@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ struct iguana_pkhash *iguana_pkhashfind(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_r
* depositsp = ACCTS [ pkind ] . total ;
* lastunspentindp = ACCTS [ pkind ] . lastunspentind ;
printf ( " [%d] return pkind.%u of %u P.%p %.8f last.%u ACCTS.%p %p \n " , i , pkind , numpkinds , P , dstr ( * depositsp ) , * lastunspentindp , ACCTS , ramchain - > A ) ;
if ( P ! = 0 )
* p = P [ pkind ] ;
return ( p ) ;
@ -223,12 +224,9 @@ int64_t iguana_pkhashbalance(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *co
return ( deposits - spent ) ;
int32_t iguana_pkhasharray ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , int32_t minconf , int32_t maxconf , int64_t * totalp , struct iguana_pkhash * P , int32_t max , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , char * coinaddr , uint8_t * pubkey33 , int32_t lastheight , uint64_t * unspents , int32_t * numunspentsp )
int32_t iguana_pkhasharray ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , int32_t minconf , int32_t maxconf , int64_t * totalp , struct iguana_pkhash * P , int32_t max , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , char * coinaddr , uint8_t * pubkey33 , int32_t lastheight , uint64_t * unspents , int32_t * numunspentsp , int32_t maxunspents )
int32_t i , n , m , maxunspents , numunspents = 0 ; int64_t spent , deposits , netbalance , total ; uint32_t lastunspentind ; struct iguana_pkhash * p , _p ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
if ( numunspentsp ! = 0 )
maxunspents = * numunspentsp , * numunspentsp = 0 ;
else maxunspents = 0 ;
int32_t i , n , m , numunspents = * numunspentsp ; int64_t spent , deposits , netbalance , total ; uint32_t lastunspentind ; struct iguana_pkhash * p , _p ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
if ( 0 & & coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhasharray: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
@ -248,7 +246,7 @@ int32_t iguana_pkhasharray(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin
continue ;
if ( ( coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height - bp - > bundleheight ) < minconf )
break ;
if ( iguana_pkhashfind ( coin , & ramchain , & deposits , & lastunspentind , & P [ n ] , rmd160 , i , i ) ! = 0 )
if ( iguana_pkhashfind ( coin , & ramchain , & deposits , & lastunspentind , P ! = 0 ? & P [ n ] : & _p , rmd160 , i , i ) ! = 0 )
m = maxunspents ;
p = ( P = = 0 ) ? & _p : & P [ n ] ;
@ -264,24 +262,26 @@ int32_t iguana_pkhasharray(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin
maxunspents - = m ;
numunspents + = m ;
printf ( " %d: balance %.8f, lastunspent.%u m.%d num.%d max.%d \n " , i , dstr ( total ) , lastunspentind , m , numunspents , maxunspents ) ;
//printf("%d: balance %.8f, lastunspent.%u\n",i,dstr(balance),lastunspentind);
//printf("n.%d max.%d\n",n,max);
if ( numunspentsp ! = 0 )
* numunspentsp = numunspents ;
printf ( " numunspents.%d [%d] max.%d \n " , numunspents , * numunspentsp , maxunspents ) ;
* totalp + = total ;
return ( n ) ;
int64_t iguana_unspents ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , int32_t minconf , int32_t maxconf , uint8_t * rmdarray , int32_t numrmds , int32_t lastheight , uint64_t * unspents , int32_t * numunspentsp )
int64_t total = 0 , sum = 0 ; struct iguana_pkhash * P ; uint8_t * addrtypes , * pubkeys ; int32_t i , flag = 0 ; char coinaddr [ 64 ] ;
int64_t total = 0 , sum = 0 ; struct iguana_pkhash * P ; uint8_t * addrtypes , * pubkeys ; int32_t i , numunspents , maxunspents , flag = 0 ; char coinaddr [ 64 ] ;
if ( 0 & & coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhasharray: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
return ( sum ) ;
numunspents = 0 ;
maxunspents = * numunspentsp ;
