@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ int32_t LP_nearest_utxovalue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct LP_a
//printf("nearest i.%d target %.8f val %.8f dist %.8f mindist %.8f mini.%d spent.%d\n",i,dstr(targetval),dstr(up->U.value),dstr(dist),dstr(mindist),mini,up->spendheight);
if ( up - > spendheight < = 0 )
if ( dist > = 0 & & dist < mindist ) //(coin->electrum == 0 || up->SPV > 0) &&
if ( dist > = 0 & & dist < mindist )
//printf("(%.8f %.8f %.8f).%d ",dstr(up->U.value),dstr(dist),dstr(mindist),mini);
mini = i ;
@ -303,6 +303,55 @@ int32_t LP_nearest_utxovalue(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,struct LP_a
return ( mini ) ;
void LP_butxo_set ( struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct LP_address_utxo * up , struct LP_address_utxo * up2 , int64_t satoshis )
butxo - > pubkey = G . LP_mypub25519 ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coin , coin - > symbol , sizeof ( butxo - > coin ) ) ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr , sizeof ( butxo - > coinaddr ) ) ;
butxo - > payment . txid = up - > U . txid ;
butxo - > payment . vout = up - > U . vout ;
butxo - > payment . value = up - > U . value ;
butxo - > iambob = 1 ;
butxo - > deposit . txid = up2 - > U . txid ;
butxo - > deposit . vout = up2 - > U . vout ;
butxo - > deposit . value = up2 - > U . value ;
butxo - > S . satoshis = satoshis ;
void LP_abutxo_set ( struct LP_utxoinfo * autxo , struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp )
if ( butxo ! = 0 )
memset ( butxo , 0 , sizeof ( * butxo ) ) ;
butxo - > pubkey = qp - > srchash ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coin , qp - > srccoin , sizeof ( butxo - > coin ) ) ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coinaddr , qp - > coinaddr , sizeof ( butxo - > coinaddr ) ) ;
butxo - > payment . txid = qp - > txid ;
butxo - > payment . vout = qp - > vout ;
//butxo->payment.value = qp->value;
butxo - > iambob = 1 ;
butxo - > deposit . txid = qp - > txid2 ;
butxo - > deposit . vout = qp - > vout2 ;
//butxo->deposit.value = up2->U.value;
butxo - > S . satoshis = qp - > satoshis ;
if ( autxo ! = 0 )
memset ( autxo , 0 , sizeof ( * autxo ) ) ;
autxo - > pubkey = qp - > desthash ;
safecopy ( autxo - > coin , qp - > destcoin , sizeof ( autxo - > coin ) ) ;
safecopy ( autxo - > coinaddr , qp - > destaddr , sizeof ( autxo - > coinaddr ) ) ;
autxo - > payment . txid = qp - > desttxid ;
autxo - > payment . vout = qp - > destvout ;
//autxo->payment.value = qp->value;
autxo - > iambob = 0 ;
autxo - > fee . txid = qp - > feetxid ;
autxo - > fee . vout = qp - > feevout ;
//autxo->deposit.value = up2->U.value;
autxo - > S . satoshis = qp - > destsatoshis ;
uint64_t LP_basesatoshis ( double relvolume , double price , uint64_t txfee , uint64_t desttxfee )
//printf("basesatoshis %.8f (rel %.8f / price %.8f)\n",dstr(SATOSHIDEN * ((relvolume) / price) + 2*txfee),relvolume,price);
@ -311,9 +360,10 @@ uint64_t LP_basesatoshis(double relvolume,double price,uint64_t txfee,uint64_t d
else return ( 0 ) ;
struct LP_utxoinfo * LP_address_utxopair ( int32_t iambob , struct LP_address_utxo * * utxos , int32_t max , struct iguana_info * coin , char * coinaddr , uint64_t txfee , double relvolume , double price , uint64_t desttxfee )
struct LP_utxoinfo * LP_address_my utxopair ( struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , int32_t iambob , struct LP_address_utxo * * utxos , int32_t max , struct iguana_info * coin , char * coinaddr , uint64_t txfee , double relvolume , double price , uint64_t desttxfee )
struct LP_address * ap ; uint64_t targetval , targetval2 ; int32_t m , mini ; struct LP_address_utxo * up , * up2 ; struct LP_utxoinfo * utxo = 0 ; //,*utmp;
struct LP_address * ap ; uint64_t targetval , targetval2 ; int32_t m , mini ; struct LP_address_utxo * up , * up2 ;
memset ( butxo , 0 , sizeof ( * butxo ) ) ;
targetval = LP_basesatoshis ( relvolume , price , txfee , desttxfee ) ;
targetval2 = ( targetval / 8 ) * 9 + 2 * txfee ;
if ( coin ! = 0 & & ( ap = LP_addressfind ( coin , coinaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
