@ -843,6 +843,41 @@ int64_t iguana_unspentavail(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coi
else return ( 0 ) ;
int64_t iguana_utxoaddrtablefind ( struct iguana_info * coin , int16_t search_hdrsi , uint32_t search_pkind , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] )
int32_t ind , num , i ; uint32_t pkind ; uint16_t hdrsi ; int64_t histbalance = 0 ; uint8_t * ptr ;
ind = rmd160 [ 0 ] + ( ( int32_t ) rmd160 [ 1 ] < < 8 ) ;
num = ( ind = = 0xffff ) ? coin - > utxoaddrlastcount : ( coin - > utxoaddroffsets [ ind + 1 ] - coin - > utxoaddroffsets [ ind ] ) ;
if ( num > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + )
ptr = & coin - > utxoaddrtable [ ( coin - > utxoaddroffsets [ ind ] + i ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ] ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & ptr [ 0 ] , sizeof ( hdrsi ) , & hdrsi ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & ptr [ 20 ] , sizeof ( pkind ) , & pkind ) ;
if ( pkind = = search_pkind & & hdrsi = = search_hdrsi )
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & ptr [ 24 ] , sizeof ( histbalance ) , & histbalance ) ;
return ( histbalance ) ;
printf ( " ind.%04x no [%d] p%u after num.%d \n " , ind , search_hdrsi , search_pkind , num ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + )
ptr = & coin - > utxoaddrtable [ ( coin - > utxoaddroffsets [ ind ] + i ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ] ;
if ( memcmp ( & ptr [ 2 ] , & rmd160 [ 2 ] , 18 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " rmd160 match i.%d of %d \n " , i , num ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & ptr [ 24 ] , sizeof ( histbalance ) , & histbalance ) ;
return ( histbalance ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
struct iguana_utxoaddr * iguana_utxoaddrfind ( int32_t createflag , struct iguana_info * coin , int16_t hdrsi , uint32_t pkind , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , struct iguana_utxoaddr * * prevp )
struct iguana_utxoaddr * utxoaddr ;
@ -853,6 +888,11 @@ struct iguana_utxoaddr *iguana_utxoaddrfind(int32_t createflag,struct iguana_inf
+ + coin - > utxoaddrind ;
utxoaddr - > hdrsi = hdrsi ;
utxoaddr - > pkind = pkind ;
if ( coin - > utxoaddrtable ! = 0 & & coin - > utxoaddroffsets ! = 0 )
utxoaddr - > searchedhist = 1 ;
utxoaddr - > histbalance = iguana_utxoaddrtablefind ( coin , hdrsi , pkind , rmd160 ) ;
memcpy ( utxoaddr - > rmd160 , rmd160 , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > rmd160 ) ) ;
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr - > rmd160 , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > rmd160 ) , utxoaddr ) ;
if ( prevp ! = 0 )
@ -863,11 +903,11 @@ struct iguana_utxoaddr *iguana_utxoaddrfind(int32_t createflag,struct iguana_inf
* prevp = utxoaddr ;
HASH_FIND ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , rmd160 , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > rmd160 ) , utxoaddr ) ;
if ( utxoaddr = = 0 )
int32_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , utxoaddr - > rmd160 [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " %d of %d: %p " , coin - > utxoaddrind , coin - > utxodatasize , coin - > utxoaddrs ) ;
printf ( " %d of %d: %.8f \n " , coin - > utxoaddrind , coin - > utxodatasize , dstr ( utxoaddr - > histbalance ) ) ;
if ( utxoaddr = = 0 )
printf ( " failed to find just added %d of %d \n " , coin - > utxoaddrind , coin - > utxodatasize ) ;
@ -902,7 +942,7 @@ int64_t iguana_bundle_unspents(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp
if ( ( utxoaddr = iguana_utxoaddrfind ( 1 , coin , bp - > hdrsi , pkind , P [ pkind ] . rmd160 , prevp ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("%.8f ",dstr(value));
utxoaddr - > balance + = value ;
utxoaddr - > hist balance + = value ;
else printf ( " cant find pkind.%u for unspentind.%u hdrsi.%d \n " , pkind , unspentind , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
