@ -17,40 +17,19 @@
# include "exchanges777.h"
# define INSTANTDEX_PUBEY "03bc2c7ba671bae4a6fc835244c9762b41647b9827d4780a89a949b984a8ddcc06"
# define INSTANTDEX_RMD160 "ca1e04745e8ca0c60d8c5881531d51bec470743f"
# define TIERNOLAN_RMD160 "daedddd8dbe7a2439841ced40ba9c3d375f98146"
# define INSTANTDEX_BTCD "RThtXup6Zo7LZAi8kRWgjAyi1s4u6U9Cpf"
struct instantdex_event { char cmdstr [ 24 ] , sendcmd [ 16 ] ; int16_t nextstateind ; } ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * BTC_states ; int32_t BTC_numstates ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo
char name [ 24 ] ; int16_t ind , initialstate ;
cJSON * ( * process ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) ;
cJSON * ( * timeout ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) ;
int16_t timeoutind , errorind ;
struct instantdex_event * events ; int32_t numevents ;
} ;
int64_t instantdex_BTCsatoshis ( int64_t price , int64_t volume )
if ( volume > price )
return ( price * dstr ( volume ) ) ;
else return ( dstr ( price ) * volume ) ;
struct bitcoin_swapinfo
bits256 privkeys [ INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE + 2 ] , mypubs [ 2 ] , otherpubs [ 2 ] , privAm , pubAm , privBn , pubBn ;
bits256 orderhash , deposittxid , paymenttxid , altpaymenttxid , myfeetxid , otherfeetxid , othertrader ;
uint64_t otherscut [ INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE ] [ 2 ] , deck [ INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE ] [ 2 ] , satoshis [ 2 ] , insurance , bidid , askid , feetag64 ;
int32_t isbob , choosei , otherschoosei , cutverified , otherverifiedcut ;
char altmsigaddr [ 64 ] , expectedcmdstr [ 16 ] , * deposit , * payment , * altpayment , * myfeetx , * otherfeetx ;
double minperc , depositconfirms , paymentconfirms , altpaymentconfirms , myfeeconfirms , otherfeeconfirms ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * state ; uint32_t expiration ;
} ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * BTC_states ; int32_t BTC_numstates ;
int64_t instantdex_insurance ( struct iguana_info * coin , int64_t amount )
return ( amount * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coin - > chain - > txfee ) ; // insurance prevents attack
void instantdex_swapfree ( struct instantdex_accept * A , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
@ -64,14 +43,14 @@ void instantdex_swapfree(struct instantdex_accept *A,struct bitcoin_swapinfo *sw
free ( swap - > payment ) ;
if ( swap - > altpayment ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > altpayment ) ;
if ( swap - > myfeetx ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > myfeetx ) ;
if ( swap - > otherfeetx ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > otherfeetx ) ;
if ( swap - > myfee ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > myfee ) ;
if ( swap - > otherfee ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > otherfee ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_defaultprocess ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp )
cJSON * instantdex_defaultprocess ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp )
uint8_t * serdata = * serdatap ; int32_t serdatalen = * serdatalenp ;
* serdatap = 0 , * serdatalenp = 0 ;
@ -82,7 +61,7 @@ cJSON *instantdex_defaultprocess(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct exchange_in
return ( newjson ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_defaulttimeout ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp )
cJSON * instantdex_defaulttimeout ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp )
uint8_t * serdata = * serdatap ; int32_t serdatalen = * serdatalenp ;
* serdatap = 0 , * serdatalenp = 0 ;
@ -128,7 +107,7 @@ void instantdex_stateinit(struct instantdex_stateinfo *states,int32_t numstates,
state - > timeout = instantdex_defaulttimeout ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * instantdex_statecreate ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t * numstatesp , char * name , cJSON * ( * process_func ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) , cJSON * ( * timeout_func ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) , char * timeoutstr , char * errorstr , int32_t initialstate )
struct instantdex_stateinfo * instantdex_statecreate ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t * numstatesp , char * name , cJSON * ( * process_func ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) , cJSON * ( * timeout_func ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) , char * timeoutstr , char * errorstr , int32_t initialstate )
struct instantdex_stateinfo S , * state = 0 ;
if ( ( state = instantdex_statefind ( states , * numstatesp , name ) ) = = 0 )
@ -524,6 +503,7 @@ cJSON *instantdex_offerjson(struct instantdex_offer *offer,uint64_t orderid)
jaddnum ( item , " timestamp " , offer - > expiration ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " price " , dstr ( offer - > price64 ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " volume " , dstr ( offer - > basevolume64 ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " minperc " , offer - > minperc ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " nonce " , offer - > nonce ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " expiresin " , offer - > expiration - time ( NULL ) ) ;
return ( item ) ;
@ -537,28 +517,59 @@ cJSON *instantdex_acceptjson(struct instantdex_accept *ap)
if ( ap - > dead ! = 0 )
jadd64bits ( item , " dead " , ap - > dead ) ;
jadd ( item , " offer " , instantdex_offerjson ( & ap - > offer , ap - > orderid ) ) ;
if ( ap - > otherorderid ! = 0 )
return ( item ) ;
void instantdex_statetxjson ( cJSON * array , char * name , struct bitcoin_statetx * tx )
cJSON * item ;
if ( tx ! = 0 )
jadd64bits ( item , " otherid " , ap - > otherorderid ) ;
jadd ( item , " otheroffer " , instantdex_offerjson ( & ap - > otheroffer , ap - > otherorderid ) ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddbits256 ( item , " txid " , tx - > txid ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " inputsum " , dstr ( tx - > inputsum ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " amount " , dstr ( tx - > amount ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " change " , dstr ( tx - > change ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " txfee " , dstr ( tx - > inputsum ) - dstr ( tx - > amount ) - dstr ( tx - > change ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " confirms " , dstr ( tx - > numconfirms ) ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " destaddr " , tx - > destaddr ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " txbytes " , tx - > txbytes ) ;