@ -340,12 +390,13 @@ struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_address_utxopair(int32_t iambob,struct LP_address_utxo **
if ( up ! = 0 & & ( up2 = utxos [ mini ] ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( utxo = LP_utxoadd ( 1 , coin - > symbol , up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout , up - > U . value , up2 - > U . txid , up2 - > U . vout , up2 - > U . value , coinaddr , ap - > pubkey , G . gui , 0 , targetval ) ) ! = 0 )
/*if ( (utxo= LP_utxoadd(1,coin->symbol,up->U.txid,up->U.vout,up->U.value,up2->U.txid,up2->U.vout,up2->U.value,coinaddr,ap->pubkey,G.gui,0,targetval)) != 0 )
utxo - > S . satoshis = targetval ;
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " butxo.%p targetval %.8f, found val %.8f %s | targetval2 %.8f val2 %.8f %s \n " , utxo , dstr ( targetval ) , dstr ( up - > U . value ) , bits256_str ( str , utxo - > payment . txid ) , dstr ( targetval2 ) , dstr ( up2 - > U . value ) , bits256_str ( str2 , utxo - > deposit . txid ) ) ;
return ( utxo ) ;
return ( butxo ) ;
} */
LP_butxo_set ( butxo , coin , up , up2 , targetval ) ;
} //else printf("cant find targetval2 %.8f\n",dstr(targetval2));
} //else printf("failed ratio test %.8f\n",(double)up->U.value/targetval);
@ -353,64 +404,21 @@ struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_address_utxopair(int32_t iambob,struct LP_address_utxo **
printf ( " targetval %.8f mini.%d \n " , dstr ( targetval ) , mini ) ;
} //else printf("no %s utxos pass LP_address_utxo_ptrs filter\n",coinaddr);
} else printf ( " couldnt find %s %s \n " , coin - > symbol , coinaddr ) ;
if ( LP_isavailable ( utxo ) ! = 0 & & utxo - > payment . value > = targetval & & targetval > = utxo - > payment . value / 2 & & utxo - > deposit . value > = targetval2 )
utxo - > S . satoshis = targetval ;
printf ( " backup method found utxo! \n " ) ;
return ( utxo ) ;
} */
return ( 0 ) ;
void LP_abutxo_set ( struct LP_utxoinfo * autxo , struct LP_utxoinfo * butxo , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp )
if ( butxo ! = 0 )
memset ( butxo , 0 , sizeof ( * butxo ) ) ;
butxo - > pubkey = qp - > srchash ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coin , qp - > srccoin , sizeof ( butxo - > coin ) ) ;
safecopy ( butxo - > coinaddr , qp - > coinaddr , sizeof ( butxo - > coinaddr ) ) ;
butxo - > payment . txid = qp - > txid ;
butxo - > payment . vout = qp - > vout ;
//butxo->payment.value = qp->value;
butxo - > iambob = 1 ;
butxo - > deposit . txid = qp - > txid2 ;
butxo - > deposit . vout = qp - > vout2 ;
//butxo->deposit.value = up2->U.value;
butxo - > S . satoshis = qp - > satoshis ;
if ( autxo ! = 0 )
memset ( autxo , 0 , sizeof ( * autxo ) ) ;
autxo - > pubkey = qp - > desthash ;
safecopy ( autxo - > coin , qp - > destcoin , sizeof ( autxo - > coin ) ) ;
safecopy ( autxo - > coinaddr , qp - > destaddr , sizeof ( autxo - > coinaddr ) ) ;
autxo - > payment . txid = qp - > desttxid ;
autxo - > payment . vout = qp - > destvout ;
//autxo->payment.value = qp->value;
autxo - > iambob = 0 ;
autxo - > fee . txid = qp - > feetxid ;
autxo - > fee . vout = qp - > feevout ;
//autxo->deposit.value = up2->U.value;
autxo - > S . satoshis = qp - > destsatoshis ;
int32_t LP_connectstartbob ( void * ctx , int32_t pubsock , struct LP_utxoinfo * utxo , cJSON * argjson , char * base , char * rel , double price , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp )
int32_t LP_connectstartbob ( void * ctx , int32_t pubsock , cJSON * argjson , char * base , char * rel , double price , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp )
char pairstr [ 512 ] ; cJSON * retjson ; bits256 privkey ; int32_t pair = - 1 , retval = - 1 , DEXselector = 0 ; struct basilisk_swap * swap ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
printf ( " LP_connectstartbob.(%s) with.(%s) %s \n " , LP_myipaddr , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) , LP_myipaddr ) ;
qp - > quotetime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( utxo - > coin ) ) = = 0 )
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( qp - > srccoin ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find coin.%s \n " , utxo - > coin ) ;
