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(git and cmake installed are required) script will automatically download and build all needed *.lib and *.dll for build marketmaker. currently script built only 64-bit Release versions of *.lib and *.dll, pthread_lib.lib is compiled for statically linked and nanomsg.lib and libcurl.lib for using with dlls: libcurl.dll and nanomsg.dll . Later i will improve it to build both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and versions for static linking marketmaker without any external deps. But this will take time and some work on MSVC project files (marketmaker.vcxproj and marketmaker.sln).patch-3
7 years ago
1 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
@echo off |
rem [ Decker] Automatically download and build depends script for marketmaker. |
rem |
rem 1. Requires installed CMake for Windows (!) |
rem 2. Currently build only 64-bit release versions of .lib and .dll |
rem 3. Libraries available: pthreads, nanomsg, curl |
@REM Check for Visual Studio |
call set "VSPATH=" |
if defined VS140COMNTOOLS ( if not defined VSPATH ( |
call set "VSPATH=%%VS140COMNTOOLS%%" |
) ) |
@REM check if we already have the tools in the environment |
if exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%" ( |
goto compile |
) |
if not defined VSPATH ( |
echo You need Microsoft Visual Studio 15 installed |
pause |
exit |
) |
@REM set up the environment |
if exist "%VSPATH%..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" ( |
call "%%VSPATH%%..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 |
goto compile |
) |
echo Unable to set up the environment |
pause |
exit |
:compile |
rem MSBuild /help |
echo. |
echo Decker will automatically download and build all needed *.dll and *.lib for you ;) |
timeout /t 5 /nobreak |
mkdir marketmaker_depends |
rem --- pthreads --- |
:compile_pthreads |
cd marketmaker_depends |
git clone |
cd pthread-win32 |
MSBuild pthread.2015.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32 |
MSBuild pthread.2015.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 |
cd ../.. |
copy marketmaker_depends\pthread-win32\bin\x64_MSVC2015.Release\pthread_lib.lib OSlibs\win\x64\pthread_lib.lib |
rem --- nanomsg --- |
:compile_nanomsg |
cd marketmaker_depends |
git clone |
cd nanomsg |
mkdir build_msvc_2015_win32 |
mkdir build_msvc_2015_win64 |
cd build_msvc_2015_win64 |
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. |
cmake --build . --config Release --target nanomsg |
cd ../../.. |
copy marketmaker_depends\nanomsg\build_msvc_2015_win64\Release\nanomsg.lib OSlibs\win\x64\release\nanomsg.lib |
copy marketmaker_depends\nanomsg\build_msvc_2015_win64\Release\nanomsg.exp OSlibs\win\x64\release\nanomsg.exp |
copy marketmaker_depends\nanomsg\build_msvc_2015_win64\Release\nanomsg.dll x64\Release\nanomsg.dll |
rem --- curl --- |
:compile_curl |
cd marketmaker_depends |
git clone |
cd curl |
mkdir build_msvc_2015_win32 |
mkdir build_msvc_2015_win64 |
cd build_msvc_2015_win64 |
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. |
cmake --build . --config Release --target libcurl |
rem cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCURL_STATICLIB=ON -DCURL_DISABLE_LDAP=ON -DCURL_STATIC_CRT=ON |
rem cmake --build . --config Release |
rem cmake --build . --config Release --target libcurl |
cd ../../.. |
copy marketmaker_depends\curl\build_msvc_2015_win64\lib\Release\libcurl_imp.lib OSlibs\win\x64\release\libcurl.lib |
copy marketmaker_depends\curl\build_msvc_2015_win64\lib\Release\libcurl_imp.exp OSlibs\win\x64\release\libcurl.exp |
copy marketmaker_depends\curl\build_msvc_2015_win64\lib\Release\libcurl.dll x64\Release\libcurl.dll |
Reference in new issue