thing to have on the startup page is a simple login: THREE_STRINGS(SuperNET,login,passphrase,permanentfile,handle); ZERO_ARGS(SuperNET,logout); ZERO_ARGS(SuperNET,activehandle); the handle is a human readable name that is associated with the passphrase/permanentfile. There can only be one active account (though it will be possible to associate different accounts with tradebots). use the activehandle API to find out who is logged in and the associated addresses and pubkeys The above is not yet tested so if it doesnt work, dont fret, just let me know. Once set the handle can be displayed in various places to let the user know which account is logged in. The standard 12 dictionary word passphrases should be used, but any string can be sent in as the password for Pangea: INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,host,minplayers,params); ZERO_ARGS(pangea,lobby); HASH_AND_STRING(pangea,join,tablehash,handle); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,buyin,tablehash,numchips); HASH_ARG(pangea,start,tablehash); // by host only HASH_ARG(pangea,status,tablehash); HASH_ARG(pangea,call,tablehash); HASH_ARG(pangea,check,tablehash); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,raise,tablehash,numchips); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,bet,tablehash,numchips); HASH_ARG(pangea,fold,tablehash); HASH_AND_STRING(pangea,mode,tablehash,modestr); HASH_ARG(pangea,history,tablehash); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,handhistory,tablehash,hand); The first thing that is done is a "host" by any node. the "params" should be an arbitrary json (like encryptjson) as it needs to be at the top level and it has quite a few different parameters still subject to change. The lobby API will just display all the hosted tables. once a table exists, players can join and then buyin. the buyin is denominated in chips, each chip's value is determined by the host's initial parameters. once there are enough players joined with adequate buyin's verified, the host will be able to do a start. if done before it will (eventually) give an error. for now it will just proceed. The host and players that have joined a tablehash, need to do regular status calls to see if the game has started. Probably just once per 5 or even 10 seconds is fine before the start. Once the game starts (the status will have this info) then once per second polling is needed. Then when it is your turn (as indicated by status) you need to do one of the 5 actions (fold, call, check, raise, bet). do not worry if you dont understand what all these do, just allow the user to do any of these. I guess it is possible to submit it ahead of time. I will support internally remembering the most recent action done prior to it being your turn. once it is your turn and an action is sent to the table, it is too late to change. The last API calls are for getting handhistory where hand is 0 to N-1, being the numbering of the hands played at that table. if just history, all the history for all hands at the table is coming back, so it could be quite big. probably I will make it a summary, but for the GUI just display the returned values. the mode is to change some poker specific modes, so just allow there to be a string entered. do not worry about understanding the pokerness of the API, just the overall flow: host -> creates, join/buyin -> fills up player slots, start -> starts the game status -> to determine when the game starts (or if it is cancelled) and once started actions -> game specific but basically just (button + arg) that is the user input results are via status for current game and history for past ones please try to do the above logic in a generic way so it can be reused for other games. The basic flow should be the same for almost all multiplayer turn based games and even for multiplayer realtime games For InstantDEX: on the apikeypair/userid there needs to be two modes. one for when there is no stored apikey and the current form is fine, just need to make it wider as most apikeys are quite long. Now once there is an apikey saved all that is needed is the passphrase to unlock it. So here is where the encrptjson/decryptjson is used. When saving the apikey for the first time, it can be: a) not saved -> nothing extra to do b) saved without password -> you can just save to a file and use it to load it back in. use confs dir confs/ or something like that c) saved with password (optional filename for native) -> probably best to save in the confs dir to indicate that there is an encrypted file for this, so just that and not the actual passphrase in the file with the above, when the exchange is selected, you can see if the confs file exists and if it has the plaintext, just populate the field, if not, then indicate that a passphrase is needed. if the user provides the passphrase, then decryptjson and populate the fields and autosubmit. A special case is to encrypt the apikeys with the passphrase used when logging in. This is only available if the checkbox to "remember passphrase during session" is set on the main iguana login screen. (i forgot to mention that checkbox!) So the login passphrase is stored in memory, then the GUI simply uses that + encryptjson for storing/decrypting. I would imagine that storing in the confs file that it is encrypted using "handle"'s account login might be a good way to differentiate between this mode of password usage. OK, so we now have the insecure plaintext, the decent using handle's passphrase and paranoid different passphrase for each exchange (with additional permanentfile for native versions) "SUPPORT" -> "SUPPORTS" just a typo and "allpairs" API is missing from the selection Might as well add a "tradebots" tab: THREE_STRINGS_AND_DOUBLE(tradebot,monitor,exchange,base,rel,commission); STRING_AND_DOUBLE(tradebot,monitorall,exchange,commission); THREE_STRINGS(tradebot,unmonitor,exchange,base,rel); THREE_STRINGS_AND_THREE_DOUBLES(tradebot,accumulate,exchange,base,rel,pr