jadd ( array , name , item ) ;
return ( item ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_statemachinejson ( struct instantdex_accept * ap )
cJSON * instantdex_statemachinejson ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo * sw ap)
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = ap - > info ; cJSON * confirms , * retjson , * txs ;
cJSON * retjson , * txs ; int32_t isbob , mydir , otherdir ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( swap ! = 0 )
jaddnum ( retjson , " isbob " , swap - > isbob ) ;
mydir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( & swap - > mine . offer ) ;
otherdir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( & swap - > other . offer ) ;
isbob = instantdex_isbob ( swap ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " isbob " , isbob ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " mydir " , mydir ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherdir " , otherdir ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " expiration " , swap - > expiration ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " insurance " , dstr ( swap - > insurance ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " baseamount " , dstr ( swap - > altsatoshis ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " BTCamount " , dstr ( swap - > BTCsatoshis ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " expiration " , swap - > expiration ) ;
if ( swap - > dead ! = 0 )
jadd64bits ( retjson , " dead " , swap - > dead ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " privAm " , swap - > privAm ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubAm " , swap - > pubAm ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " privBn " , swap - > privBn ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubBn " , swap - > pubBn ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " myorderhash " , swap - > myorderhash ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " choosei " , swap - > choosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " cutverified " , swap - > cutverified ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " othertrader " , swap - > othertrader ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " orderhash " , swap - > orderhash ) ;
if ( swap - > isbob = = 0 )
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " otherorderhash " , swap - > otherorderhash ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherchoosei " , swap - > otherchoosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherverifiedcut " , swap - > otherverifiedcut ) ;
if ( isbob = = 0 )
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA0 " , swap - > mypubs [ 0 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA1 " , swap - > mypubs [ 1 ] ) ;
@ -572,97 +583,92 @@ cJSON *instantdex_statemachinejson(struct instantdex_accept *ap)
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA0 " , swap - > otherpubs [ 0 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA1 " , swap - > otherpubs [ 1 ] ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " choosei " , swap - > choosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherschoosei " , swap - > otherschoosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherschoosei " , swap - > otherschoosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " cutverified " , swap - > cutverified ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherverifiedcut " , swap - > otherverifiedcut ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " expiration " , swap - > expiration ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " minperc " , swap - > minperc * 100. ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " insurance " , dstr ( swap - > insurance ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " baseamount " , dstr ( swap - > satoshis [ 0 ] ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " BTCamount " , dstr ( swap - > satoshis [ 1 ] ) ) ;
jadd64bits ( retjson , " bidid " , swap - > bidid ) ;
jadd64bits ( retjson , " askid " , swap - > askid ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " altmsigaddr " , swap - > altmsigaddr ) ;
if ( mydir > 0 & & otherdir < 0 )
jadd64bits ( retjson , " bidid " , swap - > mine . orderid ) ;
jadd64bits ( retjson , " askid " , swap - > other . orderid ) ;
else if ( mydir < 0 & & otherdir > 0 )
jadd64bits ( retjson , " askid " , swap - > mine . orderid ) ;
jadd64bits ( retjson , " bidid " , swap - > other . orderid ) ;
if ( swap - > matched64 = = swap - > mine . orderid )
jadd ( retjson , " initiator " , instantdex_acceptjson ( & swap - > other ) ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " matched " , instantdex_acceptjson ( & swap - > mine ) ) ;
else if ( swap - > matched64 = = swap - > other . orderid )
jadd ( retjson , " initiator " , instantdex_acceptjson ( & swap - > mine ) ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " matched " , instantdex_acceptjson ( & swap - > other ) ) ;
else jaddstr ( retjson , " initiator " , " illegal initiator missing " ) ;
if ( swap - > state ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " state " , swap - > state - > name ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " expected " , swap - > expectedcmdstr ) ;
confirms = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( confirms , " deposit " , swap - > depositconfirms ) ;
jaddnum ( confirms , " payment " , swap - > paymentconfirms ) ;
jaddnum ( confirms , " altpayment " , swap - > altpaymentconfirms ) ;
jaddnum ( confirms , " myfee " , swap - > myfeeconfirms ) ;
jaddnum ( confirms , " otherfee " , swap - > otherfeeconfirms ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " confirms " , confirms ) ;
txs = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( swap - > deposit ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( txs , " deposit " , swap - > deposit ) , jaddbits256 ( txs , " deposittxid " , swap - > deposittxid ) ;
if ( swap - > payment ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( txs , " payment " , swap - > payment ) , jaddbits256 ( txs , " paymenttxid " , swap - > paymenttxid ) ;
if ( swap - > altpayment ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( txs , " altpayment " , swap - > altpayment ) , jaddbits256 ( txs , " altpaymenttxid " , swap - > altpaymenttxid ) ;