printf ( " cant find coin.%s \n " , qp - > srccoin ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
privkey = LP_privkey ( utxo - > coin addr, coin - > taddr ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( privkey ) ! = 0 & & bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , qp - > srchash ) = = 0 ) //qp->quotetime >= qp->timestamp-3 && qp->quotetime <= utxo->T.swappending &&
privkey = LP_privkey ( coin - > smartaddr , coin - > taddr ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( privkey ) ! = 0 & & bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , qp - > srchash ) = = 0 )
LP_requestinit ( & qp - > R , qp - > srchash , qp - > desthash , base , qp - > satoshis - qp - > txfee , rel , qp - > destsatoshis - qp - > desttxfee , qp - > timestamp , qp - > quotetime , DEXselector ) ;
if ( ( swap = LP_swapinit ( 1 , 0 , privkey , & qp - > R , qp ) ) = = 0 )
@ -421,45 +429,37 @@ int32_t LP_connectstartbob(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo,cJ
if ( ( pair = LP_nanobind ( ctx , pairstr ) ) > = 0 )
swap - > N . pair = pair ;
utxo - > S . swap = swap ;
swap - > utxo = utxo ;
//utxo->S.swap = swap;
//swap->utxo = utxo;
if ( OS_thread_create ( malloc ( sizeof ( pthread_t ) ) , NULL , ( void * ) LP_bobloop , ( void * ) swap ) = = 0 )
retjson = LP_quotejson ( qp ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " method " , " connected " ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " pair " , pairstr ) ;
// LP_addsig
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " BOB pubsock.%d binds to %d (%s) \n " , pubsock , pair , bits256_str ( str , utxo - > S . otherpubkey ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , base , rel , utxo - > S . otherpubkey , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " BOB pubsock.%d binds to %d (%s) \n " , pubsock , pair , bits256_str ( str , qp - > desthash ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , base , rel , qp - > desthash , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
bits256 zero ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , base , rel , zero , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
retval = 0 ;
} else printf ( " error launching swaploop \n " ) ;
} else printf ( " couldnt bind to any port %s \n " , pairstr ) ;
printf ( " dest %.8f vs required %.8f (%d %d %d %d %d) \n " , dstr ( qp - > destsatoshis ) , dstr ( price * ( utxo - > S . satoshis - qp - > txfee ) ) , bits256_nonz ( privkey ) ! = 0 , qp - > timestamp = = utxo - > T . swappending - LP_RESERVETIME , qp - > quotetime > = qp - > timestamp - 3 , qp - > quotetime < utxo - > T . swappending , bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , qp - > srchash ) = = 0 ) ;
if ( retval < 0 )
if ( pair > = 0 )
nn_close ( pair ) ;
LP_availableset ( utxo ) ;
} else LP_unavailableset ( utxo , utxo - > S . otherpubkey ) ;
LP_availableset ( qp - > txid , qp - > vout ) ;
LP_availableset ( qp - > txid2 , qp - > vout2 ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
char * LP_trade ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t mypubsock , struct LP_quoteinfo * qp , double maxprice , int32_t timeout , int32_t duration , uint32_t tradeid , bits256 destpubkey )
struct LP_utxoinfo * aliceutxo ; double price ; //cJSON *bestitem=0; int32_t DEXselector=0; uint32_t expiration; double price; struct LP_pubkeyinfo *pubp; struct basilisk_swap *swap;
struct LP_utxoinfo * aliceutxo ; double price ;
if ( ( aliceutxo = LP_utxopairfind ( 0 , qp - > desttxid , qp - > destvout , qp - > feetxid , qp - > feevout ) ) = = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " dest.(%s)/v%d fee.(%s)/v%d \n " , bits256_str ( str , qp - > desttxid ) , qp - > destvout , bits256_str ( str2 , qp - > feetxid ) , qp - > feevout ) ;
@ -491,15 +491,20 @@ int32_t LP_quotecmp(struct LP_quoteinfo *qp,struct LP_quoteinfo *qp2)
else return ( - 1 ) ;
void LP_alicequery_clear ( )
memset ( & LP_Alicequery , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicequery ) ) ;
memset ( & LP_Alicedestpubkey , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicedestpubkey ) ) ;
LP_Alicemaxprice = 0. ;
Alice_expiration = 0 ;
int32_t LP_alice_eligible ( )