ice,volume,duration); THREE_STRINGS_AND_THREE_DOUBLES(tradebot,divest,exchange,base,rel,price, volume,duration); STRING_ARG(tradebot,activebots,exchange); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,status,exchange,botid); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,pause,exchange,botid); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,stop,exchange,botid); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,resume,exchange,botid); the above are API for exchange specific bots, most should be self-explanatory. bots are created via "accumulate" or "divest" API call. it returns botid. once created, you can do status, pause, stop, resume to a botid. and an activebots API call lists all the active bots for an exchange. duration is in seconds the "monitor" API starts background monitoring of a specific base/rel, "unmonitor" stops this. "monitorall" just does a monitor to the entire list of "allpairs" for that exchange. Keep in mind that doing a monitorall will not add load to an exchange as the request to each exchange is governed by pollgap, but if you have 3 things monitored, it will take 3*pollgap + time each one takes to execute. and if N are monitored it is N*pollgap + time of each, with the "time of each" possibly taking a very long time. And one final request for today: Bitmap tab. It should be an active bitmap using mouse api. either a dropdown to select the bitmap or a form entry. then the rest of the page (resize the bitmap to the page size) being the active bitmap. So on a small screen the bitmap is smaller x/y dimensions and larger on larger screens. plz make sure the proper dimensions are communicated to the pexe via API if it ever is changed. @vineet.bhargav86: I changed the "passphrase" fieldname to "password" for the encryptjson/decryptjson related API. The reason is that the password is like a wallet password and is only local, so it doesnt need to be as high entropy as passphrase. I also added a field to the login API as I realized that the 12 word "passphrase" is the payload and usually wont be sent in: FOUR_STRINGS(SuperNET,login,handle,password,permanentfile,passphrase); using "abiglongpassword" for the passphrase -> {"pubkey":"6c469ba10b40b3eb9d1dba569d7f929d55a29d8f97cd5425907ef2f38f906 209","RS":"NXT-KGV9-DXX8-TM86-DXR96","NXT":"12834974574569896807","btcpu bkey":"024e7641dc947b211bc30fe3339765258902794687b227121fc217284f9d8503c 8","rmd160":"33453c24914db7b77069b7ea24df44f6be145938","BTC":"15g6QK2dSd iW9ZTQEnnJxKrSph6uP7uU23","BTCD":"RDxHUpuv3TX5DZpbhxmS3rBeaxZW1fvYvC","r esult":"success","handle":"test","tag":"14805226009240621255"} and if you use that to log into NXT, it gives the same address. The BTC and BTCD addresses are all derived from the same privkey so they are all interchangeable with the NXT address. The user can therefore select which coin's addressing they are most comfortable with I also added an "allin" action API for pangea. all the action API will autocalculate the number of chips if passed in 0 for numchips ***************** security issue ******** please dont use the GET URL method when dealing with passphrase!!! Those URL's tend to get logged and available in browser histories. so anything dealing with the actual passphrase needs to use the postCall form or POST
9 years ago
int32_t smallprimes[168] =
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71,
73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113,
127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173,
179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229,
233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281,
283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349,
353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409,
419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463,
467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541,
547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601,
607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659,
661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733,
739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809,
811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863,
877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941,
947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997
9 years ago
bits256 bits256_doublesha256(char *hashstr,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen)
bits256 hash,hash2; int32_t i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(hash); i++)
hash.bytes[i] = hash2.bytes[sizeof(hash) - 1 - i];
if ( hashstr != 0 )
char *bits256_str(char hexstr[65],bits256 x)
9 years ago
bits256 bits256_conv(char *hexstr)
bits256 x;
if ( strlen(hexstr) == sizeof(x)*2)
9 years ago
char *bits256_lstr(char hexstr[65],bits256 x)
bits256 revx; int32_t i;
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
revx.bytes[i] = x.bytes[31-i];
bits256 bits256_add(bits256 a,bits256 b)
int32_t i; bits256 sum; uint64_t x,carry = 0;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
x = a.ulongs[i] + b.ulongs[i];
sum.ulongs[i] = (x + carry);
if ( x < a.ulongs[i] || x < b.ulongs[i] )
carry = 1;
else carry = 0;
int32_t bits256_cmp(bits256 a,bits256 b)
int32_t i;
9 years ago
for (i=3; i>=0; i--)
9 years ago
9 years ago
//printf("%llx %llx, ",(long long)a.ulongs[i],(long long)b.ulongs[i]);
9 years ago
if ( a.ulongs[i] > b.ulongs[i] )
else if ( a.ulongs[i] < b.ulongs[i] )
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
bits256 bits256_rshift(bits256 x)
9 years ago
9 years ago
int32_t i; uint64_t carry,prevcarry = 0;
for (i=3; i>=0; i--)
9 years ago
9 years ago
carry = (1 & x.ulongs[i]) << 63;
x.ulongs[i] = prevcarry | (x.ulongs[i] >> 1);
9 years ago
prevcarry = carry;
9 years ago
bits256 bits256_lshift(bits256 x)
9 years ago
9 years ago
int32_t i,carry,prevcarry = 0; uint64_t mask = (1LL << 63);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
9 years ago
9 years ago
carry = ((mask & x.ulongs[i]) != 0);
x.ulongs[i] = (x.ulongs[i] << 1) | prevcarry;
9 years ago
prevcarry = carry;
9 years ago
bits256 bits256_ave(bits256 a,bits256 b)
9 years ago
bits256 bits256_from_compact(uint32_t c)
9 years ago
9 years ago
uint32_t nbytes,nbits,i; bits256 x;
nbytes = (c >> 24) & 0xFF;
9 years ago
if ( nbytes >= 3 )
nbits = (8 * (nbytes - 3));
x.ulongs[0] = c & 0xFFFFFF;
for (i=0; i<nbits; i++)
x = bits256_lshift(x);
9 years ago
9 years ago
uint32_t bits256_to_compact(bits256 x)