if ( swap - > myfeetx ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( txs , " myfee " , swap - > myfeetx ) , jaddbits256 ( txs , " myfeetxid " , swap - > myfeetxid ) ; ;
if ( swap - > otherfeetx ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( txs , " otherfee " , swap - > otherfeetx ) , jaddbits256 ( txs , " otherfeetxid " , swap - > otherfeetxid ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " txs " , confirms ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " othertrader " , swap - > othertrader ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( txs , " deposit " , swap - > deposit ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( txs , " payment " , swap - > payment ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( txs , " altpayment " , swap - > altpayment ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( txs , " myfee " , swap - > myfee ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( txs , " otherfee " , swap - > otherfee ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " txs " , txs ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " status " , swap - > status ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " swap " , instantdex_acceptjson ( ap ) ) ;
return ( retjson ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_historyjson ( struct instantdex_accept * ap )
cJSON * instantdex_historyjson ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
// need to make sure accepts are put onto history queue when they are completed or deaded
// also to make permanent copy (somewhere)
return ( instantdex_accept json ( ap ) ) ;
return ( instantdex_statemachine json ( sw ap) ) ;
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_historyfind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , uint64_t orderid )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * instantdex_historyfind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , uint64_t orderid )
struct instantdex_accept PAD , * ap , * retap = 0 ; uint32_t now ;
struct bitcoin_swapinfo PAD , * sw ap, * retsw ap = 0 ; uint32_t now ;
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
memset ( & PAD , 0 , sizeof ( PAD ) ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " historyQ " , & exchange - > historyQ , & PAD . DL , 0 ) ;
while ( ( ap = queue_dequeue ( & exchange - > historyQ , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ap ! = & PAD )
while ( ( sw ap= queue_dequeue ( & exchange - > historyQ , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & sw ap ! = & PAD )
if ( orderid = = ap - > orderid )
retap = ap ;
queue_enqueue ( " historyQ " , & exchange - > historyQ , & ap - > DL , 0 ) ;
if ( orderid = = sw ap- > mine . orderid )
retsw ap = sw ap;
queue_enqueue ( " historyQ " , & exchange - > historyQ , & sw ap- > DL , 0 ) ;
return ( retap ) ;
return ( retsw ap ) ;
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_statemachinefind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , uint64_t orderid , int32_t requeueflag )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * instantdex_statemachinefind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , uint64_t orderid , int32_t requeueflag )
struct instantdex_accept PAD , * ap , * retap = 0 ; uint32_t now ;
struct bitcoin_swapinfo PAD , * sw ap, * retsw ap = 0 ; uint32_t now ;
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
memset ( & PAD , 0 , sizeof ( PAD ) ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & PAD . DL , 0 ) ;
while ( ( ap = queue_dequeue ( & exchange - > statemachineQ , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ap ! = & PAD )
while ( ( sw ap= queue_dequeue ( & exchange - > statemachineQ , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & sw ap ! = & PAD )
if ( now < ap - > offer . expiration & & ap - > dead = = 0 )
if ( now < sw ap- > expiration & & swap - > mine . dead = = 0 & & sw ap- > other . dead = = 0 )
if ( orderid = = ap - > orderid )
if ( orderid = = sw ap- > mine . orderid )
if ( retap ! = 0 & & requeueflag = = 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & retap - > DL , 0 ) ;
retap = ap ;
if ( retsw ap ! = 0 & & requeueflag = = 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & retsw ap - > DL , 0 ) ;
retsw ap = sw ap;
strcpy ( swap - > status , " expired " ) ;
printf ( " expired pending, need to take action, send timeout event \n " ) ;
free ( ap ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " historyQ " , & exchange - > historyQ , & swap - > DL , 0 ) ;
continue ;
if ( ap ! = retap | | requeueflag ! = 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & ap - > DL , 0 ) ;
if ( sw ap ! = retsw ap | | requeueflag ! = 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & sw ap- > DL , 0 ) ;
return ( retap ) ;
return ( retsw ap ) ;
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_offerfind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , cJSON * bids , cJSON * asks , uint64_t orderid , char * base , char * rel , int32_t requeue )
@ -704,7 +710,7 @@ struct instantdex_accept *instantdex_offerfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,stru
return ( retap ) ;
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_acceptable ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , uint64_t offerbits , double minperc )
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_acceptable ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , double minperc )
struct instantdex_accept PAD , * ap , * retap = 0 ; double aveprice , retvals [ 4 ] ;
uint64_t minvol , bestprice64 = 0 ; uint32_t now ; int32_t offerdir ;
@ -716,9 +722,10 @@ struct instantdex_accept *instantdex_acceptable(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
minvol = A - > offer . basevolume64 * minperc * .01 ;
while ( ( ap = queue_dequeue ( & exchange - > acceptableQ , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ap ! = & PAD )
printf ( " check offerbits.%llu vs %llu: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \n " , ( long long ) offer bits, ( long long ) ap - > offer . offer64 , A - > offer . basevolume64 > 0. , strcmp ( A - > offer . base , " * " ) = = 0 , strcmp ( A - > offer . base , ap - > offer . base ) = = 0 , strcmp ( A - > offer . rel , " * " ) = = 0 , strcmp ( A - > offer . rel , ap - > offer . rel ) = = 0 , A - > offer . basevolume64 < = ( ap - > offer . basevolume64 - ap - > pendingvolume64 ) , offerdir , instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) ) ;