if ( Alice_expiration ! = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > Alice_expiration )
printf ( " time expired for Alice_request \n " ) ;
memset ( & LP_Alicequery , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicequery ) ) ;
memset ( & LP_Alicedestpubkey , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicedestpubkey ) ) ;
LP_Alicemaxprice = 0. ;
Alice_expiration = 0 ;
LP_alicequery_clear ( ) ;
return ( Alice_expiration = = 0 | | time ( NULL ) < Alice_expiration ) ;
@ -513,10 +518,7 @@ void LP_reserved(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,struct LP_quoteinfo
if ( LP_pricevalid ( price ) > 0 & & maxprice > SMALLVAL & & price < = maxprice * 1.005 )
qp - > tradeid = LP_Alicequery . tradeid ;
memset ( & LP_Alicequery , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicequery ) ) ;
memset ( & LP_Alicedestpubkey , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicedestpubkey ) ) ;
LP_Alicemaxprice = 0. ;
Alice_expiration = 0 ;
LP_alicequery_clear ( ) ;
printf ( " send CONNECT \n " ) ;
LP_query ( ctx , myipaddr , mypubsock , " connect " , qp ) ;
} else printf ( " LP_reserved price %.8f vs maxprice %.8f \n " , price , maxprice * 1.005 ) ;
@ -543,19 +545,20 @@ char *LP_connectedalice(cJSON *argjson) // alice
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " error2 " , 0 , 0 ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find autxo \" } " ) ) ;
if ( autxo - > S . swap ! = 0 )
/*if ( autxo->S.swap != 0 )
printf ( " ignore duplicate swap \n " ) ;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " error3 " , 0 , 0 ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" ignore duplicate swap \" } " ) ) ;
} */
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " connected " , Q . R . requestid , Q . R . quoteid ) ;
butxo = & B ;
memset ( butxo , 0 , sizeof ( * butxo ) ) ;
LP_abutxo_set ( 0 , butxo , & Q ) ;
if ( ( qprice = LP_quote_validate ( autxo , butxo , & Q , 0 ) ) < = SMALLVAL )
LP_availableset ( autxo ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . desttxid , Q . vout ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . feetxid , Q . feevout ) ;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " error4 " , 0 , 0 ) ;
printf ( " quote validate error %.0f \n " , qprice ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" quote validation error \" } " ) ) ;
@ -563,7 +566,8 @@ char *LP_connectedalice(cJSON *argjson) // alice
if ( LP_myprice ( & bid , & ask , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin ) < = SMALLVAL | | bid < = SMALLVAL )
printf ( " this node has no price for %s/%s (%.8f %.8f) \n " , Q . destcoin , Q . srccoin , bid , ask ) ;
LP_availableset ( autxo ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . desttxid , Q . vout ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . feetxid , Q . feevout ) ;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " error5 " , 0 , 0 ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no price set \" } " ) ) ;
@ -582,7 +586,8 @@ char *LP_connectedalice(cJSON *argjson) // alice
if ( ( swap = LP_swapinit ( 0 , 0 , Q . privkey , & Q . R , & Q ) ) = = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " couldnt swapinit " ) ;
LP_availableset ( autxo ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . desttxid , Q . vout ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . feetxid , Q . feevout ) ;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " error7 " , Q . R . requestid , Q . R . quoteid ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
@ -598,8 +603,8 @@ char *LP_connectedalice(cJSON *argjson) // alice
swap - > tradeid = Q . tradeid ;
swap - > N . pair = pairsock ;
autxo - > S . swap = swap ;
swap - > utxo = autxo ;
//autxo->S.swap = swap;
//swap->utxo = autxo;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " started " , Q . R . requestid , Q . R . quoteid ) ;
printf ( " alice pairstr.(%s) pairsock.%d \n " , pairstr , pairsock ) ;
if ( OS_thread_create ( malloc ( sizeof ( pthread_t ) ) , NULL , ( void * ) LP_aliceloop , ( void * ) swap ) = = 0 )
@ -622,12 +627,16 @@ char *LP_connectedalice(cJSON *argjson) // alice
printf ( " connected result.(%s) \n " , jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ) ;