int32_t i; uint32_t nbits;
for (i=31; i>2; i--)
if ( x.bytes[i] != 0 )
if ( (x.bytes[i] & 0x80) != 0 )
nbits = x.bytes[i] << 16;
nbits |= x.bytes[i-1] << 8;
nbits |= x.bytes[i-2];
nbits |= ((i+1) << 24);
9 years ago
int32_t bitweight(uint64_t x)
int i,wt = 0;
for (i=0; i<64; i++)
if ( (1LL << i) & x )
9 years ago
void calc_OP_HASH160(char hexstr[41],uint8_t rmd160[20],char *pubkey)
9 years ago
9 years ago
uint8_t buf[4096]; int32_t len;
9 years ago
len = (int32_t)strlen(pubkey)/2;
if ( len > sizeof(buf) )
printf("calc_OP_HASH160 overflow len.%d vs %d\n",len,(int32_t)sizeof(buf));
9 years ago
8 years ago
if ( (0) )
9 years ago
int i;
for (i=0; i<20; i++)
9 years ago
9 years ago
printf("<- (%s)\n",pubkey);
if ( hexstr != 0 )
9 years ago
9 years ago
double _xblend(float *destp,double val,double decay)
double oldval;
if ( (oldval = *destp) != 0. )
return((oldval * decay) + ((1. - decay) * val));
else return(val);
9 years ago
double _dxblend(double *destp,double val,double decay)
double oldval;
if ( (oldval = *destp) != 0. )
return((oldval * decay) + ((1. - decay) * val));
else return(val);
double dxblend(double *destp,double val,double decay)
double newval,slope;
if ( isnan(*destp) != 0 )
*destp = 0.;
if ( isnan(val) != 0 )
if ( *destp == 0 )
*destp = val;
newval = _dxblend(destp,val,decay);
if ( newval < SMALLVAL && newval > -SMALLVAL )
// non-zero marker for actual values close to or even equal to zero
if ( newval < 0. )
newval = -SMALLVAL;
else newval = SMALLVAL;
if ( *destp != 0. && newval != 0. )
slope = (newval - *destp);
else slope = 0.;
*destp = newval;
9 years ago
int32_t TerminateQ_queued; queue_t TerminateQ;
9 years ago
/*void iguana_terminator(void *arg)
9 years ago
struct iguana_thread *t; uint32_t lastdisp = 0; int32_t terminated = 0;
while ( 1 )
if ( (t= queue_dequeue(&TerminateQ,0)) != 0 )
if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+60 )
lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL);
printf("TerminateQ %d terminated of %d queued\n",terminated,TerminateQ_queued);
int32_t iguana_numthreads(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t mask)
int32_t i,sum = 0;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
if ( ((1 << i) & mask) != 0 )
sum += (coin->Launched[i] - coin->Terminated[i]);
void iguana_launcher(void *ptr)
9 years ago
struct iguana_thread *t = ptr; //struct iguana_info *coin;
//coin = t->coin;
9 years ago
9 years ago
//if ( coin != 0 )
// coin->Terminated[t->type % (sizeof(coin->Terminated)/sizeof(*coin->Terminated))]++;
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
void iguana_terminate(struct iguana_thread *t)
9 years ago
int32_t retval;
9 years ago
#ifndef _WIN32
9 years ago
retval = pthread_join(t->handle,NULL);
if ( retval != 0 )
printf("error.%d terminating t.%p thread.%s\n",retval,t,t->name);
9 years ago
9 years ago
struct iguana_thread *iguana_launch(struct iguana_info *coin,char *name,iguana_func funcp,void *arg,uint8_t type)
int32_t retval; struct iguana_thread *t;
t = mycalloc('Z',1,sizeof(*t));
t->coin = coin;
t->funcp = funcp;
t->arg = arg;
t->type = (type % (sizeof(coin->Terminated)/sizeof(*coin->Terminated)));
9 years ago
if ( coin != 0 )
9 years ago
retval = OS_thread_create(&t->handle,NULL,(void *)iguana_launcher,(void *)t);
if ( retval != 0 )
7 years ago
printf("error launching %s retval.%d errno.%d\n",t->name,retval,errno);
9 years ago
while ( (t= queue_dequeue(&TerminateQ)) != 0 )
9 years ago
9 years ago
if ( (rand() % 100000) == 0 && coin != 0 )
9 years ago
printf("terminated.%d launched.%d terminate.%p\n",coin->Terminated[t->type],coin->Launched[t->type],t);
9 years ago
9 years ago
char hexbyte(int32_t c)
c &= 0xf;
if ( c < 10 )
else if ( c < 16 )
else return(0);
int32_t _unhex(char c)
if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
return(c - '0');
else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
return(c - 'a' + 10);
else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
return(c - 'A' + 10);
int32_t is_hexstr(char *str,int32_t n)
int32_t i;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
9 years ago
for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
if ( n > 0 && i >= n )
9 years ago
if ( _unhex(str[i]) < 0 )
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
if ( n == 0 )
return(i == n);
9 years ago
int32_t unhex(char c)
int32_t hex;
if ( (hex= _unhex(c)) < 0 )
//printf("unhex: illegal hexchar.(%c)\n",c);
unsigned char _decode_hex(char *hex) { return((unhex(hex[0])<<4) | unhex(hex[1])); }
int32_t decode_hex(unsigned char *bytes,int32_t n,char *hex)
int32_t adjust,i = 0;
8 years ago
if ( is_hexstr(hex,n) <= 0 )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if ( hex[n-1] == '\n' || hex[n-1] == '\r' )
hex[--n] = 0;
8 years ago
if ( hex[n-1] == '\n' || hex[n-1] == '\r' )
hex[--n] = 0;
9 years ago
if ( n == 0 || (hex[n*2+1] == 0 && hex[n*2] != 0) )
9 years ago
if ( n > 0 )
bytes[0] = unhex(hex[0]);
printf("decode_hex n.%d hex[0] (%c) -> %d hex.(%s) [n*2+1: %d] [n*2: %d %c] len.%ld\n",n,hex[0],bytes[0],hex,hex[n*2+1],hex[n*2],hex[n*2],(long)strlen(hex));
9 years ago
adjust = 1;
} else adjust = 0;
if ( n > 0 )
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
bytes[i] = _decode_hex(&hex[i*2]);
//bytes[i] = 0;
return(n + adjust);
int32_t init_hexbytes_noT(char *hexbytes,unsigned char *message,long len)
int32_t i;
if ( len <= 0 )
9 years ago
hexbytes[0] = 0;
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
hexbytes[i*2] = hexbyte((message[i]>>4) & 0xf);
hexbytes[i*2 + 1] = hexbyte(message[i] & 0xf);
//printf("i.%d (%02x) [%c%c]\n",i,message[i],hexbytes[i*2],hexbytes[i*2+1]);
hexbytes[len*2] = 0;
long _stripwhite(char *buf,int accept)
int32_t i,j,c;
if ( buf == 0 || buf[0] == 0 )
for (i=j=0; buf[i]!=0; i++)
buf[j] = c = buf[i];
if ( c == accept || (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t' && c != '\b') )
buf[j] = 0;
char *clonestr(char *str)
char *clone;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
printf("warning cloning nullstr.%p\n",str);
8 years ago
//#ifdef __APPLE__
// while ( 1 ) sleep(1);
9 years ago
str = (char *)"<nullstr>";
clone = (char *)malloc(strlen(str)+16);
int32_t safecopy(char *dest,char *src,long len)