if ( now < ap - > offer . expiration & & ap - > dead = = 0 & & ( offerbits = = 0 | | offer bits ! = ap - > offer . offer64 ) )
printf ( " check offerbits.%llu vs %llu: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \n " , ( long long ) myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64 bits, ( long long ) ap - > offer . offer64 , A - > offer . basevolume64 > 0. , strcmp ( A - > offer . base , " * " ) = = 0 , strcmp ( A - > offer . base , ap - > offer . base ) = = 0 , strcmp ( A - > offer . rel , " * " ) = = 0 , strcmp ( A - > offer . rel , ap - > offer . rel ) = = 0 , A - > offer . basevolume64 < = ( ap - > offer . basevolume64 - ap - > pendingvolume64 ) , offerdir , instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) ) ;
if ( now < ap - > offer . expiration & & ap - > dead = = 0 & & myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64 bits ! = ap - > offer . offer64 )
printf ( " aveprice %.8f %.8f offerdir.%d first cmp: %d %d %d \n " , aveprice , dstr ( ap - > offer . price64 ) , offerdir , A - > offer . price64 = = 0 , ( offerdir > 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 > = A - > offer . price64 ) , ( offerdir < 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 < = A - > offer . price64 ) ) ;
if ( A - > offer . basevolume64 > 0. & & ( strcmp ( A - > offer . base , " * " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( A - > offer . base , ap - > offer . base ) = = 0 ) & & ( strcmp ( A - > offer . rel , " * " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( A - > offer . rel , ap - > offer . rel ) = = 0 ) & & minvol < = ( ap - > offer . basevolume64 - ap - > pendingvolume64 ) & & offerdir * instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) < 0 )
printf ( " aveprice %.8f %.8f offerdir.%d first cmp: %d %d %d \n " , aveprice , dstr ( ap - > offer . price64 ) , offerdir , A - > offer . price64 = = 0 , ( offerdir > 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 > = A - > offer . price64 ) , ( offerdir < 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 < = A - > offer . price64 ) ) ;
@ -754,7 +761,7 @@ struct instantdex_accept *instantdex_acceptable(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
// NXT node verifies bitcoin txbytes has proper payment and cashes in with onetimepubkey
// BTC* node approves phased tx with onetimepubkey
bits256 instantdex_acceptset ( struct instantdex_accept * ap , char * base , char * rel , int32_t duration , int32_t myside , int32_t acceptdir , double price , double volume , uint64_t offerbits , uint32_t nonce )
bits256 instantdex_acceptset ( struct instantdex_accept * ap , char * base , char * rel , int32_t duration , int32_t myside , int32_t acceptdir , double price , double volume , uint64_t offerbits , uint32_t nonce , uint8_t minperc )
bits256 hash ;
memset ( ap , 0 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
@ -769,6 +776,7 @@ bits256 instantdex_acceptset(struct instantdex_accept *ap,char *base,char *rel,i
ap - > offer . offer64 = offerbits ;
ap - > offer . myside = myside ;
ap - > offer . acceptdir = acceptdir ;
ap - > offer . minperc = minperc ;
ap - > offer . price64 = price * SATOSHIDEN ;
ap - > offer . basevolume64 = volume * SATOSHIDEN ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , hash . bytes , ( void * ) & ap - > offer , sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ) ;
@ -782,11 +790,15 @@ bits256 instantdex_acceptset(struct instantdex_accept *ap,char *base,char *rel,i
int32_t instantdex_acceptextract ( struct instantdex_accept * ap , cJSON * argjson )
char * base , * rel ; bits256 hash , traderpub ; double price , volume ; int32_t baserel , acceptdir ;
char * base , * rel ; bits256 hash , traderpub ; double price , volume ; int32_t baserel , acceptdir , minperc ;
memset ( ap , 0 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
if ( ( base = jstr ( argjson , " base " ) ) ! = 0 )
volume = jdouble ( argjson , " volume " ) ;
if ( ( minperc = juint ( argjson , " minperc " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
else if ( minperc > 100 )
minperc = 100 ;
if ( ( rel = jstr ( argjson , " rel " ) ) ! = 0 )
safecopy ( ap - > offer . rel , rel , sizeof ( ap - > offer . rel ) ) ;
if ( ( price = jdouble ( argjson , " maxprice " ) ) > SMALLVAL )
@ -801,7 +813,7 @@ int32_t instantdex_acceptextract(struct instantdex_accept *ap,cJSON *argjson)
} else return ( - 1 ) ;
//printf("price %f vol %f baserel.%d acceptdir.%d\n",price,volume,baserel,acceptdir);
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
hash = instantdex_acceptset ( ap , base , rel , INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME * 2 , baserel , acceptdir , price , volume , traderpub . txid , 0 ) ;
hash = instantdex_acceptset ( ap , base , rel , INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME * 2 , baserel , acceptdir , price , volume , traderpub . txid , 0 , minperc ) ;
@ -816,6 +828,8 @@ int32_t instantdex_acceptextract(struct instantdex_accept *ap,cJSON *argjson)
ap - > offer . offer64 = j64bits ( argjson , " o " ) ;
ap - > offer . price64 = j64bits ( argjson , " p " ) ;
ap - > offer . basevolume64 = j64bits ( argjson , " v " ) ;
if ( ( ap - > offer . minperc = juint ( argjson , " m " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
ap - > offer . minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , hash . bytes , ( void * ) & ap - > offer , sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ) ;
ap - > orderid = j64bits ( argjson , " id " ) ;
@ -835,188 +849,113 @@ int32_t instantdex_acceptextract(struct instantdex_accept *ap,cJSON *argjson)
# include "swaps/iguana_NXTswap.c"
# include "swaps/iguana_PAXswap.c"
char * instantdex_swapset ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_accept * ap , cJSON * argjson )
uint64_t satoshis [ 2 ] ; int32_t offerdir = 0 ; double minperc ; uint64_t insurance , relsatoshis ;
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ; bits256 orderhash , traderpub ; struct iguana_info * coinbtc ;
if ( ( swap = ap - > info ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no swapinfo set \" } " ) ) ;
relsatoshis = instantdex_BTCsatoshis ( ap - > offer . price64 , ap - > offer . basevolume64 ) ;
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
if ( ( minperc = jdouble ( argjson , " p " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