} else printf ( " illegal pkind.%u for unspentind.%u hdrsi.%d \n " , pkind , unspentind , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
@ -938,9 +978,27 @@ static int _utxoaddr_cmp(const void *a,const void *b)
# undef item_b
void iguana_utxoaddr_purge ( struct iguana_info * coin )
struct iguana_utxoaddr * utxoaddr , * tmp ;
if ( coin - > utxoaddrs ! = 0 )
printf ( " free %s utxoaddrs \n " , coin - > symbol ) ;
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr , tmp )
if ( utxoaddr ! = 0 )
HASH_DELETE ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr ) ;
free ( utxoaddr ) ;
coin - > utxoaddrs = 0 ;
int32_t iguana_utxoaddr_map ( struct iguana_info * coin , char * fname )
uint32_t ind , total = 0 , offset , size , last = 0 , lastcount = 0 , count , prevoffset = 0 ; uint8_t * item [ 32 ] ;
uint32_t ind , total = 0 , offset , size = 0 , last = 0 , lastcount = 0 , count , prevoffset = 0 ;
if ( ( coin - > utxoaddrfileptr = OS_mapfile ( fname , & coin - > utxoaddrfilesize , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & coin - > utxoaddrfilesize > sizeof ( bits256 ) + 0x10000 * sizeof ( * coin - > utxoaddroffsets ) )
memcpy ( & coin - > histbalance , coin - > utxoaddrfileptr , sizeof ( coin - > histbalance ) ) ;
@ -956,45 +1014,37 @@ int32_t iguana_utxoaddr_map(struct iguana_info *coin,char *fname)
total + = count ;
size = ( uint32_t ) ( ( total + 1 ) * sizeof ( item ) + sizeof ( bits256 ) + 0x10000 * sizeof ( * coin - > utxoaddroffsets ) ) ;
if ( size < coin - > utxoaddrfilesize )
size = ( uint32_t ) ( ( total + 1 ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ) ;
size + = sizeof ( int64_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( uint32_t ) + sizeof ( bits256 ) ;
size + = 0x10000 * sizeof ( * coin - > utxoaddroffsets ) ;
if ( size < = coin - > utxoaddrfilesize )
lastcount = ( uint32_t ) ( coin - > utxoaddrfilesize - size ) ;
if ( ( lastcount % sizeof ( item ) ) = = 0 )
if ( ( lastcount % UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ) = = 0 )
lastcount / = sizeof ( item ) ;
lastcount / = UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ;
coin - > utxoaddrlastcount = lastcount ;
coin - > utxoaddrtable = ( void * ) & coin - > utxoaddroffsets [ 0x10000 ] ;
iguana_utxoaddr_purge ( coin ) ;
printf ( " LASTCOUNT %d vs total %d, last %d vs lastcount %d \n " , coin - > utxoaddrlastcount , total , last , lastcount ) ;
printf ( " %.8f LASTCOUNT %d vs total %d, last %d vs lastcount %d, size.%d %l d\n " , dstr ( coin - > histbalance ) , coin - > utxoaddrlastcount , total , last , lastcount , size , coin - > utxoaddrfilesize ) ;
return ( total + 1 + lastcount ) ;
int64_t iguana_utxoaddr_gen ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t maxheight )
FILE * fp ; char fname [ 1024 ] ; bits256 hash ; struct iguana_utxoaddr * utxoaddr , * tmp , * last = 0 ; uint16_t hdrsi ; uint8_t * table , item [ 32 ] ; uint32_t * counts , * offsets , pkind , offset , n ; int32_t height = 0 , j , k , ind , tablesize = 0 , retval = - 1 ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata = 0 ; int64_t value , checkbalance = 0 , balance = 0 ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s/utxoaddrs.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , maxheight ) , OS_portable_path ( fname ) ;
FILE * fp ; char fname [ 1024 ] , fname2 [ 1024 ] ; bits256 hash ; struct iguana_utxoaddr * utxoaddr , * last = 0 ; uint16_t hdrsi ; uint8_t * table , item [ UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ] ; uint32_t * counts , * offsets , pkind , offset , n ; int32_t height = 0 , j , k , ind , tablesize = 0 , retval = - 1 ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata = 0 ; int64_t value , checkbalance = 0 , balance = 0 ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s/utxoaddrs " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol ) , OS_portable_path ( fname ) ;
if ( iguana_utxoaddr_map ( coin , fname ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " HIST BALANCE %.8f \n " , dstr ( coin - > histbalance ) ) ;