int32_t i = -1;
9 years ago
if ( src != 0 && dest != 0 && src != dest )
9 years ago
9 years ago
if ( dest != 0 )
9 years ago
for (i=0; i<len&&src[i]!=0; i++)
dest[i] = src[i];
if ( i == len )
printf("safecopy: %s too long %ld\n",src,len);
7 years ago
//printf("divide by zero! %d\n",1/zeroval());
9 years ago
#ifdef __APPLE__
dest[i] = 0;
void escape_code(char *escaped,char *str)
int32_t i,j,c; char esc[16];
for (i=j=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
if ( ((c= str[i]) >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') )
escaped[j++] = c;
strcpy(escaped + j,esc);
j += strlen(esc);
escaped[j] = 0;
//printf("escape_code: (%s) -> (%s)\n",str,escaped);
int32_t is_zeroes(char *str)
int32_t i;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
if ( str[i] != '0' )
int64_t conv_floatstr(char *numstr)
double val,corr;
val = atof(numstr);
corr = (val < 0.) ? -0.50000000001 : 0.50000000001;
return((int64_t)(val * SATOSHIDEN + corr));
int32_t has_backslash(char *str)
int32_t i;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
if ( str[i] == '\\' )
9 years ago
static int _increasing_double(const void *a,const void *b)
#define double_a (*(double *)a)
#define double_b (*(double *)b)
8 years ago
if ( double_b > double_a )
else if ( double_b < double_a )
#undef double_a
#undef double_b
static int _decreasing_double(const void *a,const void *b)
#define double_a (*(double *)a)
#define double_b (*(double *)b)
if ( double_b > double_a )
else if ( double_b < double_a )
9 years ago
#undef double_a
#undef double_b
9 years ago
int _increasing_uint64(const void *a,const void *b)
#define uint64_a (*(uint64_t *)a)
#define uint64_b (*(uint64_t *)b)
if ( uint64_b > uint64_a )
else if ( uint64_b < uint64_a )
#undef uint64_a
#undef uint64_b
static int _decreasing_uint64(const void *a,const void *b)
#define uint64_a (*(uint64_t *)a)
#define uint64_b (*(uint64_t *)b)
if ( uint64_b > uint64_a )
else if ( uint64_b < uint64_a )
#undef uint64_a
#undef uint64_b
9 years ago
static int _decreasing_uint32(const void *a,const void *b)
#define uint32_a (*(uint32_t *)a)
#define uint32_b (*(uint32_t *)b)
if ( uint32_b > uint32_a )
else if ( uint32_b < uint32_a )
#undef uint32_a
#undef uint32_b
9 years ago
int32_t sortds(double *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size)
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
int32_t revsortds(double *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size)
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
int32_t sort64s(uint64_t *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size)
8 years ago
9 years ago
int32_t revsort64s(uint64_t *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size)
8 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
int32_t revsort32(uint32_t *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size)
8 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
/*int32_t iguana_sortbignum(void *buf,int32_t size,uint32_t num,int32_t structsize,int32_t dir)
int32_t retval = 0;
if ( dir > 0 )
if ( size == 32 )
8 years ago
9 years ago
else if ( size == 20 )
8 years ago
9 years ago
else retval = -1;
if ( size == 32 )
8 years ago
9 years ago
else if ( size == 20 )
8 years ago
9 years ago
else retval = -1;
if ( retval < 0 )
printf("iguana_sortbignum only does bits256 and rmd160 for now\n");
9 years ago
9 years ago
void touppercase(char *str)
int32_t i;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
str[i] = toupper(((int32_t)str[i]));
9 years ago
void tolowercase(char *str)
int32_t i;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
str[i] = tolower(((int32_t)str[i]));
char *uppercase_str(char *buf,char *str)
9 years ago
if ( str != 0 )
} else buf[0] = 0;
char *lowercase_str(char *buf,char *str)
9 years ago
if ( str != 0 )
} else buf[0] = 0;
9 years ago
int32_t strsearch(char *strs[],int32_t num,char *name)
int32_t i; char strA[32],refstr[32];
strcpy(refstr,name), touppercase(refstr);
for (i=0; i<num; i++)
strcpy(strA,strs[i]), touppercase(strA);
if ( strcmp(strA,refstr) == 0 )
9 years ago
int32_t is_decimalstr(char *str)
int32_t i;
if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 )
for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
if ( str[i] < '0' || str[i] > '9' )
int32_t unstringbits(char *buf,uint64_t bits)
int32_t i;
for (i=0; i<8; i++,bits>>=8)
if ( (buf[i]= (char)(bits & 0xff)) == 0 )
buf[i] = 0;
uint64_t stringbits(char *str)
uint64_t bits = 0;
if ( str == 0 )
int32_t i,n = (int32_t)strlen(str);
if ( n > 8 )
n = 8;
for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--)
bits = (bits << 8) | (str[i] & 0xff);
//printf("(%s) -> %llx %llu\n",str,(long long)bits,(long long)bits);
char *unstringify(char *str)
int32_t i,j,n;
if ( str == 0 )
else if ( str[0] == 0 )
n = (int32_t)strlen(str);
if ( str[0] == '"' && str[n-1] == '"' )
str[n-1] = 0, i = 1;
else i = 0;
for (j=0; str[i]!=0; i++)
if ( str[i] == '\\' && (str[i+1] == 't' || str[i+1] == 'n' || str[i+1] == 'b' || str[i+1] == 'r') )
else if ( str[i] == '\\' && str[i+1] == '"' )
str[j++] = '"', i++;
else str[j++] = str[i];
str[j] = 0;
void reverse_hexstr(char *str)
int i,n;
char *rev;
n = (int32_t)strlen(str);
rev = (char *)malloc(n + 1);
for (i=0; i<n; i+=2)
rev[n-2-i] = str[i];
rev[n-1-i] = str[i+1];
rev[n] = 0;
9 years ago
int32_t nn_base64_decode (const char *in, size_t in_len,uint8_t *out, size_t out_len)
9 years ago
uint32_t ii,io,rem,v; uint8_t ch;
// Unrolled lookup of ASCII code points. 0xFF represents a non-base64 valid character.
const uint8_t DECODEMAP [256] = {
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3F,
0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3B,
0x3C, 0x3D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E,
0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16,
0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20,
0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28,
0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30,
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
for (io = 0, ii = 0, v = 0, rem = 0; ii < in_len; ii++) {
if (isspace ((uint32_t)in [ii]))
if (in [ii] == '=')
ch = DECODEMAP [(uint32_t)in [ii]];
9 years ago
// Discard invalid characters as per RFC 2045.