if ( ( coinbtc = iguana_coinfind ( " BTC " ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no BTC found \" } " ) ) ;
insurance = ( satoshis [ 1 ] * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc - > chain - > txfee ) ; // txfee prevents papercut attack
offerdir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , orderhash . bytes , ( void * ) & ap - > offer , sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ) ;
if ( 0 )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * bitcoin_swapinit ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * myap , struct instantdex_accept * otherap , int32_t aminitiator , cJSON * argjson )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & ap - > offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " swapset.%llu \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
if ( offerdir > 0 )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = 0 ; struct iguana_info * coinbtc , * altcoin ;
swap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo ) ) ;
swap - > mine = * myap , swap - > other = * otherap ;
if ( ( swap - > isinitiator = aminitiator ) ! = 0 )
swap - > bidid = ap - > orderid ;
swap - > askid = ap - > otherorderid ;
swap - > matched64 = otherap - > orderid ;
swap - > expiration = otherap - > offer . expiration ;
swap - > askid = ap - > orderid ;
swap - > bidid = ap - > otherorderid ;
swap - > matched64 = myap - > orderid ;
swap - > expiration = myap - > offer . expiration ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( swap - > othertrader ) = = 0 )
swap - > othertrader = traderpub ;
else if ( bits256_cmp ( traderpub , swap - > othertrader ) ! = 0 )
swap - > choosei = swap - > otherchoosei = - 1 ;
strcpy ( swap - > status , " pending " ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , swap - > myorderhash . bytes , ( void * ) & swap - > mine . offer , sizeof ( swap - > mine . offer ) ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , swap - > otherorderhash . bytes , ( void * ) & swap - > other . offer , sizeof ( swap - > other . offer ) ) ;
swap - > mypubkey = myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ;
swap - > othertrader = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
swap - > altsatoshis = myap - > offer . basevolume64 ;
swap - > BTCsatoshis = instantdex_BTCsatoshis ( myap - > offer . price64 , myap - > offer . basevolume64 ) ;
if ( ( coinbtc = iguana_coinfind ( " BTC " ) ) = = 0 | | ( altcoin = iguana_coinfind ( swap - > mine . offer . base ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " competing offer received for (%s/%s) %.8f %.8f \n " , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , dstr ( ap - > offer . price64 ) , dstr ( ap - > offer . basevolume64 ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no competing offers for now \" } " ) ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( swap - > orderhash ) = = 0 )
swap - > orderhash = orderhash ;
else if ( bits256_cmp ( orderhash , swap - > orderhash ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " orderhash %llx mismatch %llx \n " , ( long long ) swap - > orderhash . txid , ( long long ) orderhash . txid ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" orderhash mismatch??? \" } " ) ) ;
swap - > satoshis [ 0 ] = ap - > offer . basevolume64 ;
swap - > satoshis [ 1 ] = relsatoshis ;
swap - > insurance = ( relsatoshis * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc - > chain - > txfee ) ; // txfee
if ( swap - > minperc < minperc )
swap - > minperc = minperc ;
printf ( " cant find BTC or %s \n " , swap - > mine . offer . base ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
char * instantdex_addfeetx ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , cJSON * newjson , struct instantdex_accept * ap , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , char * bobstate , char * alicestate )
swap - > insurance = ( swap - > BTCsatoshis * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + coinbtc - > chain - > txfee ) ;
swap - > altpremium = ( swap - > altsatoshis * INSTANTDEX_INSURANCERATE + altcoin - > chain - > txfee ) ;
if ( myap - > offer . myside ! = instantdex_isbob ( swap ) | | otherap - > offer . myside = = instantdex_isbob ( swap ) )
if ( ( swap - > myfeetx = instantdex_feetx ( myinfo , & swap - > myfeetxid , ap ) ) ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( newjson , " feetx " , swap - > myfeetx ) ;
jaddbits256 ( newjson , " feetxid " , swap - > myfeetxid ) ;
swap - > state = instantdex_statefind ( BTC_states , BTC_numstates , swap - > isbob ! = 0 ? bobstate : alicestate ) ;
printf ( " isbob error.(%d %d) %d \n " , myap - > offer . myside , otherap - > offer . myside , instantdex_isbob ( swap ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt create feetx \" } " ) ) ;
return ( swap ) ;
char * instantdex_sendoffer ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * ap , cJSON * argjson ) // Bob sending to network (Alice)
struct iguana_info * other ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ; int32_t isbob ; cJSON * newjson ; char * retstr ;
if ( strcmp ( ap - > offer . rel , " BTC " ) ! = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" invalid othercoin \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( ( other = iguana_coinfind ( ap - > offer . base ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" invalid othercoin \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( ap - > offer . price64 < = 0 | | ap - > offer . basevolume64 < = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" illegal price or volume \" } " ) ) ;
isbob = ( ap - > offer . myside = = 1 ) ;
swap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo ) ) ;
swap - > isbob = isbob ;
swap - > expiration = ap - > offer . expiration ; //(uint32_t)(time(NULL) + INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME*isbob);
swap - > choosei = swap - > otherschoosei = - 1 ;
swap - > depositconfirms = swap - > paymentconfirms = swap - > altpaymentconfirms = swap - > myfeeconfirms = swap - > otherfeeconfirms = - 1 ;
ap - > info = swap ;
printf ( " sendoffer SETSWAP for orderid.%llu ap.%p (%p) \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ap , swap ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_swapset ( myinfo , ap , argjson ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( retstr ) ;
ap - > orderid = swap - > orderhash . txid ;
if ( ( newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , ap , argjson , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer null newjson \" } " ) ) ;