if ( rmdarray = = 0 )
rmdarray = iguana_walletrmds ( myinfo , coin , & numrmds ) , flag + + ;
if ( numrmds > 0 & & rmdarray ! = 0 )
@ -291,13 +291,17 @@ int64_t iguana_unspents(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,cJ
for ( i = 0 ; i < numrmds ; i + + )
bitcoin_address ( coinaddr , addrtypes [ i ] , & rmdarray [ i * 20 ] , 20 ) ;
iguana_pkhasharray ( myinfo , coin , array , minconf , maxconf , & total , P , coin - > bundlescount , & rmdarray [ i * 20 ] , coinaddr , & pubkeys [ 33 * i ] , lastheight , unspents , numunspentsp ) ;
printf ( " i.%d of %d: %s %.8f \n " , i , numrmds , coinaddr , dstr ( total ) ) ;
* numunspentsp = 0 ;
iguana_pkhasharray ( myinfo , coin , array , minconf , maxconf , & total , P , coin - > bundlescount , & rmdarray [ i * 20 ] , coinaddr , & pubkeys [ 33 * i ] , lastheight , & unspents [ numunspents ] , numunspentsp , maxunspents ) ;
printf ( " iguana_unspents: i.%d of %d: %s %.8f numunspents.%d \n " , i , numrmds , coinaddr , dstr ( total ) , * numunspentsp ) ;
maxunspents - = * numunspentsp ;
numunspents + = * numunspentsp ;
sum + = total ;
printf ( " sum %.8f \n " , dstr ( sum ) ) ;
free ( P ) ;
* numunspentsp = numunspents ;
if ( flag ! = 0 & & rmdarray ! = 0 )
free ( rmdarray ) ;
return ( sum ) ;
@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ uint8_t *iguana_rmdarray(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *numrmdsp,cJSON *array
int64_t iguana_unspentset ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin )
int64_t sum = 0 , total ; struct iguana_waccount * wacct , * tmp ; struct iguana_waddress * waddr , * tmp2 ; int32_t numunspents ;
int64_t sum = 0 , total ; struct iguana_waccount * wacct , * tmp ; struct iguana_waddress * waddr , * tmp2 ; int32_t n , n umunspents = 0 ;
HASH_ITER ( hh , myinfo - > wallet , wacct , tmp )
HASH_ITER ( hh , wacct - > waddr , waddr , tmp2 )
@ -337,19 +341,20 @@ int64_t iguana_unspentset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin)
if ( waddr - > addrtype ! = coin - > chain - > pubtype | | ( bits256_nonz ( waddr - > privkey ) = = 0 & & waddr - > scriptlen = = 0 ) )
continue ;
total = 0 ;
numunspents = ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( coin - > blockspace ) / sizeof ( * waddr - > unspents ) ) ;
iguana_pkhasharray ( myinfo , coin , 0 , coin - > minconfirms , coin - > longestchain , & total , 0 , coin - > bundlescount , waddr - > rmd160 , waddr - > coinaddr , waddr - > pubkey , coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height - coin - > minconfirms , ( uint64_t * ) coin - > blockspace , & numunspents ) ;
if ( numunspents > 0 )
n = 0 ;
iguana_pkhasharray ( myinfo , coin , 0 , coin - > minconfirms , coin - > longestchain , & total , 0 , coin - > bundlescount , waddr - > rmd160 , waddr - > coinaddr , waddr - > pubkey , coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height - coin - > minconfirms , ( uint64_t * ) coin - > blockspace , & n , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( coin - > blockspace ) / sizeof ( * waddr - > unspents ) ) ) ;
if ( n > 0 )
if ( waddr - > unspents = = 0 | | waddr - > maxunspents < numunspents )
if ( waddr - > unspents = = 0 | | waddr - > maxunspents < n )
waddr - > unspents = realloc ( waddr - > unspents , sizeof ( * waddr - > unspents ) * numunspents ) ;
waddr - > maxunspents = numunspents ;
waddr - > unspents = realloc ( waddr - > unspents , sizeof ( * waddr - > unspents ) * n ) ;
waddr - > maxunspents = n ;
memcpy ( waddr - > unspents , coin - > blockspace , sizeof ( * waddr - > unspents ) * numunspents ) ;
waddr - > numunspents = numunspents ;
memcpy ( waddr - > unspents , coin - > blockspace , sizeof ( * waddr - > unspents ) * n ) ;
waddr - > numunspents = n ;
waddr - > balance = total ;
sum + = total ;
numunspents + = n ;