9 years ago
if (ch == 0xFF)
v = (v << 6) | ch;
rem += 6;
if (rem >= 8) {
rem -= 8;
if (io >= out_len)
return -ENOBUFS;
out [io++] = (v >> rem) & 255;
if (rem >= 8) {
rem -= 8;
if (io >= out_len)
return -ENOBUFS;
out [io++] = (v >> rem) & 255;
return io;
int32_t nn_base64_encode (const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,char *out, size_t out_len)
uint32_t ii,io,rem,v; uint8_t ch;
const uint8_t ENCODEMAP [64] =
for (io = 0, ii = 0, v = 0, rem = 0; ii < in_len; ii++) {
ch = in [ii];
v = (v << 8) | ch;
rem += 8;
while (rem >= 6) {
rem -= 6;
if (io >= out_len)
return -ENOBUFS;
out [io++] = ENCODEMAP [(v >> rem) & 63];
if (rem) {
v <<= (6 - rem);
if (io >= out_len)
return -ENOBUFS;
out [io++] = ENCODEMAP [v & 63];
9 years ago
// Pad to a multiple of 3
9 years ago
while (io & 3) {
if (io >= out_len)
return -ENOBUFS;
out [io++] = '=';
if (io >= out_len)
return -ENOBUFS;
out [io] = '\0';
return io;
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
NXT address converter,
Ported from original javascript (nxtchg)
To C by Jones
int32_t gexp[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 5, 10, 20, 13, 26, 17, 7, 14, 28, 29, 31, 27, 19, 3, 6, 12, 24, 21, 15, 30, 25, 23, 11, 22, 9, 18, 1};
int32_t glog[] = {0, 0, 1, 18, 2, 5, 19, 11, 3, 29, 6, 27, 20, 8, 12, 23, 4, 10, 30, 17, 7, 22, 28, 26, 21, 25, 9, 16, 13, 14, 24, 15};
int32_t cwmap[] = {3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 12, 8, 9, 10, 11};
char alphabet[] = "23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ";
int32_t gmult(int32_t a,int32_t b)
if ( a == 0 || b == 0 )
return 0;
int32_t idx = (glog[a] + glog[b]) % 31;
return gexp[idx];
int32_t letterval(char letter)
int32_t ret = 0;
if ( letter < '9' )
ret = letter - '2';
ret = letter - 'A' + 8;
if ( letter > 'I' )
if ( letter > 'O' )
return ret;
uint64_t RS_decode(char *rs)
int32_t code[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int32_t i,p = 4;
if ( strncmp("NXT-",rs,4) != 0 )
for (i=0; i<17; i++)
code[cwmap[i]] = letterval(rs[p]);
if ( rs[p] == '-' )
uint64_t out = 0;
for (i=12; i>=0; i--)
out = out * 32 + code[i];
return out;
int32_t RS_encode(char *rsaddr,uint64_t id)
int32_t a,code[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int32_t inp[32],out[32],i,j,fb,pos = 0,len = 0;
char acc[64];
rsaddr[0] = 0;
//sprintf(acc,"%llu",(long long)id);
for (a=0; *(acc+a) != '\0'; a++)
if ( len == 20 && *acc != '1' )
printf("error (%s) doesnt start with 1",acc);
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
inp[i] = (int32_t)*(acc+i) - (int32_t)'0';
int32_t divide = 0;
int32_t newlen = 0;
do // base 10 to base 32 conversion
divide = 0;
newlen = 0;
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
divide = divide * 10 + inp[i];
if (divide >= 32)
inp[newlen++] = divide >> 5;
divide &= 31;
else if ( newlen > 0 )
inp[newlen++] = 0;
len = newlen;
out[pos++] = divide;
} while ( newlen != 0 );
for (i=0; i<13; i++) // copy to code in reverse, pad with 0's
code[i] = (--pos >= 0 ? out[i] : 0);
int32_t p[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
for (i=12; i>=0; i--)
fb = code[i] ^ p[3];
p[3] = p[2] ^ gmult(30, fb);
p[2] = p[1] ^ gmult(6, fb);
p[1] = p[0] ^ gmult(9, fb);
p[0] = gmult(17, fb);
code[13] = p[0];
code[14] = p[1];
code[15] = p[2];
code[16] = p[3];
for (i=0; i<17; i++)
rsaddr[j++] = alphabet[code[cwmap[i]]];
if ( (j % 5) == 3 && j < 20 )
rsaddr[j++] = '-';
rsaddr[j] = 0;
many changes blockexplorer tab: needs to allow to input height, blockhash or txid. also please display images/BTC_blocks.jpg below the text as a w800 x h400 bitmap, which is active using the mouse api for coin management, below the active coins have a form that arbitrary json can be input with an add button to the right that will call &#34;addcoin&#34; API. this way I can test adding new coins dynamically. dont worry if it doesnt work, just as long as it submits the json to the C code. I am pretty sure I need to do some debugging of this peers management is not working for me at all. maybe it is due to bad internet. On initialization you need to read in the confs/BTCD_peers.txt from the native filesystem and save it into the chrome app filesystem. same thing for confs/BTCD_hdrs.txt. But this is only to be done if there isnt already such a file inside chrome. if there is, only do it upon a button invoked by the user. the reason is that the pexe is updating this file with the latest. Maybe it is nice to have an &#34;extract&#34; button that will copy out from the chrome storage into the native filesystem. There is also the manifest issue about localstorage vs chrome.localstorage. not sure what is needed to be done, but certainly a priority to get it so everything works as a chrome app. I know before it was making ramchain files inside the chrome filesystem, so it is probably things the GUI is doing. maybe in the settings tab, which has obsolete stuff that can be removed. anyway, the issue about files existing in the native filesystem -&gt; chrome and optionally extracting them is an issue for the confs files and .html template files used to autogenerate the port7778, maybe other files are affected. i think we need a way to have a list of hardcoded files that are just copied into chrome on startup if they dont exist already (or if possible copy over if the native version is bigger?) and buttons to extract them for debug tab: THREE_STRINGS(SuperNET,encryptjson,passphrase,permanentfile,anything); TWO_STRINGS(SuperNET,decryptjson,passphrase,permanentfile); at the top of page a way to put in passphrase and optional permanentfile along with arbitrary json. The standard form template has no easy way to describe to pass in everything as it is oriented to specific fields. but the encryptjson API saves all the fields, so the arbitrary json from the form needs to be combined at the same level as the &#34;agent&#34;, &#34;method&#34;, etc. I know, not the best, but internally it makes it easier. so {&#34;agent&#34;:&#34;SuperNET&#34;,&#34;method&#34;:&#34;encryptjson&#34;,&#34;passphrase&#34;:&#34;&lt;passphrase&gt;&#34;,&#34; permanentfile&#34;:&#34;&lt;filename&gt;&#34;,&#34;fromform&#34;:&#34;valuefromform&#34;,&#34;fromform2&#34;:&#34;valu