char * instantdex_checkoffer ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , uint64_t * txidp , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * myap , cJSON * argjson )
if ( 0 )
char * retstr = 0 ; struct instantdex_accept * otherap ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ; cJSON * newjson ;
* txidp = myap - > orderid ;
if ( ( otherap = instantdex_acceptable ( myinfo , exchange , myap , myap - > offer . minperc ) ) = = 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & ap - > offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " BTCoffer.%llu \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
printf ( " add.%llu to acceptableQ \n " , ( long long ) myap - > orderid ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & myap - > offer , argjson , " BTCoffer " , GENESIS_PUBKEY , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( retstr ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " acceptableQ " , & exchange - > acceptableQ , & myap - > DL , 0 ) ;
return ( jprint ( instantdex_offerjson ( & myap - > offer , myap - > orderid ) , 1 ) ) ;
return ( instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & ap - > offer , newjson , " BTCoffer " , GENESIS_PUBKEY , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ) ) ;
swap = bitcoin_swapinit ( myinfo , exchange , myap , otherap , 1 , argjson ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & swap - > DL , 0 ) ;
if ( ( newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , swap , argjson , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_checkoffer null newjson \" } " ) ) ;
return ( instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & swap - > mine . offer , newjson , " BTCoffer " , GENESIS_PUBKEY , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ) ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_gotoffer ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * ap , struct instantdex_msghdr * msg , cJSON * argjson , char * remoteaddr , uint64_t signerbits , uint8_t * serdata , int32_t serdatalen ) // receiving side
char * instantdex_gotoffer ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * myap , struct instantdex_accept * other ap, struct instantdex_msghdr * msg , cJSON * argjson , char * remoteaddr , uint64_t signerbits , uint8_t * serdata , int32_t serdatalen ) // receiving side
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = 0 ; bits256 traderpub ; struct iguana_info * coinbtc , * altcoin ; cJSON * newjson = 0 ; char * retstr = 0 ;
swap = ap - > info ;
coinbtc = iguana_coinfind ( " BTC " ) ;
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( traderpub , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) = = 0 )
printf ( " got my own gotoffer packet orderid.%llu \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
printf ( " got my own gotoffer packet orderid.%llu/%llu \n " , ( long long ) myap - > orderid , ( long long ) other ap- > orderid ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" got my own packet \" } " ) ) ;
if ( 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & ap - > offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " BTC offer.%llu\n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( other ap- > offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & other ap- > offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " got offer.%llu\n " , ( long long ) other ap- > orderid ) ;
printf ( " T.%d got (%s/%s) %.8f vol %.8f %llu offerside.%d offerdir.%d swap.%p decksize.%ld/datalen.%d \n " , bits256_cmp ( traderpub , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , dstr ( ap - > offer . price64 ) , dstr ( ap - > offer . basevolume64 ) , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ap - > offer . myside , ap - > offer . acceptdir , ap - > info , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) , serdatalen ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("GOT OFFER! orderid.%llu %p (%s/%s) other.%s myside.%d\n",(long long)ap->orderid,ap->info,ap->offer.base,ap->offer.rel,bits256_str(str,traderpub),swap->isbob);*/
printf ( " T.%d got (%s/%s) %.8f vol %.8f %llu offerside.%d offerdir.%d decksize.%ld/datalen.%d \n " , bits256_cmp ( traderpub , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) , myap - > offer . base , myap - > offer . rel , dstr ( myap - > offer . price64 ) , dstr ( myap - > offer . basevolume64 ) , ( long long ) myap - > orderid , myap - > offer . myside , myap - > offer . acceptdir , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) , serdatalen ) ;
if ( exchange = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap null exchange ptr \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ( altcoin = iguana_coinfind ( ap - > offer . base ) ) = = 0 | | coinbtc = = 0 )
if ( ( altcoin = iguana_coinfind ( my ap- > offer . base ) ) = = 0 | | coinbtc = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap cant find btc or other coin info \" } " ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( ap - > offer . rel , " BTC " ) ! = 0 )
if ( strcmp ( my ap- > offer . rel , " BTC " ) ! = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer non BTC rel \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ap - > offer . expiration < ( time ( NULL ) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION ) )
if ( myap - > offer . expiration < ( time ( NULL ) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION ) | | other ap- > offer . expiration < ( time ( NULL ) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION ) )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer too close to expiration \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ap - > info = = 0 )
ap - > info = swap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo ) ) ;
//printf("gotoffer SETSWAP for orderid.%llu (%s)\n",(long long)ap->orderid,jprint(argjson,0));
swap - > choosei = swap - > otherschoosei = - 1 ;
swap - > depositconfirms = swap - > paymentconfirms = swap - > altpaymentconfirms = swap - > myfeeconfirms = swap - > otherfeeconfirms = - 1 ;
swap - > isbob = ( ap - > offer . myside ^ 1 ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_swapset ( myinfo , ap , argjson ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( retstr ) ;
swap - > feetag64 = ap - > orderid ;