if ( jobj ( retjson , " error " ) ! = 0 )
LP_availableset ( autxo ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . desttxid , Q . vout ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . feetxid , Q . feevout ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
LP_availableset ( autxo ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . desttxid , Q . vout ) ;
LP_availableset ( Q . feetxid , Q . feevout ) ;
LP_aliceid ( Q . tradeid , Q . aliceid , " error11 " , 0 , 0 ) ;
printf ( " no privkey found coin.%s %s taddr.%u \n " , Q . destcoin , Q . destaddr , coin - > taddr ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" , \" no privkey \" } " ) ) ;
@ -636,7 +645,7 @@ char *LP_connectedalice(cJSON *argjson) // alice
int32_t LP_listunspent_both ( char * symbol , char * coinaddr , int32_t fullflag )
int32_t i , v , numconfs , height , n = 0 ; uint64_t value ; bits256 txid ; char buf [ 512 ] ; cJSON * array , * item ; struct iguana_info * coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ;
int32_t i , v , numconfs , height , n = 0 ; uint64_t value ; bits256 txid ; char buf [ 512 ] ; cJSON * array , * item ; uint32_t now ; struct iguana_info * coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ;
if ( coin ! = 0 ) //&& (IAMLP != 0 || coin->inactive == 0) )
if ( coin - > electrum ! = 0 | | LP_address_ismine ( symbol , coinaddr ) < = 0 )
@ -657,6 +666,7 @@ int32_t LP_listunspent_both(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,int32_t fullflag)
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ) > 0 )
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( array , i ) ;
@ -665,7 +675,7 @@ int32_t LP_listunspent_both(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,int32_t fullflag)
value = LP_value_extract ( item , 0 ) ;
height = LP_txheight ( coin , txid ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("LP_listunspent_both: %s/v%d ht.%d %.8f\n",bits256_str(str,txid),v,height,dstr(value));
LP_address_utxoadd ( " LP_listunspent_both " , coin , coinaddr , txid , v , value , height , - 1 ) ;
LP_address_utxoadd ( now , " LP_listunspent_both " , coin , coinaddr , txid , v , value , height , - 1 ) ;
@ -713,7 +723,7 @@ int32_t LP_validSPV(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout)
int32_t LP_tradecommand ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t pubsock , cJSON * argjson , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
char * method , * msg , * retstr , str [ 65 ] ; int32_t DEXselector = 0 ; uint64_t aliceid , value , value2 ; cJSON * retjson ; double qprice , range , bestprice , price , bid , ask ; struct LP_utxoinfo A , B , * autxo , * butxo ; struct iguana_info * coin ; struct LP_address_utxo * utxos [ 1000 ] ; struct LP_quoteinfo Q ; int32_t r , counter , retval = - 1 , recalc , max = ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( utxos ) / sizeof ( * utxos ) ) ;
char * method , * msg , * retstr , str [ 65 ] ; int32_t DEXselector = 0 ; uint64_t aliceid ; cJSON * retjson ; double qprice , range , bestprice , price , bid , ask ; struct LP_utxoinfo A , B , * autxo , * butxo ; struct iguana_info * coin ; struct LP_address_utxo * utxos [ 1000 ] ; struct LP_quoteinfo Q ; int32_t r , counter , retval = - 1 , max = ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( utxos ) / sizeof ( * utxos ) ) ;
if ( ( method = jstr ( argjson , " method " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( strcmp ( method , " reserved " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( method , " connected " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( method , " request " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( method , " connect " ) = = 0 ) )
// LP_checksig
@ -819,9 +829,19 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
if ( strcmp ( method , " request " ) = = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ; //,str2[65];
recalc = 0 ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( Q . srchash ) = = 0 | | bits256_cmp ( Q . srchash , G . LP_mypub25519 ) ! = 0 | | strcmp ( butxo - > coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ! = 0 | | bits256_nonz ( butxo - > payment . txid ) = = 0 | | bits256_nonz ( butxo - > deposit . txid ) = = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( Q . srchash ) = = 0 | | bits256_cmp ( Q . srchash , G . LP_mypub25519 ) = = 0 )