efromform2&#34;, of form at top level} then this will save it into a file with crazy number (it is a hash like txid) but given the same passphrase and filename, it will regenerate this hash so you dont actually have to store it, but it helps during debugging. for the filename, we must warn quite strongly to the user that if the file is ever lost or even changed in any way that the data will not be recoverable. also best to not allow the user to specify a file that does not exist. I think at this point chrome app version gets a bit tricky. we could simply push the native file into the chrome storage, but then an attacker who gets access to the computer could just get a list of these files and it really wont be much protection. So that means if a filename is specified, it needs to be copied into the chrome space, then immediately deleted... ok, this seems like not a good approach. let us make it so that the permanentfile option is not available from the chrome app, but only if the native version is running. that way we sidestep the issue of the pexe not having access to the specified file. Speaking of native vs pexe, on the startup page we should have a radio button that allows the user to select which the GUI will talk to. It should default based on a self test to the more likely value, but it is possible that the user wants to use the native version, even if the pexe is running. another thing to have on the startup page is a simple login: THREE_STRINGS(SuperNET,login,passphrase,permanentfile,handle); ZERO_ARGS(SuperNET,logout); ZERO_ARGS(SuperNET,activehandle); the handle is a human readable name that is associated with the passphrase/permanentfile. There can only be one active account (though it will be possible to associate different accounts with tradebots). use the activehandle API to find out who is logged in and the associated addresses and pubkeys The above is not yet tested so if it doesnt work, dont fret, just let me know. Once set the handle can be displayed in various places to let the user know which account is logged in. The standard 12 dictionary word passphrases should be used, but any string can be sent in as the password for Pangea: INT_AND_ARRAY(pangea,host,minplayers,params); ZERO_ARGS(pangea,lobby); HASH_AND_STRING(pangea,join,tablehash,handle); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,buyin,tablehash,numchips); HASH_ARG(pangea,start,tablehash); // by host only HASH_ARG(pangea,status,tablehash); HASH_ARG(pangea,call,tablehash); HASH_ARG(pangea,check,tablehash); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,raise,tablehash,numchips); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,bet,tablehash,numchips); HASH_ARG(pangea,fold,tablehash); HASH_AND_STRING(pangea,mode,tablehash,modestr); HASH_ARG(pangea,history,tablehash); HASH_AND_INT(pangea,handhistory,tablehash,hand); The first thing that is done is a &#34;host&#34; by any node. the &#34;params&#34; should be an arbitrary json (like encryptjson) as it needs to be at the top level and it has quite a few different parameters still subject to change. The lobby API will just display all the hosted tables. once a table exists, players can join and then buyin. the buyin is denominated in chips, each chip&#39;s value is determined by the host&#39;s initial parameters. once there are enough players joined with adequate buyin&#39;s verified, the host will be able to do a start. if done before it will (eventually) give an error. for now it will just proceed. The host and players that have joined a tablehash, need to do regular status calls to see if the game has started. Probably just once per 5 or even 10 seconds is fine before the start. Once the game starts (the status will have this info) then once per second polling is needed. Then when it is your turn (as indicated by status) you need to do one of the 5 actions (fold, call, check, raise, bet). do not worry if you dont understand what all these do, just allow the user to do any of these. I guess it is possible to submit it ahead of time. I will support internally remembering the most recent action done prior to it being your turn. once it is your turn and an action is sent to the table, it is too late to change. The last API calls are for getting handhistory where hand is 0 to N-1, being the numbering of the hands played at that table. if just history, all the history for all hands at the table is coming back, so it could be quite big. probably I will make it a summary, but for the GUI just display the returned values. the mode is to change some poker specific modes, so just allow there to be a string entered. do not worry about understanding the pokerness of the API, just the overall flow: host -&gt; creates, join/buyin -&gt; fills up player slots, start -&gt; starts the game status -&gt; to determine when the game starts (or if it is cancelled) and once started actions -&gt; game specific but basically just (button + arg) that is the user input results are via status for current game and history for past ones please try to do the above logic in a generic way so it can be reused for other games. The basic flow should be the same for almost all multiplayer turn based games and even for multiplayer realtime games For InstantDEX: on the apikeypair/userid there needs to be two modes. one for when there is no stored apikey and the current form is fine, just need to make it wider as most apikeys are quite long. Now once there is an apikey saved all that is needed is the passphrase to unlock it. So here is where the encrptjson/decryptjson is used. When saving the apikey for the first time, it can be: a) not saved -&gt; nothing extra to do b) saved without password -&gt; you can just save to a file and use it to load it back in. use confs dir confs/ or something like that c) saved with password (optional filename for native) -&gt; probably best to save in the confs dir to indicate that there is an encrypted file for this, so just that and not the actual