if ( instantdex_pubkeyargs ( swap , newjson , 2 + INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE , myinfo - > persistent_priv , swap - > orderhash , 0x02 + swap - > isbob ) ! = 2 + INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap error creating pubkeyargs \" } " ) ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " GOT OFFER! orderid.%llu %p (%s/%s) other.%s myside.%d \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ap - > info , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , bits256_str ( str , traderpub ) , swap - > isbob ) ;
if ( ( newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , ap , argjson , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
swap = bitcoin_swapinit ( myinfo , exchange , myap , otherap , 0 , argjson ) ;
if ( ( newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , swap , argjson , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer null newjson \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( ( retstr = instantdex_addfeetx ( myinfo , newjson , ap , swap , " BOB_gotoffer " , " ALICE_gotoffer " ) ) = = 0 )
else //if ( (retstr= instantdex_addfeetx(myinfo,newjson,ap,swap,"BOB_gotoffer","ALICE_gotoffer")) == 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & swap - > DL , 0 ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_choosei ( swap , newjson , argjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( retstr ) ;
return ( instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & ap - > offer , newjson , " BTCdeckC " , traderpub , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ) ) ;
} else return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_selectqueue ( struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * ap , char * retstr )
cJSON * retjson ; int32_t flag = 0 ;
if ( ( retjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( jobj ( retjson , " error " ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " requeue acceptableQ gotoffer error.(%s) \n " , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
instantdex_swapfree ( 0 , ap - > info ) ;
ap - > info = 0 ;
flag + + ;
queue_enqueue ( " acceptableQ " , & exchange - > acceptableQ , & ap - > DL , 0 ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
return ( instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & swap - > mine . offer , newjson , " BTCdeckC " , traderpub , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ) ) ;
if ( flag = = 0 )
printf ( " add orderid.%llu to statemachine \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & ap - > DL , 0 ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_parse ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_msghdr * msg , cJSON * argjson , char * remoteaddr , uint64_t signerbits , struct instantdex_offer * offer , bits256 orderhash , uint8_t * serdata , int32_t serdatalen )
char cmdstr [ 16 ] , * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; double minperc ; struct instantdex_accept A , * ap = 0 ; bits256 traderpub ; cJSON * newjson ;
char cmdstr [ 16 ] , * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; struct instantdex_accept A , * ap = 0 ; bits256 traderpub ; cJSON * newjson ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ;
if ( BTC_states = = 0 )
BTC_states = BTC_initFSM ( & BTC_numstates ) ;
exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ;
@ -1033,51 +972,19 @@ char *instantdex_parse(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_msghdr *ms
A . offer = * offer ;
A . orderid = orderhash . txid ;
printf ( " got.(%s) for %llu \n " , cmdstr , ( long long ) A . orderid ) ;
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " BTCoffer " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( cmdstr , " BTCdeckC " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( minperc = jdouble ( argjson , " p " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
if ( ( ap = instantdex_acceptable ( myinfo , exchange , & A , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , minperc ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " BTCoffer " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( A . offer . minperc = jdouble ( argjson , " p " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
A . offer . minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ;
else if ( A . offer . minperc > 100 )
A . offer . minperc = 100 ;
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " BTCoffer " ) = = 0 ) // incoming
if ( ap - > otherorderid = = 0 )
ap - > otherorderid = A . orderid ;
ap - > otheroffer = A . offer ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_gotoffer ( myinfo , exchange , ap , msg , argjson , remoteaddr , signerbits , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ! = 0 ) // adds to statemachine if no error
if ( ( ap = instantdex_acceptable ( myinfo , exchange , & A , A . offer . minperc ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("from GOTOFFER\n");
return ( instantdex_selectqueue ( exchange , ap , retstr ) ) ;
if ( ap - > info = = 0 )
printf ( " A (%s) null swap for orderid.%llu p.%p \n " , cmdstr , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ap ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no swap for orderid \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_gotoffer ( myinfo , exchange , ap , & A , msg , argjson , remoteaddr , signerbits , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ! = 0 ) // adds to statemachine if no error
if ( ap - > otherorderid = = 0 )
ap - > otherorderid = ap - > orderid ;
ap - > otheroffer = ap - > offer ;
ap - > offer = A . offer ;
ap - > orderid = A . orderid ;
( ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo * ) ap - > info ) - > feetag64 = ap - > orderid ;
printf ( " add to statemachine \n " ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " statemachineQ " , & exchange - > statemachineQ , & ap - > DL , 0 ) ;
newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , ap , argjson , 0 ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_addfeetx ( myinfo , newjson , ap , ap - > info , " BOB_sentoffer " , " ALICE_sentoffer " ) ) = = 0 )
return ( instantdex_statemachine ( BTC_states , BTC_numstates , myinfo , exchange , ap , cmdstr , argjson , newjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt add fee \" } " ) ) ;
printf ( " from GOTOFFER.(%s) \n " , retstr ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" gotoffer error \" } " ) ) ;
@ -1092,22 +999,10 @@ char *instantdex_parse(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_msghdr *ms