printf ( " (%s) HIST BALANCE %.8f \n " , fname , dstr ( coin - > histbalance ) ) ;
if ( coin - > histbalance > 0 )
return ( coin - > histbalance ) ;
printf ( " utxoaddr_gen.%d \n " , maxheight ) ;
if ( coin - > utxoaddrs ! = 0 )
printf ( " free %s utxoaddrs \n " , coin - > symbol ) ;
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr , tmp )
if ( utxoaddr ! = 0 )
HASH_DELETE ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr ) ;
free ( utxoaddr ) ;
coin - > utxoaddrs = 0 ;
iguana_utxoaddr_purge ( coin ) ;
for ( hdrsi = 0 ; hdrsi < coin - > bundlescount - 1 ; hdrsi + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > bundleheight < maxheight & & ( rdata = bp - > ramchain . H . data ) ! = 0 )
@ -1012,22 +1062,22 @@ int64_t iguana_utxoaddr_gen(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t maxheight)
height = bp - > bundleheight + bp - > n ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s/utxoaddrs.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , height ) , OS_portable_path ( fname ) ;
sprintf ( fname2 , " %s/%s/utxoaddrs.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , height ) , OS_portable_path ( fname2 ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %d bundles for iguana_utxoaddr_gen.[%d] max.%d ht.%d \n " , hdrsi , coin - > utxoaddrind , coin - > utxodatasize , maxheight ) ;
counts = calloc ( 0x10000 , sizeof ( * counts ) ) ;
for ( utxoaddr = last ; utxoaddr ! = 0 ; utxoaddr = utxoaddr - > hh . prev )
if ( utxoaddr - > balance > 0 )
if ( utxoaddr - > hist balance > 0 )
checkbalance + = utxoaddr - > balance ;
checkbalance + = utxoaddr - > hist balance;
ind = utxoaddr - > rmd160 [ 0 ] + ( ( int32_t ) utxoaddr - > rmd160 [ 1 ] < < 8 ) ;
counts [ ind ] + + ;
} else printf ( " error neg or zero balance %.8f \n " , dstr ( utxoaddr - > balance ) ) ;
} else printf ( " error neg or zero balance %.8f \n " , dstr ( utxoaddr - > hist balance) ) ;
printf ( " checkbalance %.8f vs %.8f \n " , dstr ( checkbalance ) , dstr ( balance ) ) ;
if ( checkbalance = = balance )
table = calloc ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 , sizeof ( item ) ) ;
table = calloc ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 , UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ) ;
offsets = calloc ( 0x10000 , sizeof ( * offsets ) ) ;
offset = 1 ;
for ( ind = 0 ; ind < 0x10000 ; ind + + )
@ -1039,17 +1089,18 @@ int64_t iguana_utxoaddr_gen(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t maxheight)
for ( utxoaddr = last ; utxoaddr ! = 0 ; utxoaddr = utxoaddr - > hh . prev )
if ( utxoaddr - > balance > 0 )
if ( utxoaddr - > hist balance > 0 )
memset ( item , 0 , sizeof ( item ) ) ;
memset ( item , 0 , UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & item [ 0 ] , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > hdrsi ) , & utxoaddr - > hdrsi ) ;
memcpy ( & item [ 2 ] , & utxoaddr - > rmd160 [ 2 ] , 18 ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & item [ 20 ] , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > pkind ) , & utxoaddr - > pkind ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & item [ 24 ] , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > balance ) , & utxoaddr - > balance ) ;
pkind = utxoaddr - > pkind ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & item [ 20 ] , sizeof ( pkind ) , & pkind ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & item [ 24 ] , sizeof ( utxoaddr - > histbalance ) , & utxoaddr - > histbalance ) ;
ind = utxoaddr - > rmd160 [ 0 ] + ( ( int32_t ) utxoaddr - > rmd160 [ 1 ] < < 8 ) ;
memcpy ( & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + counts [ ind ] ) * sizeof ( item ) ] , item , sizeof ( item ) ) ;
memcpy ( & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + counts [ ind ] ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ] , item , UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ) ;
counts [ ind ] + + ;
} else printf ( " error neg or zero balance %.8f \n " , dstr ( utxoaddr - > balance ) ) ;