qprice = ( double ) Q . destsatoshis / Q . satoshis ;
strcpy ( Q . gui , G . gui ) ;
strcpy ( Q . coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
strcpy ( butxo - > coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
Q . srchash = G . LP_mypub25519 ;
memset ( & Q . txid , 0 , sizeof ( Q . txid ) ) ;
memset ( & Q . txid2 , 0 , sizeof ( Q . txid2 ) ) ;
Q . vout = Q . vout2 = - 1 ;
} else return ( retval ) ;
/*if ( bits256_nonz(Q.srchash) == 0 || bits256_cmp(Q.srchash,G.LP_mypub25519) == 0 || strcmp(butxo->coinaddr,coin->smartaddr) != 0 || bits256_nonz(butxo->payment.txid) == 0 || bits256_nonz(butxo->deposit.txid) == 0 )
qprice = ( double ) Q . destsatoshis / Q . satoshis ;
strcpy ( Q . gui , G . gui ) ;
@ -855,7 +875,7 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
else if ( bits256_cmp ( Q . txid , butxo - > payment . txid ) ! = 0 | | Q . vout ! = butxo - > payment . vout | | bits256_cmp ( Q . txid2 , butxo - > deposit . txid ) ! = 0 | | Q . vout2 ! = butxo - > deposit . vout )
recalc = 1 ;
} else return ( retval ) ;
} else return ( retval ) ; */
if ( qprice > price )
r = ( rand ( ) % 100 ) ;
@ -863,45 +883,33 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
price + = ( r * range ) / 100. ;
bestprice = LP_bob_competition ( & counter , aliceid , price , 0 ) ;
printf ( " >>>>>>>>>>>>> price %.8f qprice %.8f r.%d range %.8f -> %.8f, bestprice %.8f counter.%d \n " , ask , qprice , r , range , price , bestprice , counter ) ;
if ( counter > 5 | | price > bestprice * 1.1 )
if ( counter > 5 | | price > bestprice * 1.1 ) // skip if late or bad price
return ( retval ) ;
} else return ( retval ) ;
//printf("recalc.%d address.(%s/%s) price %.8f request.(%s)\n",recalc,Q.coinaddr,coin->smartaddr,price,jprint(argjson,0));
if ( recalc ! = 0 )
LP_RTmetrics_update ( Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin ) ;
if ( LP_RTmetrics_blacklisted ( Q . desthash ) > = 0 )
LP_RTmetrics_update ( Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin ) ;
if ( LP_RTmetrics_blacklisted ( Q . desthash ) > = 0 )
printf ( " request from blacklisted %s, ignore \n " , bits256_str ( str , Q . desthash ) ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
LP_listunspent_both ( Q . srccoin , Q . coinaddr , 0 ) ;
if ( ( butxo = LP_address_utxopair ( 1 , utxos , max , LP_coinfind ( Q . srccoin ) , Q . coinaddr , Q . txfee , dstr ( Q . destsatoshis ) , price , Q . desttxfee ) ) ! = 0 )
strcpy ( Q . gui , G . gui ) ;
strcpy ( Q . coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
Q . srchash = G . LP_mypub25519 ;
Q . txid = butxo - > payment . txid ;
Q . vout = butxo - > payment . vout ;
Q . txid2 = butxo - > deposit . txid ;
Q . vout2 = butxo - > deposit . vout ;
Q . satoshis = butxo - > S . satoshis ;
printf ( " found %.8f -> %.8f newprice %.8f vs ask %.8f += %.8f qprice %.8f \n " , dstr ( Q . satoshis ) , dstr ( Q . destsatoshis ) , ( double ) Q . destsatoshis / Q . satoshis , ask , price , qprice ) ;
//printf("set butxo.%p %s/v%d %s/v%d %.8f %.8f -> bsat %.8f asat %.8f\n",butxo,bits256_str(str,butxo->payment.txid),butxo->payment.vout,bits256_str(str2,butxo->deposit.txid),butxo->deposit.vout,dstr(butxo->payment.value),dstr(butxo->deposit.value),dstr(butxo->S.satoshis),dstr(autxo->S.satoshis));
printf ( " cant find utxopair %s/%s \n " , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
printf ( " request from blacklisted %s, ignore \n " , bits256_str ( str , Q . desthash ) ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
else // "connect"
if ( bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . srchash ) = = 0 & & bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . desthash ) ! = 0 )
LP_address_utxo_reset ( coin ) ;
if ( ( butxo = LP_address_myutxopair ( butxo , 1 , utxos , max , LP_coinfind ( Q . srccoin ) , Q . coinaddr , Q . txfee , dstr ( Q . destsatoshis ) , price , Q . desttxfee ) ) ! = 0 )
butxo = LP_utxopairfind ( 1 , Q . txid , Q . vout , Q . txid2 , Q . vout2 ) ; // better work!