passphrase in the file with the above, when the exchange is selected, you can see if the confs file exists and if it has the plaintext, just populate the field, if not, then indicate that a passphrase is needed. if the user provides the passphrase, then decryptjson and populate the fields and autosubmit. A special case is to encrypt the apikeys with the passphrase used when logging in. This is only available if the checkbox to &#34;remember passphrase during session&#34; is set on the main iguana login screen. (i forgot to mention that checkbox!) So the login passphrase is stored in memory, then the GUI simply uses that + encryptjson for storing/decrypting. I would imagine that storing in the confs file that it is encrypted using &#34;handle&#34;&#39;s account login might be a good way to differentiate between this mode of password usage. OK, so we now have the insecure plaintext, the decent using handle&#39;s passphrase and paranoid different passphrase for each exchange (with additional permanentfile for native versions) &#34;SUPPORT&#34; -&gt; &#34;SUPPORTS&#34; just a typo and &#34;allpairs&#34; API is missing from the selection Might as well add a &#34;tradebots&#34; tab: THREE_STRINGS_AND_DOUBLE(tradebot,monitor,exchange,base,rel,commission); STRING_AND_DOUBLE(tradebot,monitorall,exchange,commission); THREE_STRINGS(tradebot,unmonitor,exchange,base,rel); THREE_STRINGS_AND_THREE_DOUBLES(tradebot,accumulate,exchange,base,rel,pr ice,volume,duration); THREE_STRINGS_AND_THREE_DOUBLES(tradebot,divest,exchange,base,rel,price, volume,duration); STRING_ARG(tradebot,activebots,exchange); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,status,exchange,botid); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,pause,exchange,botid); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,stop,exchange,botid); TWO_STRINGS(tradebot,resume,exchange,botid); the above are API for exchange specific bots, most should be self-explanatory. bots are created via &#34;accumulate&#34; or &#34;divest&#34; API call. it returns botid. once created, you can do status, pause, stop, resume to a botid. and an activebots API call lists all the active bots for an exchange. duration is in seconds the &#34;monitor&#34; API starts background monitoring of a specific base/rel, &#34;unmonitor&#34; stops this. &#34;monitorall&#34; just does a monitor to the entire list of &#34;allpairs&#34; for that exchange. Keep in mind that doing a monitorall will not add load to an exchange as the request to each exchange is governed by pollgap, but if you have 3 things monitored, it will take 3*pollgap + time each one takes to execute. and if N are monitored it is N*pollgap + time of each, with the &#34;time of each&#34; possibly taking a very long time. And one final request for today: Bitmap tab. It should be an active bitmap using mouse api. either a dropdown to select the bitmap or a form entry. then the rest of the page (resize the bitmap to the page size) being the active bitmap. So on a small screen the bitmap is smaller x/y dimensions and larger on larger screens. plz make sure the proper dimensions are communicated to the pexe via API if it ever is changed. @vineet.bhargav86: I changed the &#34;passphrase&#34; fieldname to &#34;password&#34; for the encryptjson/decryptjson related API. The reason is that the password is like a wallet password and is only local, so it doesnt need to be as high entropy as passphrase. I also added a field to the login API as I realized that the 12 word &#34;passphrase&#34; is the payload and usually wont be sent in: FOUR_STRINGS(SuperNET,login,handle,password,permanentfile,passphrase); using &#34;abiglongpassword&#34; for the passphrase -&gt; {&#34;pubkey&#34;:&#34;6c469ba10b40b3eb9d1dba569d7f929d55a29d8f97cd5425907ef2f38f906 209&#34;,&#34;RS&#34;:&#34;NXT-KGV9-DXX8-TM86-DXR96&#34;,&#34;NXT&#34;:&#34;12834974574569896807&#34;,&#34;btcpu bkey&#34;:&#34;024e7641dc947b211bc30fe3339765258902794687b227121fc217284f9d8503c 8&#34;,&#34;rmd160&#34;:&#34;33453c24914db7b77069b7ea24df44f6be145938&#34;,&#34;BTC&#34;:&#34;15g6QK2dSd iW9ZTQEnnJxKrSph6uP7uU23&#34;,&#34;BTCD&#34;:&#34;RDxHUpuv3TX5DZpbhxmS3rBeaxZW1fvYvC&#34;,&#34;r esult&#34;:&#34;success&#34;,&#34;handle&#34;:&#34;test&#34;,&#34;tag&#34;:&#34;14805226009240621255&#34;} and if you use that to log into NXT, it gives the same address. The BTC and BTCD addresses are all derived from the same privkey so they are all interchangeable with the NXT address. The user can therefore select which coin&#39;s addressing they are most comfortable with I also added an &#34;allin&#34; action API for pangea. all the action API will autocalculate the number of chips if passed in 0 for numchips ***************** security issue ******** please dont use the GET URL method when dealing with passphrase!!! Those URL&#39;s tend to get logged and available in browser histories. so anything dealing with the actual passphrase needs to use the postCall form or POST
9 years ago
uint64_t conv_acctstr(char *acctstr)
uint64_t nxt64bits = 0;
int32_t len;
if ( acctstr != 0 )
if ( (len= is_decimalstr(acctstr)) > 0 && len < 24 )
nxt64bits = calc_nxt64bits(acctstr);
else if ( strncmp("NXT-",acctstr,4) == 0 )
nxt64bits = RS_decode(acctstr);
//nxt64bits = conv_rsacctstr(acctstr,0);
int32_t base32byte(int32_t val)
if ( val < 26 )
return('A' + val);
else if ( val < 32 )
return('2' + val - 26);
else return(-1);
int32_t unbase32(char c)
if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' )
return(c - 'A');
else if ( c >= '2' && c <= '7' )
return(c - '2' + 26);
else return(-1);
int init_base32(char *tokenstr,uint8_t *token,int32_t len)
int32_t i,j,n,val5,offset = 0;
for (i=n=0; i<len; i++)
for (j=val5=0; j<5; j++,offset++)
if ( GETBIT(token,offset) != 0 )
tokenstr[n++] = base32byte(val5);
tokenstr[n] = 0;
int decode_base32(uint8_t *token,uint8_t *tokenstr,int32_t len)
int32_t i,j,n,val5,offset = 0;
for (i=n=0; i<len; i++)
if ( (val5= unbase32(tokenstr[i])) >= 0 )
for (j=val5=0; j<5; j++,offset++)
if ( GETBIT(&val5,j) != 0 )
else CLEARBIT(token,offset);
} else return(-1);