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" order was already in orderbook \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( ( ap = instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid , 1 ) ) ! = 0 | | ( ap = instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchange , 0 , 0 , A . orderid , " * " , " * " , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ap - > info = = 0 )
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " BTCdeckC " ) ! = 0 )
else if ( ( swap = instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " B (%s) null swap for orderid.%llu p.%p \n " , cmdstr , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ap ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no swap for orderid \" } " ) ) ;
printf ( " BTCdeckC ap.%p null info \n " , ap - > info ) ;
newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , ap , argjson , 0 ) ;
return ( instantdex_statemachine ( BTC_states , BTC_numstates , myinfo , exchange , ap , cmdstr , argjson , newjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ;
newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , swap , argjson , 0 ) ;
return ( instantdex_statemachine ( BTC_states , BTC_numstates , myinfo , exchange , swap , cmdstr , argjson , newjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ;
@ -1138,8 +1033,6 @@ char *InstantDEX_hexmsg(struct supernet_info *myinfo,void *ptr,int32_t len,char
free_json ( argjson ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" string base packets deprecated \" } " ) ) ;
//printf("msg.%p len.%d data.%p datalen.%d crc.%u %s\n",msg,len,data,datalen,calc_crc32(0,(void *)msg,len),bits256_str(str,msg->sig.pubkey));
else if ( ( signerbits = acct777_validate ( & msg - > sig , acct777_msgprivkey ( serdata , datalen ) , msg - > sig . pubkey ) ) ! = 0 | | 1 )
flag + + ;
@ -1197,7 +1090,7 @@ char *InstantDEX_hexmsg(struct supernet_info *myinfo,void *ptr,int32_t len,char
return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_queu eaccept ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_accept * * aptrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , double price , double basevolume , int32_t acceptdir , char * mysidestr , int32_t duration , uint64_t offerer , int32_t queueflag )
char * instantdex_creat eaccept ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_accept * * aptrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , double price , double basevolume , int32_t acceptdir , char * mysidestr , int32_t duration , uint64_t offerer , int32_t queueflag , uint8_t minperc )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; int32_t myside ; char * retstr ;
* aptrp = 0 ;
@ -1213,7 +1106,7 @@ char *instantdex_queueaccept(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_acce
myside = - 1 ;
printf ( " myside.(%s) != base.%s or rel.%s \n " , mysidestr , base , rel ) ;
instantdex_acceptset ( ap , base , rel , duration , myside , acceptdir , price , basevolume , offerer , 0 ) ;
instantdex_acceptset ( ap , base , rel , duration , myside , acceptdir , price , basevolume , offerer , 0 , minperc ) ;
if ( queueflag ! = 0 )
printf ( " acceptableQ <- %llu \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
@ -1250,41 +1143,31 @@ void instantdex_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo)
free ( m ) ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
while ( ( m = category_gethexmsg ( myinfo , instantdexhash , iter = = 0 ? GENESIS_PUBKEY : myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("gothexmsg len.%d\n",m->len);
pm = ( struct instantdex_msghdr * ) m - > msg ;
if ( m - > remoteipbits ! = 0 )
expand_ipbits ( remote , m - > remoteipbits ) ;
else remote [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ( str = InstantDEX_hexmsg ( myinfo , pm , m - > len , remote ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( str ) ;
free ( m ) ;
} */
# include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h"
TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES ( InstantDEX , maxaccept , base , rel , maxprice , basevolume )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ;
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; char * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; uint64_t txid ;
myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind ( json ) ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 )
return ( instantdex_queueaccept ( myinfo , & ap , exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) , base , rel , maxprice , basevolume , - 1 , rel , INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , 1 ) ) ;
else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" InstantDEX API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 & & ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
retstr = instantdex_createaccept ( myinfo , & ap , exchange , base , rel , maxprice , basevolume , - 1 , rel , INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , 1 , juint ( json , " minperc " ) ) ;
return ( instantdex_checkoffer ( myinfo , & txid , exchange , ap , json ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" InstantDEX API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES ( InstantDEX , minaccept , base , rel , minprice , basevolume )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ;
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; char * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; uint64_t txid ;
myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind ( json ) ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 )
return ( instantdex_queueaccept ( myinfo , & ap , exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) , base , rel , minprice , basevolume , 1 , base , INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , 1 ) ) ;
else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" InstantDEX API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 & & ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
retstr = instantdex_createaccept ( myinfo , & ap , exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) , base , rel , minprice , basevolume , 1 , base , INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , 1 , juint ( json , " minperc " ) ) ;
return ( instantdex_checkoffer ( myinfo , & txid , exchange , ap , json ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" InstantDEX API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
THREE_STRINGS_AND_DOUBLE ( atomic , offer , base , rel , orderid , basevolume )