} else return ( retval ) ;
strcpy ( Q . gui , G . gui ) ;
strcpy ( Q . coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
Q . srchash = G . LP_mypub25519 ;
Q . txid = butxo - > payment . txid ;
Q . vout = butxo - > payment . vout ;
Q . txid2 = butxo - > deposit . txid ;
Q . vout2 = butxo - > deposit . vout ;
Q . satoshis = butxo - > S . satoshis ;
printf ( " found %.8f -> %.8f newprice %.8f vs ask %.8f += %.8f qprice %.8f \n " , dstr ( Q . satoshis ) , dstr ( Q . destsatoshis ) , ( double ) Q . destsatoshis / Q . satoshis , ask , price , qprice ) ;
printf ( " cant find utxopair aliceid.%llu %s/%s \n " , ( long long ) aliceid , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
if ( strcmp ( Q . coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ! = 0 )
@ -923,55 +931,46 @@ int32_t LP_tradecommand(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,
printf ( " (%.8f %.8f) quote price %.8f too low vs %.8f for %s/%s %.8f < %.8f \n " , bid , ask , qprice , price , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , qprice , ( ask - 0.00000001 ) * 0.998 ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " butxo.%p (%s %s) TRADECOMMAND.(%s) \n " , butxo , butxo ! = 0 ? bits256_str ( str , butxo - > payment . txid ) : " " , butxo ! = 0 ? bits256_str ( str2 , butxo - > deposit . txid ) : " " , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
if ( butxo - > S . swap = = 0 & & time ( NULL ) > butxo - > T . swappending )
butxo - > T . swappending = 0 ;
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " (%s/v%d %s/v%d) TRADECOMMAND.(%s) \n " , bits256_str ( str , Q . txid ) , Q . vout , bits256_str ( str2 , Q . txid2 ) , Q . vout2 , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( method , " request " ) = = 0 ) // bob needs apayment + fee tx's
if ( LP_isavailable ( butxo ) > 0 )
if ( LP_allocated ( Q . txid , Q . vout ) = = 0 & & LP_allocated ( Q . txid2 , Q . vout2 ) = = 0 )
autxo - > T . swappending = butxo - > T . swappending = Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME ;
retjson = LP_quotejson ( & Q ) ;
butxo - > S . otherpubkey = jbits256 ( argjson , " desthash " ) ;
LP_unavailableset ( butxo , butxo - > S . otherpubkey ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " quotetime " , juint ( argjson , " quotetime " ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " pending " , butxo - > T . swappending ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " desthash " , butxo - > S . otherpubkey ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubkey " , butxo - > S . otherpubkey ) ;
LP_unavailableset ( Q . txid , Q . vout , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , Q . desthash ) ;
LP_unavailableset ( Q . txid2 , Q . vout2 , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , Q . desthash ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " quotetime " , Q . quotetime ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " pending " , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " desthash " , Q . desthash ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " method " , " reserved " ) ;
msg = jprint ( retjson , 0 ) ;
butxo - > T . lasttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
printf ( " return after queued RESERVED: set swappending.%u accept qprice %.8f, min %.8f \n (%s) \n " , butxo - > T . swappending , qprice , ask , msg ) ;
// LP_addsig
//msg2 = clonestr(msg);
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , butxo - > S . otherpubkey , clonestr ( msg ) ) ;
printf ( " return after queued RESERVED: set swappending.%u accept qprice %.8f, min %.8f \n (%s) \n " , Q . timestamp + LP_RESERVETIME , qprice , ask , msg ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , Q . desthash , clonestr ( msg ) ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
bits256 zero ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
LP_reserved_msg ( 1 , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , zero , msg ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