while ( (offset & 7) != 0 )
9 years ago
void calc_hexstr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,(void *)msg,len+1);
void calc_unhexstr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
decode_hex((void *)hexstr,len>>1,(void *)msg);
hexstr[len>>1] = 0;
9 years ago
void calc_base64_encodestr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
9 years ago
9 years ago
void calc_base64_decodestr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
nn_base64_decode((void *)msg,len,(void *)hexstr,1024);
void sha256_sha256(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
void rmd160ofsha256(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
uint8_t sha256[32];
9 years ago
if ( is_hexstr((char *)msg,len) > 0 )
decode_hex((uint8_t *)hexstr,len/2,(char *)msg);
vcalc_sha256(0,sha256,(void *)hexstr,len/2);
} else vcalc_sha256(0,sha256,(void *)msg,len);
9 years ago
void calc_crc32str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
9 years ago
uint32_t crc; uint8_t serialized[sizeof(crc)];
crc = calc_crc32(0,msg,len);
serialized[3] = (crc & 0xff), crc >>= 8;
serialized[2] = (crc & 0xff), crc >>= 8;
serialized[1] = (crc & 0xff), crc >>= 8;
serialized[0] = (crc & 0xff), crc >>= 8;
//printf("crc.%08x vs revcrc.%08x -> %s\n",crc,*(uint32_t *)serialized,hexstr);
9 years ago
void calc_NXTaddr(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
uint8_t mysecret[32]; uint64_t nxt64bits;
nxt64bits = conv_NXTpassword(mysecret,buf,msg,len);
void calc_curve25519_str(char *hexstr,uint8_t *buf,uint8_t *msg,int32_t len)
9 years ago
bits256 x,priv,pub;
if ( len != sizeof(bits256)*2 || is_hexstr((char *)msg,64) == 0 )
else priv = *(bits256 *)msg;
x = curve25519(priv,curve25519_basepoint9());
9 years ago
9 years ago
void calc_rmd160_sha256(uint8_t rmd160[20],uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen)
bits256 hash;
8 years ago
char *cmc_ticker(char *base)
char url[512];
char *bittrex_orderbook(char *base,char *rel,int32_t maxdepth)
char market[64],url[512];
double calc_theoretical(double weighted,double CMC_average,double changes[3])
8 years ago
double theoretical = 0.; //adjusted = 0.,
8 years ago
if ( weighted > SMALLVAL && CMC_average > SMALLVAL )
theoretical = (weighted + CMC_average) * 0.5;
8 years ago
/*if ( changes[0] > SMALLVAL && changes[1] > SMALLVAL && changes[2] > SMALLVAL )
8 years ago
if ( changes[0] > changes[1] && changes[1] > changes[2] ) // breakout
adjusted = theoretical * (1. - (changes[0] + changes[1]) * .005);
8 years ago
else if ( changes[0] < -SMALLVAL && changes[1] < -SMALLVAL && changes[2] < -SMALLVAL ) //
8 years ago
8 years ago
if ( changes[0] < changes[1] && changes[1] < changes[2] ) // waterfall
8 years ago
adjusted = theoretical * (1. - (changes[0] + changes[1]) * .005);
if ( adjusted != 0. && theoretical != 0. )
8 years ago
theoretical = (theoretical + adjusted) * 0.5;*/
8 years ago
8 years ago
//printf("adjusted %.8f theoretical %.8f (%.8f + wt %.8f)\n",adjusted,theoretical,CMC_average,weighted);
8 years ago
double calc_weighted(double *avebidp,double *aveaskp,double *bids,double *bidvols,int32_t numbids,double *asks,double *askvols,int32_t numasks,double limit)
int32_t i; double weighted = 0.,bidsum = 0., asksum = 0.,totalbids = 0.,totalasks = 0.;
bidsum = bids[0] * bidvols[0], totalbids = bidvols[0];
asksum = asks[0] * askvols[0], totalasks = askvols[0];
for (i=1; i<numbids; i++)
if ( totalbids > limit )
bidsum += bids[i] * bidvols[i];
totalbids += bidvols[i];
for (i=1; i<numasks; i++)
if ( totalasks > limit )
asksum += asks[i] * askvols[i];
totalasks += askvols[i];
if ( totalbids != 0. && totalasks != 0. )
*avebidp = (bidsum / totalbids);
*aveaskp = (asksum / totalasks);
weighted = (*avebidp + *aveaskp) * 0.5;
//printf("weighted %f\n",weighted);
double weighted_orderbook(double *avebidp,double *aveaskp,double *highbidp,double *lowaskp,char *orderbookstr,double limit)
cJSON *bookjson,*bid,*ask,*resobj,*item; int32_t i,numbids,numasks; double bidvols[50],bids[50],askvols[50],asks[50],weighted = 0.;
if ( orderbookstr != 0 )
if ( (bookjson= cJSON_Parse(orderbookstr)) != 0 )
if ( (resobj= jobj(bookjson,"result")) != 0 )
bid = jarray(&numbids,resobj,"buy");
if ( numbids > sizeof(bids)/sizeof(*bids) )
numbids = (int32_t)(sizeof(bids)/sizeof(*bids));
ask = jarray(&numasks,resobj,"sell");
if ( numasks > sizeof(asks)/sizeof(*asks) )
numasks = (int32_t)(sizeof(asks)/sizeof(*asks));
if ( bid != 0 && ask != 0 )
for (i=0; i<numbids; i++)
item = jitem(bid,i);
bidvols[i] = jdouble(item,"Quantity");
bids[i] = jdouble(item,"Rate");
for (i=0; i<numasks; i++)
item = jitem(ask,i);
askvols[i] = jdouble(item,"Quantity");
asks[i] = jdouble(item,"Rate");
*highbidp = bids[0];
*lowaskp = asks[0];
weighted = calc_weighted(avebidp,aveaskp,bids,bidvols,numbids,asks,askvols,numasks,limit);
//printf("weighted %.8f (%.8f %.8f)\n",weighted,*highbidp,*lowaskp);
8 years ago
double get_theoretical(double *avebidp,double *aveaskp,double *highbidp,double *lowaskp,double *CMC_averagep,double changes[3],char *name,char *base,char *rel,double *USD_averagep)
8 years ago
static int32_t counter;
char *cmcstr; cJSON *cmcjson,*item; double weighted,theoretical = 0.;
*avebidp = *aveaskp = *highbidp = *lowaskp = *CMC_averagep = 0.;
if ( (cmcstr= cmc_ticker(name)) != 0 )
if ( (cmcjson= cJSON_Parse(cmcstr)) != 0 )
if ( is_cJSON_Array(cmcjson) == 0 )
item = cmcjson;
else item = jitem(cmcjson,0);
*CMC_averagep = jdouble(item,"price_btc");
8 years ago
*USD_averagep = jdouble(item,"price_usd");
8 years ago
changes[0] = jdouble(item,"percent_change_1h");
changes[1] = jdouble(item,"percent_change_24h");
changes[2] = jdouble(item,"percent_change_7d");
weighted = weighted_orderbook(avebidp,aveaskp,highbidp,lowaskp,bittrex_orderbook(base,rel,25),1./(*CMC_averagep));
if ( *CMC_averagep > SMALLVAL && weighted > SMALLVAL )
theoretical = calc_theoretical(weighted,*CMC_averagep,changes);
8 years ago
if ( (0) && counter++ < 100 )
8 years ago
printf("HBLA.[%.8f %.8f] AVE.[%.8f %.8f] (%s) CMC %f %f %f %f\n",*highbidp,*lowaskp,*avebidp,*aveaskp,jprint(item,0),*CMC_averagep,changes[0],changes[1],changes[2]);