3 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# We don't add BEER/PIZZA to iguana so skip them, more skips can be added, mauybe this can be pulled as a prarm from assetchains.json? |
declare -a skip=("BEER" "PIZZA") |
coins/kmd_7776 |
./wp_7776 |
# external coins. |
coins/btc_7776 |
coins/chips_7776 |
coins/game_7776 |
# Unlock wallet. Does it have the be here exactly? Or can we call this somewhere else? |
# Loop through assetchains.json and build the path to the approptiate coins file and run it. |
~/komodo/src/listassetchains | while read chain; do |
if [[ " ${skip[@]} " =~ " ${chain} " ]]; then |
pointless=0 |
else |
coin="coins/$(echo $chain | awk '{print tolower($0)}')_7776" |
$coin |
fi |
done |
# Add VRSC manually as its not listed in the assetchains.json |
coins/vrsc_7776 |
coins/hush_7776 |
coins/emc2_7776 |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# I added to command to remove iguana executable here, for simplification. Do all things related to this in one script. |
rm -f ../agents/iguana *.o |
# the build options, for SHA256 a seperate build script can be made? eg. ./build_iguana_HWSHA256 |
cd secp256k1; ./m_unix; cd .. |
cd ../crypto777; ./m_LP; cd ../iguana |
#gcc -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -Wno-deprecated -c -O2 -DISNOTARYNODE=1 -DLIQUIDITY_PROVIDER=1 *.c ../basilisk/basilisk.c ../gecko/gecko.c ../datachain/datachain.c |
clang -g -Wno-deprecated -c -O2 -DISNOTARYNODE=1 -DLIQUIDITY_PROVIDER=1 *.c ../basilisk/basilisk.c ../gecko/gecko.c ../datachain/datachain.c |
#gcc -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -Wno-deprecated -c -DISNOTARYNODE=1 -DLIQUIDITY_PROVIDER=1 main.c iguana777.c iguana_bundles.c ../basilisk/basilisk.c |
clang -g -Wno-deprecated -c -DISNOTARYNODE=1 -DLIQUIDITY_PROVIDER=1 main.c iguana777.c iguana_bundles.c ../basilisk/basilisk.c |
clang -g -o ../agents/iguana *.o ../agents/libcrypto777.a -lnanomsg -lcurl -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lz -lm |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# I have extra changes here, on how I launch iguana, if you have a custom build script for SHA256 hardware instructions etc, you cal call this first, then run either the default sript or your own one like I do here. |
komodo-cli lockunspent true `komodo-cli listlockunspent | jq -c .` |
pkill -15 iguana |
sleep 2 |
# Start normally with nosplit |
#stdbuf -oL $1 ../agents/iguana notary_nosplit & #> iguana.log 2> error.log & |
# Start with -19 nice on all threads (might not be optimal, could slow down listunspent on komodod) |
sudo nice -n -19 su -c "stdbuf -oL $1 ../agents/iguana notary_nosplit" node & |
sleep 1 |
# Set main iguana process as -19 nice, this does help. |
#sudo renice -19 $(pidof iguana) |
myip=`curl -s4 checkip.amazonaws.com` |
source pubkey.txt |
sleep 4 |
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"SuperNET\",\"method\":\"myipaddr\",\"ipaddr\":\"$myip\"}" |
sleep 3 |
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addnotary\",\"ipaddr\":\"\"}" |
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addnotary\",\"ipaddr\":\"\"}" |
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addnotary\",\"ipaddr\":\"\"}" |
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addnotary\",\"ipaddr\":\"\"}" |
# All the coins to be activated are moved to a new script, and will be standard for all nodes, you just call this scipt after any special changes.When new coins are added, you don't need to check ot change anything in your own scripts. |
./add_coins |
sleep 30 |
curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"dpow\",\"symbol\":\"KMD\",\"pubkey\":\"$pubkey\"}" |
Reference in new issue