butxo - > T . lasttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
} else printf ( " warning swappending.%u swap.%p \n " , butxo - > T . swappending , butxo - > S . swap ) ;
} else printf ( " request processing selected ineligible utxos? \n " ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method , " connect " ) = = 0 ) // bob
retval = 4 ;
if ( butxo - > S . swap = = 0 & & butxo - > T . swappending ! = 0 )
if ( bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . srchash ) ! = 0 | | bits256_cmp ( G . LP_mypub25519 , Q . desthash ) = = 0 )
return ( retval ) ;
else if ( LP_reservation_check ( Q . txid , Q . vout , Q . desthash ) = = 0 & & LP_reservation_check ( Q . txid2 , Q . vout2 , Q . desthash ) = = 0 )
// validate SPV alice
LP_connectstartbob ( ctx , pubsock , butxo , argjson , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , qprice , & Q ) ;
LP_connectstartbob ( ctx , pubsock , argjson , Q . srccoin , Q . destcoin , qprice , & Q ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
else printf ( " pend.%u swap %p when connect came in (%s) \ n " ,butxo->T.swappending,butxo->S.swap,jprint(argjson,0)) ;
} else printf ( " connect message from non-reserved (%s) \n " , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
# ifdef oldway
struct LP_utxoinfo * LP_ordermatch_iter ( struct LP_address_utxo * * utxos , int32_t max , double * ordermatchpricep , int64_t * bestsatoshisp , int64_t * bestdestsatoshisp , struct iguana_info * basecoin , char * coinaddr , uint64_t asatoshis , double price , uint64_t txfee , uint64_t desttxfee , bits256 pubkey , char * gui )
uint64_t basesatoshis ; struct LP_utxoinfo * bestutxo ;
@ -1076,10 +1075,11 @@ struct LP_utxoinfo *LP_buyutxo(double *ordermatchpricep,int64_t *bestsatoshisp,i
LP_mypriceset ( & changed , autxo - > coin , base , 1. / * ordermatchpricep ) ;
return ( bestutxo ) ;
# endif
char * LP_autobuy ( void * ctx , char * myipaddr , int32_t mypubsock , char * base , char * rel , double maxprice , double relvolume , int32_t timeout , int32_t duration , char * gui , uint32_t nonce , bits256 destpubkey , uint32_t tradeid )
uint64_t desttxfee , txfee ; uint32_t lastnonce ; int32_t i , maxiters , numpubs = 0 ; int 64_t bestsatoshis = 0 , destsatoshis , bestdestsatoshis = 0 ; struct iguana_info * basecoin , * relcoin ; struct LP_utxoinfo * autxo , B , * bestutxo = 0 ; double qprice , ordermatchprice = 0. ; struct LP_quoteinfo Q ; bits256 pubkeys [ 100 ] ;
uint64_t desttxfee , txfee ; uint32_t lastnonce ; int64_t bestsatoshis = 0 , destsatoshis ; struct iguana_info * basecoin , * relcoin ; struct LP_utxoinfo * autxo , B ; struct LP_quoteinfo Q ; bits256 pubkeys [ 100 ] ;
basecoin = LP_coinfind ( base ) ;
relcoin = LP_coinfind ( rel ) ;
if ( gui = = 0 )
@ -1111,12 +1111,7 @@ char *LP_autobuy(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel
if ( time ( NULL ) < Alice_expiration )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" only one pending request at a time \" } " ) ) ;
Alice_expiration = 0 ;
memset ( & LP_Alicequery , 0 , sizeof ( LP_Alicequery ) ) ;
LP_Alicemaxprice = 0. ;
else LP_alicequery_clear ( ) ;
if ( maxprice < = 0. | | relvolume < = 0. | | LP_priceinfofind ( base ) = = 0 | | LP_priceinfofind ( rel ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" invalid parameter \" } " ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( " BTC " , rel ) = = 0 )
@ -1155,7 +1150,7 @@ char *LP_autobuy(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel
int32_t changed ;
LP_mypriceset ( & changed , autxo - > coin , base , 1. / maxprice ) ;
return ( LP_trade ( ctx , myipaddr , mypubsock , & Q , maxprice , timeout , duration , tradeid , destpubkey ) ) ;
# ifdef oldway
LP_RTmetrics_update ( base , rel ) ;
while ( 1 )
@ -1197,6 +1192,7 @@ char *LP_autobuy(void *ctx,char *myipaddr,int32_t mypubsock,char *base,char *rel
return ( LP_trade ( ctx , myipaddr , mypubsock , & Q , maxprice , timeout , duration , tradeid , destpubkey ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant get here \" } " ) ) ;
# endif