} else printf ( " error neg or zero balance %.8f \n " , dstr ( utxoaddr - > hist balance) ) ;
offset = 1 ;
for ( ind = 0 ; ind < 0x10000 ; ind + + )
@ -1060,52 +1111,41 @@ int64_t iguana_utxoaddr_gen(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t maxheight)
if ( counts [ ind ] > 0 )
qsort ( & table [ offsets [ ind ] * sizeof ( item ) ] , counts [ ind ] , sizeof ( item ) , _utxoaddr_cmp ) ;
qsort ( & table [ offsets [ ind ] * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ] , counts [ ind ] , UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE , _utxoaddr_cmp ) ;
continue ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < counts [ ind ] ; j + + )
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * sizeof ( item ) ] , sizeof ( hdrsi ) , & hdrsi ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * sizeof ( item ) + 20 ] , sizeof ( pkind ) , & pkind ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * sizeof ( item ) + 24 ] , sizeof ( value ) , & value ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ] , sizeof ( hdrsi ) , & hdrsi ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE + 20 ] , sizeof ( pkind ) , & pkind ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE + 24 ] , sizeof ( value ) , & value ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < 18 ; k + + )
printf ( " %02x " , table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * sizeof ( item ) + 2 + k ] ) ;
printf ( " %02x " , table [ ( offsets [ ind ] + j ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE + 2 + k ] ) ;
printf ( " [%4d] p%-5d %12.8f ind.%04x %d \n " , hdrsi , pkind , dstr ( value ) , ind , j ) ;
} else printf ( " table has %d vs %d \n " , offset , coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) ;
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname2 , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
fwrite ( & balance , 1 , sizeof ( balance ) , fp ) ;
fwrite ( & counts [ 0xffff ] , 1 , sizeof ( counts [ 0xffff ] ) , fp ) ;
fwrite ( & coin - > utxoaddrind , 1 , sizeof ( coin - > utxoaddrind ) , fp ) ;
vcalc_sha256cat ( hash . bytes , ( void * ) offsets , ( int32_t ) ( 0x10000 * sizeof ( * offsets ) ) , table , ( int32_t ) ( ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) * sizeof ( item ) ) ) ;
vcalc_sha256cat ( hash . bytes , ( void * ) offsets , ( int32_t ) ( 0x10000 * sizeof ( * offsets ) ) , table , ( int32_t ) ( ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE ) ) ;
if ( fwrite ( hash . bytes , 1 , sizeof ( hash ) , fp ) = = sizeof ( hash ) )
if ( fwrite ( offsets , 1 , 0x10000 * sizeof ( * offsets ) , fp ) = = 0x10000 * sizeof ( * offsets ) )
if ( fwrite ( table , 1 , ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) * sizeof ( item ) , fp ) ! = ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) * sizeof ( item ) )
printf ( " error writing %s table \n " , fname ) ;
if ( fwrite ( table , 1 , ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE , fp ) ! = ( coin - > utxoaddrind + 1 ) * UTXOADDR_ITEMSIZE )
printf ( " error writing %s table \n " , fname2 ) ;
else retval = 0 ;
} else printf ( " error writing %s offsets \n " , fname ) ;
} else printf ( " error writing %s hash \n " , fname ) ;
} else printf ( " error writing %s offsets \n " , fname2 ) ;
} else printf ( " error writing %s hash \n " , fname2 ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
} else printf ( " error creating %s \n " , fname ) ;
if ( OS_copyfile ( fname2 , fname , 1 ) < 0 )
printf ( " error copying file \n " ) ;
} else printf ( " error creating %s \n " , fname2 ) ;
free ( offsets ) ;
free ( table ) ;
if ( 0 & & coin - > utxoaddrs ! = 0 )
printf ( " free %s utxoaddrs \n " , coin - > symbol ) ;
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr , tmp )
if ( utxoaddr ! = 0 )
HASH_DELETE ( hh , coin - > utxoaddrs , utxoaddr ) ;
free ( utxoaddr ) ;
coin - > utxoaddrs = 0 ;
if ( iguana_utxoaddr_map ( coin , fname ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " HIST BALANCE %.8f \n " , dstr ( coin - > histbalance ) ) ;